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Tales of Faerun


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Hiya. I heard from a buddy of mine about these "role plays" and I figured I'd check a few of them out. I started with "Mass Effect, A Galaxy at War" and posted a sheet there, but I don't think that "Role Play" is very active.. so I decided to check some of the others out too. I remember Faerun was the land in Baldurs Gate 2 and the like, so I have some experience with this series too. I hope that I can be of help to you somewhere!


Name: Sarah De'Arnise


Race: Half Elf


Age: 30


Class: Bard


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: Oghma


Place of Origin: De'Arnise Keep, Amn


Appearance: 5'8" Slender, green eyes, tanned but smooth skin, waist length white-blond hair. Has a tattoo of a rose on her left hip.


Armor/Clothing: Wears a long dark travelling cloak, with a well made black skirt and blouse underneath. She has comfortable walking shoes. a fine silk gown for sleepwear, as well as several fancier dresses, should the need arise for them.


Weapon: She wields a short Mithril sword, which came from her family's treasury, as well as her instruments. She has two instruments, a wooden flute, and a small Harp. She also knows how to play a Lyre and a Lute.


Personality: Sarah can come across as aloof and standoffish, but that's just because although she's a bard, she's actually kinda shy. She's really sweet once she gets comfortable around people though.


History: Sarah is the daughter of Nalia De'Arnise, the Lady and ruler of De"Arnise Keep. Nalia had a brief fling with a warrior during the Bhaalspawn Crisis, and this resulted in her getting impregnated. Although a small portion of the Taint of Bhaal, the former, now dead god of Murder, runs in her veins, she has little to show for it, aside from Nightmares and a bit of a temper. She got training for whatever she wanted at home, her mother was more than willing to indulge, having been a rebellious child herself. Sarah was even offered thief training. However, Sarah decided to go with the path of the Cheerful Rogue that was the Bard., She was instructed to use whatever instrument struck her fancy, became well enough versed in Lore to identify almost all magical items, and trained in the use of a short bow and sword with the guards. When she turned 21, she decided that she'd seen enough of her home and the surrounding country of Amn, and requested that her mother allow her to travel abroad. Her mother gave her a few thousand gold out of the coffers, her sword, a high quality, durable bedroll and tent, and a fashionable bag of holding to keep it all in. Sarah has been traveling ever since, and is currently lost. She has no idea where she is, and could probably use a hand... (In other words, should she be approved she will likely stumble upon your camp or something, I dunno yet)

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Hey, everyone. I'm gonna try again here to join the RP. I'm not going to play Kalin this time (sorry, Kale, maybe next time). Instead, I'm using my thri'kreen character. I won't be able to post again until tomorrow evening, unfortunately, but I will post. Anyway, here's my character.


Name: Tak'we (he no longer remembers his clan name, to his shame)


Race: Thri'kreen (a mantis-like race link)


Age: 7


Class: Fighter


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: none (Tak'we follows the druidic religion of his ancestors)


Place of Origin: The Shaar (near the Shining Sea coast)


Appearance: Tak'we is tall, even by his race's standards, standing at a full height of 7'3". The chitin covering his slim figure is tan-gold in appearance, matching the desert sands of his homeland, and has numerous scratches and marks scoring it. His eyes appear to be completely gold, with no iris or white to them. Closer inspection reveals them to be compound eyes, similar to an insect's. Tak'we is missing his antennae, taken by a cruel slaver. For a mouth, Tak'we has a set mandibles similar to a praying mantis, and his four hands end in claws.


Armor/Clothing: Tak'we wears a suit of bone armor, comprised of a cuirass made from the breastplate of some beast he had to to kill while he was a slave in a gladiator's arena (he relies on his hard exoskeleton to protect him). In terms of clothing, Tak'we wears a large cloak and hood in an attempt to hide his appearance from public eyes, and a simple leather skirt.


Weapon: Tak'we wields a gythka, a sort of double pole-axe native to his people. It is finely crafted, and the blades are made of mithral. Besides this, Tak'we can use his claws to horrific effect, literately tearing his foes apart, and his mandibles can deliver a powerful bite accompanied by a paralyzing natural toxin ( he can only produce enough toxin for only a single bite or two per day).


Personality: Tak'we generally is quiet, sometimes clicking his mandibles, but keeps his feelings to himself. When he speaks, Tak'we often refers to himself as "this one" (a habit from captivity), punctuated by clicks and whistles. Due to the horrors he experienced as a slave. Tak'we is introverted and distrustful of others by nature. He seems to be constantly checking his surroundings, as if looking for hidden foes. He does have a good heart, however, and tries to help poor waifs and the downtrodden living in the streets (this often ends with his nature being revealed and ultimately rejected by those he tries to help, unfortunately, leaving him saddened). He prefers the natural world over the city, uncomfortable being surrounded by so many "soft-skins" with their numerous laws and their tall, unnatural "huts" of stone. He particularly likes the strange "forests" he's come across, bewildered and amazed by the shear numbers of such tall, green trees alone. When he sees slaves (or anyone being treated as one), his temper gets the better of him and he unleashes a storm of curses in thri'kreen and common, and sometimes even ends up in a fight.


History: When Tak'we was three years old, not even a "teenager" among his people, raiders from the Shining Sea attacked his clan's camp and killed most of his clutch-mates. He and the other few survivors were taken, and were eventually separated and sold in the slave markets of Calimshan. Tak'we was bought to fight for a gladiatorial arena, forced to kill or be killed, reduced to an animal used for nothing but blood sport. Being used this way turned Tak'we into a savage yet well-experienced fighter, using whatever weapons were given him (or his natural weapons if not) to great advantage.


During this time, he showed an incredible knack for smithing, and his master, a somewhat powerful noble, eventually had him forge impressive armors and weapons for the other nobles, giving Tak'we more and more leeway as he proved his worth. One night, though, Tak'we managed to escape his chains, killing his master and leaving his prison in ruins. He fled Calimshan, the noble's son and his bounty hunters in pursuit, and has been moving from city to city ever since, taking odd jobs here and there as he strives to find a place where he feels safe from slavers and is seen for who he is, not what.



Sorry if it seems a bit much. :sweat:

Edited by GrueMaster
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So, I was thinking that maybe we should each take on an evil role or something, since there's not a whole lot of evil going on, aside from Ravenna and Aedan. I think it'd really flesh out the evil side of the RP, and could be pretty fun as well.
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