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So should I just pop up at the boarding house?
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So should I just pop up at the boarding house?


I suppose you could, though it would be odd for a random Illithid to be hanging around a human boardinghouse. Then again, we do have an Ulitharid traveling with us, so there ya go. :P


Intro him how you like, really. :)

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So, me thinks that we lack bad guys in the RP so I'd like to revive my Fallen Kevorin and make him into an evil and hopefully cooler character. See? Not all my characters are goody two-shoes or whatever the saying is. :laugh:

I redid his character sheet and now he is a completely different character. With the new first name and all. And to add more to my rant the Blackguard part was inspired by Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande from Neverwinter Nights. :dance:


Name: Aedan Fallenheart


Race: Fallen


Age: 29


Class: Blackguard


Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Deity: None


Place of Origin: Unknown


Appearance: Rather long black hair tied to a ponytail and fair skin. Aedan is a handsome man but his silver lifeless eyes and stern expression scares others away. He also has a pair of grey feathered wings which are small enough not to poke out of armor or clothing.


Armor/Clothing: Aedan prefers armor and clothing of black color. His armor resembles the one of a Crusader in design. His formal clothing are also of black colors and are made out of finest materials.


Weapon: He has only one weapon, a greatsword he calls Chaos. Its blade is encrusted with odd letter like symbols. The weapon's hilt as well as its pommel are black, a guard looks like two inverted wings. Aedan had this weapon as long as he can remember.


Personality: He is cunning, malicious, dishonest, manipulative and arrogant. He is willing to do anything and show no regret afterwards to achieve is goals.


History: Aedan has no memory of most of his life. The last thing he remembers is waking up in the wheat field in Thesk. Not knowing what to do he went to the city and joined the group of mercenaries but it did not last long because he always thought himself superior to everyone: not only in the band of mercenaries but the whole town as well.

He left Thesk. He traveled far and wide making dangerous bargains and in the end always winning as he was smart enough not to make deals with really powerful demons. Without having or simply being unable to find purpose in life he continued traveling the Realms causing chaos everywhere he goes.

Edited by Naktis
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Thank you very much! :dance: I hope that he will stick around for a while.


Do not mistake him for being a part of the Cult of the Dragon though. I'm tired of evil characters most of the time wanting power and taking over the world. :rolleyes:

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