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Tales of Faerun


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Well, here's my evil girl. :P She won't come until later, but here's her sheet.


Name: Ginafae Orlyndar


Race: Drow


Age: 573


Class: Cleric / Blackguard


Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Deity: Lolth


Place of Origin: The Underdark


Appearance: Ginafae is exceptionally tall for a drow, standing nearly six feet in height. Her skin is jet black, and her hair is a bluish-silver. Her eyes are a deep, dark red, but they glow brightly in the dark. Ginafae's facial features are sharp and chiseled, her mouth twisted into an almost perpetual sneer. There are multiple piercings in her long, slender ears.


Armor/Clothing: Ginafae's armor consists of black adamantine half-plate, often with a scarlet cloak bearing Lolth's ensign on the back.


Weapon: Ginafae dual-wields a heavy mace and a whip, both blessed with evil enchantments by Lolth.


Personality: Crafty, conniving, bloodthirsty, savage, merciless, pitiless, and arrogant.


History: Ginafae is a zealous priestess of the Spider Queen, making it her mission to destroy any and all nonbelievers and surfacers that cross her path. She once led bands of mercenaries to hunt down escaped slaves, but has since struck out on her own...blazing her own evil trail of destruction through the Underdark. Most who encounter her never live to tell the tale.

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Sorry about the monster post (just trying to get Tak'we properly introduced, is all). And thanks for all the compliments and welcome, y'all. :happy:

I'd consider playing an evil character (I actually own the Book of Vile Darkness), but I don't think I'd have enough time to do two different characters, so sorry, Tokyo. But it's still a good idea, in my opinion. :thumbsup:


@ Auri: Oh, wow. That's good. Plus she used to be a slaver (Tak'we would absolutely adore her.).

Edited by GrueMaster
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An evil character is a fantastic idea, truly, but I don't know if I'm up to the task. To be honest, I'm having difficulty handling two characters ... I could create someone who kills one of my rogues. :ohmy: Whichever one dies, her "sister" would be devastated.


This is the first creative writing roleplay I've ever participated in; the length of time it takes for me to get a few sentences hammered out borders on the ridiculous. I don't know how you folks do it. Part of my problem is I'm never satisfied with what I write. I revise it to within an inch of its life, and then revise some more.


Grue, the "monster post" of which you speak is brilliant! The more such posts, the better, I'd say. :dance:


Auri, that is one sensational character sheet! :woot:

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Ithildin, I do the same thing XD I sit for hours staring at a blank box sometimes, and other times, the words spill from my fingertips faster than I can think of them.


Anyway, meet my evil character. Hope I did a good job!


Name: Sana of the Bloodied Sands


Race: Lamia


Age: Young adult (the wiki wasn't clear on their lifespan, so I figured this was better than guessing)


Class: Sorcerer


Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Deity: None


Place of Origin: Calim Desert


Appearance/Armor/Clothing: Has the body of a black panther from the waist down, covered in thick, glossy fur. Her panther half has a smooth musculature and moves sleekly and gracefully. From the hips up, she has smooth, bronzed skin that always shimmers as if it were oiled. She has a heart-shaped face with intense brown eyes and plump rosy lips. Long, midnight hair kept in many braids hangs past her waist and tends to swing animatedly whenever she moves. She has an ample bust, which usually is barely covered by a golden breastplate. Golden bangles and bracelets adorn her arms, and she wears a thin, golden chain around her waist to accentuate the curve of her hips.


Weapon: Relies mainly on magic, but will rear up and use her thick, hooked claws without hesitation. Carries a thick-bladed scimitar that is capable of cleaving through meat and bone in one slice.


Personality: Bratty and self-centered, she often whines if plans don't go through or if she has to get too dirty while fighting. She's very cheery and almost sickeningly sweet until she's got an enemy or meal on her hands.


History: (I'll get this later, I'm really not feeling it right this second. I really suck at the history section ^^; )

Edited by tokyobleach
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Fantastic sheets!


Aww, i really wish that the evil characters would have come in earlier, but rather they come in now just as Ravenna has to leave. Still, one evil must be replaced by another, and once she... returns from her little holiday, i'm counting two possible new best friends :dance:


I'd make another evil character, but no evil i make could ever equal Ravenna, she is the sovereign of all my evils.

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