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Tales of Faerun


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Yay! I can haz clairvoyance? :3 I'm watching what's going on in the RP with the hydra ... :blink: ... figuring out where Echo and Mahira should be. Probably at the next landmark up the road? *pores over map*
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Wherever you like, dear. :D


Technically, we're headed cross-country in the general direction of Evereska and the Forgotten Forest, if that helps.

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It does! I'm PMing Mythic to talk about the route she may have taken, since she's already reached the fort. :) Trying to take the road through Llorkh seems like a Very Bad Idea, but Loudwater has a bridge and seems much more welcoming for travelers - ?
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Thank you! :blush: I've got them camping in the forest south of Loudwater instead of staying at an inn (which would be safer, but if Echo has a bad dream, she might disturb the neighbors).


Edit: Er ... Ravenna and company are in the High Forest, right? Or are they in the Forgotten Forest? I haven't specified where my characters are, either way ...

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