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Tales of Faerun


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Personally, I think there is enough DRAMA going to happen what with the things I have planned with Auri, kept out of here because it supposed to be a surprise. one was already blown, That would be Shaori got pregnant and lost the baby. I still have a couple up my sleeves, impressive, as I am in a t-shirt
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It is apparent that I need to make some things a little more clear.


It is not up to individual posters to decide what is overpowered or what isn't. Naktis and I, as founders of this RP, are the only ones who may call out roleplayers on taking overpowered actions or having overpowered characters. Harassing each other and/or making plans, without the participation of the others, through private messaging is not a good way to handle things. If you have questions or ideas, you need to direct them towards Naktis and I.


It is better to hash these things out in the discussion thread where everyone can read them, unless you need to speak with the founders privately.


Also keep in mind that things can and will be reported if they get bad enough. Please keep your correspondence civil and on a mature level.


Thank you,





I guess he could come in a little later....

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I think in that quote you re-posted Auri meant plans that would largely affect everyone in Roleplay not just a few characters. Seeing how the first surprise affected Baldur's characters, the second one I suspect going to be the same.
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I think in that quote you re-posted Auri meant plans that would largely affect everyone in Roleplay not just a few characters. Seeing how the first surprise affected Baldur's characters, the second one I suspect going to be the same.


This is exactly what I meant.

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Thought I'd announce this to avoid misunderstandings and stuff like that. I am going to kill off Illius after the ball. As he is not my character (link) it just doesn't feel right for me to control him. :ohdear:



Awww! :(


I understand what you mean, though.

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