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Tales of Faerun


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I left a comment, too, tok. He may be gone for the holidays or had something come up.


Since most everyone is back, I'd be inclined to move on...he's been gone for over a week, now, and I hesitate to hold it up any longer.

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Ehm... I re-did Nawen's character sheet because I wasn't happy with some things. Would it be too much to ask for you guys to pretend that she was never a part of Mithrilaxe clan? Please? I have cookies. :ohdear:


Name: Nawen Relve'fer


Race: Drow


Age: 26


Class: Ranger/Scout


Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: Fenmarel Mestarine


Place of Origin: Underdark/Sword Coast North


Appearance: Except for her emerald colored eyes, Nawen looks like any other drow female. Beautiful, with shoulder length white hair and grey skin. Nawen is 5'4 tall and her figure is rather petite.


Armor/Clothing: To help her remain undetected in the wilds Nawen usually wears clothing and armor of brown and green colors. She wears light, mostly leather armors. Whenever she's in the cities she wears brown cloak.


Weapon: Nawen always carries a simple duskwood bow, a hunting knife and a beautiful ebony-hilted elven blade, Ilaerothil which was given to her by her guardian, a wood elven druid, Calendil.


Personality: Always cautious and aloof, Nawen is distrustful of strangers but loyal and caring to her friends. She is quick to anger but not so quick to forgive and forget, however Nawen is a kind-hearted soul and enjoys helping those in need.


History: Nawen was born into House Relve'fer, one of many houses in the Underdark. During the fourth month of pregnancy Nawen's mother, Matron of House Relve'fer and high priestess of Lloth Valthiira received a vision supposedly from the Queen of Spiders herself that Valthiira's first daughter will either help her house to become one of the most powerful and influential of Drow Houses in the whole Underdark or destroy it completely from within.

When Nawen was born Valthiira noticed the unusual color of her daughter's eyes. Paranoid in nature the Matron assumed that her daughter inherited her grandmother's from father's side ability to see the future and that she will use her powers to destroy everything Valthiira had created thus she sacrificed her patron: Nawen's father to Lloth and was intending to do the same to her daughter but at the eve of the sacrificing Nawen was stolen by someone and brought to the surface.

The baby was later found in the forest in Icewind Dale by the wood elven druid Valendil who did not have the heart to leave the baby to freeze to death and took her with him. The druid had no place of his own and was constantly moving from one country to another so he raised Nawen on the road teaching her the ways of nature and wildlife as well as everything else she might ever need.

As Nawen grew Valendil noticed that the girl showed no interest in any kind of magic and that she was quite skilled in the art of stealth, the druid had decided to teach her how to fight with blades and bows instead.

The two kept traveling together until Nawen turned 26 years old. One night, when they were resting in their camp in Neverwinter Wood, Valendil told her that she must travel to the city of Waterdeep: on her own. He refused to explain why but because the drow loved the druid dearly and knew better than to question him she reluctantly convinced herself that it was for the best. The next morning Nawen left for the city of splendors.

Edited by Naktis
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