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Tales of Faerun


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Name: Jingle Trapdodger


Race: Half-Ling


Age: 50


Class: Rogue


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: Tymora


Place of Origin: Silverleaf (Halfling township)


Appearance: Small, with dark brown hair swept back to reveal his pointed ears and cheery face. He has two large blue eyes and a large knobbed nose.


Armor/Clothing: usually wears a studded leather chestpiece that has pockets and pouches for his various tools of his trade, he wears a green cloak and hood but he never wears shoes. He hates shoes.


Weapon: A shortsword and a walking stick.


Personality: Cheerful, loves to tell tales of his and his families adventures and likes to associate with everyone. A shrewd businessmen and proffessional "Treasure Acclamation Expert" which is his way of saying, Thief. Never taking from people but the many dungeons and ruins around the world. He usually sells his findings and then gives the gold away seeking not the gold but the adventure. Quick to make friends with even the most surly of folk but he is also a fierce fighter and has earned many battle scars in defense of his life and that of his friends.


History: Jingle was born in Silverleaf, a small township far to the edges of the great eastern forest. There his family The Carlyles set roots, a family of adventurers they come from all walks and trades and earned the name Trapdodgers. A term they adopted to refer to their trade, so etched on their family manor's door is Trapdodger For Hire, here all who seek a proffessional thief go to hire a good man to help them on an adventure. He recently left his home and his family to go on a walk, with his trusty sword and walking stick he has walked far from his home where the Trapdodger name has not been heard before. So to honor his family he took the last name Trapdodger and has found his trade useful in these new lands.


(This is going to be my main, Kurashi is just an alternate since his story is somewhat limited, this is more in line with what the setting is. I will still RP Kurashi but he tends to stay in Loudwater unless other circumstances force him not too.)

Edited by Macman253
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its in pathfinder as a main deity but in dragon magazine it was one of the Halfling deities, he is the god of Luck, Trickery and Adventure. His favored weapon his a shortsword and his patron class is the rogue. Mind you this is a story created by someone and they just took the name and bits of the story. Here is the official link





Normally referred as The Lucky Drunk, The Drunken Hero and The Accidental God. He is the patron deity of thieves and rebels, In faerun only half-lings worship him since he is close to their personalities. Often taverns and inns in halfling lands leave a tankard of ale out for the deity because of his liking of fine half-ling ales and some dwarves do aswell. Cayden Cailean is considered one of the best gods and also the strangest since he isnt good nor is he evil but he only cares for those who care for him and considers all of his worshippers family. He is also particularly fond of halflings.

Edited by Macman253
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I see. You might want to change it to a Forgotten Realms specific deity, so it matches the world this RP is set in.


This is the reference we use: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

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There, I chose Tymora. I like the deity, seems perfect for Jingle.


Nice choice, and it seems to fit well with your original idea. Tymora is often depicted as a halfling. ;)

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