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Thought I'd post a new character sheet, since Kelemvor doesn't show up very often. :) She won't come in until later, but I thought you might want to see her sheet anyway. :D


Name: Maydiira Torana


Race: Drow


Age: 278


Class: Favored Soul / Divine Champion


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: Eilistraee


Place of Origin: The Underdark / Sel Sreen'aur


Appearance: Very petite and light-framed (5'2'' in height). Dark, blue-black skin with silvery tattoos. Long, snow-white hair and silver eyes. Her face has very delicate features with a small mouth and a turned-up nose.


Armor/Clothing: Incredibly skimpy silver armor to show off her tattooed skin. She also usually wears a midnight-blue cloak trimmed in silver.


Weapon: Velve'drathir, an adamantine bastard sword with an egg-sized moonstone in the pommel. She is also fond of summoning spells.


Personality: Maydiira is surprisingly outgoing for a drow. She displays a fiery confidence, unafraid of showing herself in public (though she realizes the logical need to stay unnoticed). She is always cheerful and ready for any challenge, never backing down from a fight. She is fiercely protective of her fellow Eilistraeeians and any who earn her trust. Maydiira is also fluent in drowish, elvish, and common, though her voice is heavily accented.


History: Unknown. Maydiira has never discussed her past with anyone, and she prefers to keep it that way.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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What an interesting character :thumbsup: Great to have another drow with us :happy:


I'm thinking of using Aricia one more time, as she is a loose end from... past events that remains untied, it's easy to pretend she doesn't exist, but i don't think that does the old Iron Maiden any justice, she'll be joining you for a little while, and then she will... depart, permanently. At least i think so anyhow.


That will give me the chance to focus on Adelaide, after Ravenna has gone too.

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What an interesting character :thumbsup: Great to have another drow with us :happy:


I'm thinking of using Aricia one more time, as she is a loose end from... past events that remains untied, it's easy to pretend she doesn't exist, but i don't think that does the old Iron Maiden any justice, she'll be joining you for a little while, and then she will... depart, permanently. At least i think so anyhow.


That will give me the chance to focus on Adelaide, after Ravenna has gone too.


Sounds like a plan. :thumbsup:

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I hope my latest post wasn't too controlling of the banshee or anything, I just saw a scene in my head that I thought would be really interesting and had to go through with it.


Also, Baldur told me to wish you all a happy new year!

Edited by tokyobleach
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Indeed. I really like your post. :thumbsup: :dance:


Sorry for the enormous post. Got carried away. :blush:

And I also wanted to say that the amulet Fenmarel Mestarine had given to Nawen isn't some Godly compass or anything. I was thinking that maybe it has some Amulet of Natural Armor enchantment and that's it. The amulet just granted some confidence to Nawen and she's finding the right path on her own. :hurr:

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