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Tales of Faerun


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I just thought I'd take the opportunity here to say that I think this is probably one of our coolest arcs yet. I'm absolutely loving it so far, especially the vivid imagery we're all adding in! :dance:


Note: I used arc there because that's how I think of the story. Each major event would be counted as an arc to me. Maybe I just watch too much television. :geek:

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I love what you ladies are doing (understatement of the year; well, the last full year, since this one's only three days old). :wub:


I had a serious bout of writer's block yesterday - four to five hours' worth, all told - and after asking for Auri's help, I finally figured out what to post, yet am still riddled with doubt. :facepalm: Maybe "writer's block" is the wrong phrase ... more like a ginormous lack of self-confidence. Please let me know if there's something I need to change; I feel about as bewildered as Echo at the moment.

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Ithildin: You should be much more confident, because I really enjoy your posts. Your characters react differently than most would, especially Echo. ;D


Also I can change my latest post if it's too much for this little fight. :3

Edited by tokyobleach
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