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Tales of Faerun


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Yeah, I agree with this. Time gap would be for the best. I guess we should do the same too once them evil characters will arrive to the forest or something. :thumbsup:


Edit: Well I've finally dealt with Illius. At first I was going to kill him off right after the ball and that Nawen actually saw him die but because of all the things that happened in the RP as well as here I had to change it.


We're not going to see him die, but he is gone and will not return to the RP.

Edited by Naktis
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Yeah, I agree with this. Time gap would be for the best. I guess we should do the same too once them evil characters will arrive to the forest or something. :thumbsup:


Edit: Well I've finally dealt with Illius. At first I was going to kill him off right after the ball and that Nawen actually saw him die but because of all the things that happened in the RP as well as here I had to change it.


We're not going to see him die, but he is gone and will not return to the RP.


Well, that's better than him dying, I think. :P

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Also, just to set a specific year for the RP so we have a date to reference when looking at the FR wiki, I think it's safe to say that the current year is 1378DR, the Year of the Cauldron. ;) Edited by AurianaValoria1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh dear gods :facepalm: ... here's the first of two character sheets, and if something sounds wonky, lore- or otherwise, please don't hesitate to tell me.



Name: Echo (given to her by Mahira of Calimport, her guardian, mentor, and traveling companion; Echo was born Allian Falmarya, but has forgotten her name along with her early history)


Race: Ghostwise halfling [link]


Age: Not remembered. She appears younger than her true age, as do most halflings.


Class: Rogue, with larcenous tendencies


Alignment: True Neutral


Deity: None, although she's familiar with the Yondalla’s Children pantheon and might follow Brandobaris if such matters were significant to her.


Place of Origin: Also not remembered (see Armor/Clothing, Chondalwood token).




- Height: 3’10”

- Skin tone: Nut brown

- Hair: Sable black, wavy, trimmed to chin length

- Eyes: She has sectoral heterochromia; both eyes are a dark bronze, but the left iris has an oddly shaped splotch of pale gray

- Features: Delicate, deceptively innocent


Armor/Clothing: Over nondescript garments, Echo wears a leather cuirass and matching gauntlets stolen from a wealthy halfling merchant in Athkatla. Aside from the fact that the merchant was a condescending hin who overcharged for his wares, she knew nothing about the victim of her theft. The armor, once burnished and intricately carved with a skeletonized leaf design, has lost much of its finish and detail over time. She wears a hooded travel cloak, and a worn leather amulet around her neck containing pebbles from the Chondalwood. While she has no memory of her homeland or clan, she instinctively knows the token is somehow important, and guards it as carefully as she does her weapons.


Weapon: (1) Weathered oak quarterstaff that doubles as a walking stick; (2) twin dirks in scabbards, one at each hip; (3) throwing knife in an arm sheath; and (4) small supply of tanglefoot bags (often pilfered, sometimes purchased from alchemists when she can afford them).


Personality: As with most ghostwise, she is generally mistrustful of other races. However, from her experiences traveling with the Calishite Mahira, she’s learned that at least one of the Big Folk can be relied upon, and tries to put aside her instinctive wariness when meeting new people.




Echo, whose original name was Allian, was born into the Falmarya clan in northern Chondalwood. She has no childhood memories, but occasionally endures vague nightmares related to her enslavement and savage head injuries at the hands of a yuan-ti consortium. Their raiding party killed all but three of the halflings in her clan, and in the long run, Echo was the only slave to survive imprisonment in the Black Jungles and escape her captors. The guards had never confiscated the Chondalwood token she still wore around her neck, probably because it held no value for them.


In the port city of Tashluta, Mahira of Calimport spotted the malnourished creature clad in prison rags and stealing bread from the marketplace. The Calishite took the girl in, fed her, restored her to health, then tried - and failed - to determine from whence she came. At last, when it was time for Mahira to return to her native Calimshan across the Shining Sea, Echo adamantly refused to remain behind in foster care, and so it was that Mahira the Calishite became guardian and mentor to a ghostwise halfling. Upon seeing the pair together, untutored folk usually assume they are mother and daughter, or perhaps sisters of widely disparate age. This is how little “Echo” got her name from Mahira. As the halfling has matured, she and Mahira have become interdependent and fiercely loyal to each other, as real sisters will in the absence of elders to look after them.

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Character sheet, 2 of 2



Name: Mahira of Calimport


Race: Human, specifically Calishite


Age: 37


Class: Rogue, with larcenous tendencies


Alignment: True Neutral


Deity: None, although she once was apprenticed to House Melder Rythin of the Healing Hand and more or less devoted to Ilmater.


Place of Origin: The Calim Desert




- Height: 5’6”

- Skin tone: Mahogany

- Hair: Ebony, straight and shoulder-length, normally braided back from the temples and secured with a leather thong to keep it out of the way

- Eyes: Chestnut

- Features: Dignified, enigmatic, beautiful


Armor/Clothing: Mahira often misses the lightweight, unrestrictive garments she wore in Calimshan. Over time, as her travels have led to cooler climes, she has adapted to wearing a chainmail shirt and heavier clothes, as well as a cloak similar to one she acquired for Echo.


Weapon: (1) Dual scimitars, (2) a jambiya in a leg sheath, and (3) a light crossbow made from blueleaf wood. She is proficient with a few other weapons, and taught Echo how to fight with a quarterstaff and daggers.




Despite their disdain or dismissal of other human cultures, Calishites have decent relations with members of other races. … Halflings have long been enslaved by Calishites, and, as a result, most Calishites classify all halflings as members of the lower class. In turn, halflings (at least those who dwell along the Sword Coast and whose ancestors fled Calimshan) regard Calishites with suspicion, viewing all humans of this ethnic group as potential slavers.

(From this source.) For these reasons, and especially given Echo's harrowing experience with the yuan-ti slaving consortium, there is irony in the belief that a Calishite and a halfling are mother and daughter or sisters. Fortunately for Echo, Mahira had led a very difficult life herself, and her former work through House Melder Rythin of the Healing Hand predisposed her to take responsibility for victims of oppression, disease, and poverty at the time she first noticed the halfling in Tashluta. As a result of her own experiences, and unlike most other Calishites, Mahira views no one with disdain unless they prove themselves unworthy of respect.


History: Mahira’s tale bears a striking resemblance to Echo’s. She was orphaned at a young age, her tribe slaughtered by Black Raiders in the desert northwest of Calimport. It was nothing short of miraculous that the Calishite girl escaped, as Black Raiders are known to leave no survivors, and possibly a greater marvel that she managed to make her way south through the shifting desert sands to Calimport. A cleric brought her to House Melder Rythin, Faerûn’s largest hospital. She was treated for dehydration, clothed and fed, provided with basic necessities and education, and eventually primed for an apprenticeship as a healer. Yet “way leads on to way”, as the poets write, and Mahira never became a full-fledged cleric. Instead, she left the hospital at the age of 23 to seek a different sort of life as a trader. However, her dreams of better fortune were quickly dashed: she could not hope to compete with established merchants, who had vastly superior resources, and so was forced to eke out a living through nefarious means. A few years after Mahira took Echo under her wing, the pair traveled north along the coast to Athkatla, a large port city in Amn, where two noteworthy things occurred: first, they fell in with the Shadow Thieves guild, and second, Echo “acquired” her lovely leather armor from an arrogant halfling shopkeeper.

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