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Tales of Faerun


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To be fair, it is a wedding celebration, so it makes a little sense.


Let's just say that Kelemvor needed a little shove to get out of his tower for once. ;)

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I agree with Naktis here, why on earth Sune? None of us worship her... and having too many gods at the ball, which is Reona and Arva's engagment, would just make things a little silly don't you think? I mean Kelemvor and Tyr make sense, but all of the others?


She isn't under My control, ergo I have no say over her. I control Rillifane, Tyr, Dugmaren, and Byron. That's it. I had this planned almost a month ago. Kelemvor is Auri, and Sune.. well spoilers. She is the goddess of love, on a day when gods are able to walk among mortals, why would the goddess of love Not show up at a wedding? Rillifane has things to relay to Caladus, Tyr is stripping Sae of her Chosen status, Dugmaren is just there because it attracted his attention (Sticking within the character of the god) and Byron gets to come along with Dugmaren. He will be around wearing his armor, minus Voltair (his hammer), with a metal mask,

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Hey all, It was my mother's birthday a few days ago. I am off to visit her, and will likely not be back until quite late tonight. You kids behave yourselves! :D Don't get too far ahead, I don't want to miss the ball, and I am sure Tokyo won't be happy if we leave her too far behind again. Thanks for your cooperation! See you when I see you!


Bryce A.K.A BaldurAnthology

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Aaaaand, since it has been established that the Lord of the Dead will be present, here is his attire:













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