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Tales of Faerun


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Wow! That was an amazing conclusion, all three of you! :woot: I have to pick up the pieces of my jaw now.


Echo normally shouldn't react that way, but serpents and dark caves combined are too close for comfort to what happened with the yuan-ti. She only "remembers" them in her nightmares. I wonder if Faerun has the equivalent of a psychiatrist, or hypnotherapist ...

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OMG :laugh: I wonder if there's a skill an Ulitharid possesses that lets him read memories, even ones hidden from the "patient" ... or a power of Rhaine's, a spell of William's ... ?


Trying to brainstorm (no snack for Xallistine! :laugh:).

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I know for definite that with psionics Xallistine can infiltrate minds, and if you remember with Rhaine, he managed to get into her memories while we performed that ritual, who's to say he couldn't do a more personal version. :biggrin:


Daww! But don't worry, he's still full from the Hydra's brain :tongue:


EDIT: I found this little piece of info, so yup, any psionicist can probe minds to find memories:


A probe is similar to ESP (a telepathic devotion), but a probe allows psionicists to dig much deeper into a subjects subconscious. All of his memories and knowledge are accessible to the prober--from memories deep below the surface to those still fresh in the subject's mind. The information gained is not necessarily true, but it is true as far as the subject knows. Telepaths can probe a subject who is conscious as well as one who resists. A probe can even be carried out in the midst of melee, provided the telepath can get close enough. If the subject probed tries casting any type of spell, the telepath knows both that a spell is being cast and what the effects of that spell is.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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That would definitely work. :yes: Sometime when things are peaceful, I'd like Xallistine to help Echo end her nightmares, just as an aside. It's something Mahira hasn't been able to do.
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