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Tales of Faerun


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Nope. I assume that Alaylyne is busy with school. Don't know what happened to Mythic though... :ohdear:


According to Average, mythic has internet troubles.

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I have run into a few more problems and time is not on my side, with Christmas and all, so until I return (which should be in a couple of weeks) Auri has permission to control Xallistine as need be. ;)


Will do, mythic. Hope things get better for you, soon. :)

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Yo, kiddos! My internet was out for a month or so and I basically faffed about for a while until I was asked to return... :sweat: I blame love? *looks around* Okay, so maybe it was half love and half laziness. Hopefully my ideas, creativity, and such won't be so dry anymore now that I've rejoined. All of you, feel free to kick Arva in the fork of his legs for no reason, if you like. *salutes*
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Yo, kiddos! My internet was out for a month or so and I basically faffed about for a while until I was asked to return... :sweat: I blame love? *looks around* Okay, so maybe it was half love and half laziness. Hopefully my ideas, creativity, and such won't be so dry anymore now that I've rejoined. All of you, feel free to kick Arva in the fork of his legs for no reason, if you like. *salutes*


LOL. Welcome back. :) Let's see if we can't get this thing moving again, shall we?

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Hi, I've been looking for an FR RP and so I thought I'd post in here a couple of my characters that I wanted to get started.


Tell me what you think!


Name: Nlael Starbreeze


Race: Ruar-Tel-Quessir (Star Elf)


Age: 120


Class: Sorcerer (Celestial power)/Bard


Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Deity: Araleth Letheranil/The Seldarine (Araleth Letheranil is an extra Seldarine power added in an old Dragon Magazine along with other new Seldarine powers)


Place of Origin: Melinesyaar, Sildëyuir


Appearance: Fair skin. Tall, about 6'3 in height, strong and sharp facial features, short and neat pale gold hair, broad shoulders and muscular body with well defined muscles, pale violet eyes with golden flecks, full lips, slanted eyebrows (as I believe all Elves should have like they did in previous D&D editions, namely; 2e)


Armor/Clothing: Padded armour of Star Elvish make. Intricate curling Elvish patterns adorn the chest, sleeves and legs of it; he wears a silver-white ring on his left middle finger with a small blue-green jewel on it.


Weapon: Elvish longsword.


Personality: Nlael is very quiet when around strangers (with other Elves) and completely aloof or not even around around non Elves. When other Elves get to know him better, he opens up a lot more and is very amiable towards them and extremely loyal when he is friends with them. He doesn't ask for much but is always willing to help his friends in need and is extremely reliable. He can sense the emotions of others though he doesn't really show or let on that he knows most of the time, i.e., he's very empathic. He has pretty intense emotions but he keeps most of them bottled up because he believes it's unnecessary to let loose all kinds of strong emotions.


He is very devout and worships the Seldarine without question and holds a special reverence for Araleth Letheranil, the Elvish god of stars, starlight and twilight.


Nlael doesn't like going against societal norms because he feels most comfortable in them and believes the traditions of his ancestors is what has protected them. He believes that traditions guide different peoples and should be upheld. Nlael will never do anything that is considered a taboo by his people. He believes they are (whatever is in question) a taboo for a reason and should stay that way.


Nlael despises humans and most other races that were around ancient Yuireshanyaar from the legends he has been told. He believes they were the reason his people is in decline now and will refuse to deal with them unless it's absolutely necessary.


When not with other Star Elves, Nlael will try to disguise himself as a Moon Elf but when other Elves earn his trust, he will reveal his true race.


History: Nlael is from the Star Elvish city Melinesyaar of Sildëyuir, a city of glass and crystal. He lived a rather normal life for a Star Elf in Sildëyuir (assuming they're egalitarian). Nlael realized his magical potential and began attending the academy of magic and spellcasting in the Tower of Shimmering Light and Mist. There, he earned his apprenticeship to another sorcerer and began to fine hone his skills.


One day, while he was out at a small festival (as there aren't many Star Elves left; in Melinesyaar, there is a dark joke: "In Melinesyaar, there are more buildings than People." Unfortunately, this is true.), Nlael heard the music of a local bard from the academy of music. His music touched Nlael so deeply that he vowed he would master the bardic arts as well as his magical arts. Upon telling his master of his plans, Nlael was promised that, should he be able to go two months and a day without hearing any music, even if by accident, he would purchase him a small harp to play and practice. Nlael accepted a geas to be put upon him so that he would tell the truth. After his days were up (and he had not heard any music), Nlael confronted his master. Proudly, his master rewarded Nlael with his harp.


Upon completing his apprenticeship, Nlael set out to do work for Melinesyaar's various magical patrons. He also began to take lesson at the music academy (though he never became a full time student; he mostly preferred to experiment on his own). When the Nilshai started to invade Sildëyuir, Nlael saw this as a huge threat to what his people had left and readily took up arms to defend his peoples' dwindling holdings.


Whilst defending a tower some miles away from Melinesyaar, Nlael and a group of defenders were caught in a vicious battle against the snake-sorcerers. It went badly from the start as the defenders were caught off guard. Their numbers slightly reduced and pushed back up (almost literally) against the tower, the defenders were getting desperate. In a moment that still confuses him today, Nlael let out a torrent of raging cosmic magic slaughtered almost all of the Nilshai.


After returning an unconscious Nlael to Melinesyaar, he was rewarded for his bravery and power. He was then asked to seek aid against the ever growing threat of the Nilshai outside of Sildëyuir, in the Prime Material plane. Nervous and curious, Nlael agreed. In the grand tower of the High Mages, or Ar'Selu'Taar, a portal was conjured for Nlael. After preparing for this day and saying his last goodbyes to his family and friends, Nlael stepped through the portal and into the daylight world of Faerûn.

Edited by AltmerLover1313
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