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I must add, though, that things like this do cause a slippery-slope effect. The only reason it really works is that it has a chance to fail...both Rhaine and Sae have to be present.


I need to warn, however, that we cannot fall into the trap of having a miracle solution for everything. Takes the fun right out of it. :thumbsup:

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Right... I'm just going to pretend that I understood what you said. :laugh: Just kidding. :laugh: But if there won't be any other Gods gifts expect for advices then I'm fine with it. :thumbsup:

Not planning on it, so for now on, Rillifane will grant advice only. Oh and for what Cal looked like being cured of the poison... 1:32 of this clip

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Just for the info, in mine and Baldur's latest posts, he did have permission to take minor control my char, and vice versa, just for better story flow and cutting down on the number of responses. :) Didn't want to have too many little "he did/she did" posts cluttering up the page. :P
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I'm really sorry, guys, but it's taking a lot out of me to keep up with two fast-moving RPs and to talk to as many people as I do at the same time... I haven't been posting much because of it. I can't really ever think of much to add in this one because I'm less familiar with everything. In fact, in the other one, I'm pretty much just saying enough to get me by... It is much more work than I thought it would be and it's so stressful keeping up with everything @_@ Like, I shouldn't worry about it but I do until the point that I have trouble sleeping at night because I worry about how far ahead the RPs move when I'm offline... *sighs and falls over* x.x I'll post when I can but as of lately, I just cannot think of anything to add to this RP... Everything is too alien right now for me to feel comfortable with posting even one word.


You may all think I'm just bad at multitasking or something, but my thoughts literally revolve around what I am missing when I'm offline, sort of like "Oh god I hope nothing takes off without me. I can't think of anything to add to it, though. What could I add? I don't really know anything about the world. I'm not that important anyway, they can move without me. But it bothers me to not be there..." And it just cycles like that over and over... It's so stressful that I find myself on edge all the time and snapping heads off when I'm asked a question. x.x I know if I take a break, though, I likely won't return simply because that's what happened last time I needed some time to think in an RP. Please bear with me here x.x

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I'm really sorry, guys, but it's taking a lot out of me to keep up with two fast-moving RPs and to talk to as many people as I do at the same time... I haven't been posting much because of it. I can't really ever think of much to add in this one because I'm less familiar with everything. In fact, in the other one, I'm pretty much just saying enough to get me by... It is much more work than I thought it would be and it's so stressful keeping up with everything @_@ Like, I shouldn't worry about it but I do until the point that I have trouble sleeping at night because I worry about how far ahead the RPs move when I'm offline... *sighs and falls over* x.x I'll post when I can but as of lately, I just cannot think of anything to add to this RP... Everything is too alien right now for me to feel comfortable with posting even one word.


You may all think I'm just bad at multitasking or something, but my thoughts literally revolve around what I am missing when I'm offline, sort of like "Oh god I hope nothing takes off without me. I can't think of anything to add to it, though. What could I add? I don't really know anything about the world. I'm not that important anyway, they can move without me. But it bothers me to not be there..." And it just cycles like that over and over... It's so stressful that I find myself on edge all the time and snapping heads off when I'm asked a question. x.x I know if I take a break, though, I likely won't return simply because that's what happened last time I needed some time to think in an RP. Please bear with me here x.x


I say do what fits you best. If this RP does not suit you, then (don't take this the wrong way, I am trying to be supportive) feel free to leave. We will all miss the humor and levity you bring to this, but if you don't have time, or are struggling, then it isn't fun to you. We don't want you to not have fun while you RP. That is what RPing is about. So. I will support you whatever you do. Let me know if I can help at all. BaldurAnthlogy

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For the past few days I was thinking about that we could use some more new members. Aah... going off topic. I guess. Sorry! :ohdear:


If you don't feel comfortable posting in this RP then you don't have to if you wish. Like Baldur said we don't want you or anyone else not to have fun while you are roleplaying. It is up to you to decide, we will miss you and your lovely characters but do what you think is best for you.

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Name: Ysmillr


Race: Illithid


Age: Quite Old


Class: Assassin


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Deity: None


Place of Origin: Outer Planes


Appearance: Normal Illithid squidface (4 tentacles, 'lamprey' mouth, white eyes) , dull purple skin. 6" with 3 long fingers, and a long thumb. Various scars covering torso and arms.


Armor/Clothing: Light leather chestpiece with many pockets around the neck, filled with tools and weapons to be used by the tentacles. Cloth hood, leather pants, leather shoes. Quite plain, besides the neck pockets, and other hidden compartments.


Weapon: Many average steel blades hidden in clothing. Makes frequent use of notorious Illithid psionic skills.


Personality: Ys is a classic nihilist, with his only fun derived from the murder of targets, and acquisition of brains. He doesn't choose a side, unless someone/somthing is attempting to control him, which he loathes. Though, he is capable of compassion; but only toward those who he fully bonds with.


History: Ys was deemed an outcast from his Illithid brethren for opposing the rule of the Elder Brain. He cared not for the petty trivialities that his fellow Illithids went about in their daily lives. He sought excitement! (and brains) So he set about on the path of the assassin, killing high profile targets for money, and absorbing their knowledge through the ingestion of their brains.




Edited by nethgros
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