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Tales of Faerun


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Alright, Tokyo convinced me to join this one. A few of you might know me, and a few of you may not. (I'd end that with a cool rhyme but can't think of anything.) Anyway, here's my char sheet, look forward to RPing with you guys. I was told there was a lack of 'tank' characters, so this fellow should fill in that gap. No bad guys for now, because this character already has a personal antagonist, but I may make one later.


Name: Weyland Grey


Race: Human, Male


Age: 24


Class: Fighter


Alignment: Chaotic good


Deity: Tempus


Place of Origin: Westgate


Appearance: Weyland has neck-length shiny brown hair, and a clean-shaven, fair-skinned face adorned with a short, pointy nose and big, bright blue eyes. Weyland stands a few inches taller than the average man and is thin and muscular. If he was shorter he'd be built thick as a log, but his tall height balances things out a bit and makes him a bit more agile than he would be otherwise.


Armor/Clothing: Weyland usually wears a simply but reliable set of steel plate armor, professionally polished to a reflective shine much like his sword and shield. It has a smooth surface, with rounded edges that make it hard to get a grip on...a potentially life-saving attribute for a close-quarters combatant. If he's travelling he wears a medium-sized leather backpack. He always carries around his helmet, which is essentially a metal hat that is secured to his head via a leather strap. Like his armor is has a smooth surface and is hard to grip. If he doesn't wear his armor Weyland will sport a casual white shirt and a brown leather vest, and a pair of very dark brown loose pants. No matter the occasion he always wears sturdy leather boots for footwear.


Weapon: A razor-sharp longsword enchanted with an average-power lightning effect and a large, sturdy steel shield shaped like a diamond. There is little in the way of adornments or decorations on either the blade or the shield.


Personality: Weyland is an easy-going and friendly man, always eager to help a deserving soul down on their luck. He gets along well with others for the most part and likes to pass on knowledge to those who might need it. He is about average as far as intelligence goes, but has a decent level of knowledge about monsters and what sort of tactics should be adopted to combat them. He hates those who keep slaves, murder, or kidnap however, due to being a former slave himself.


History: Weyland was born and raised in Westgate, but was captured and enslaved for years under the young Lamia known as Sana. He learned to become hardy and strong her, eventually becoming quite fearsome. He escaped enslavement after almost five years, by then a hardened young teenager. He made his way back to Westgate, where he studied for years the art of a fighter, eventually learning several different combat styles. He is particularly effective using a sword and shield, kicks, and his fists. After his enslavement Weyland made a living doing jobs for those in need, as well as teaching others how to fight like he could. He hopes one day to strike back against Sana and free the other slaves she keeps, and to kill her both for revenge and to remove her evil from the world. But until then, he's training and working.

Edited by Flipout6
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Nice character, flip. Welcome. :biggrin: My character was a former slave as well, so he should get along just fine with Weyland. :happy:


*looks at character profile* Heh, look at that, we both joined the forums on the same exact date. :laugh:

Edited by GrueMaster
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Love your character description, Flipout! :woot: When she was little (ha! she still is - I mean younger), my halfling was enslaved by a race of "monstrous humanoid snake-men" called the yuan-ti, but doesn't remember it ... just has nightmares about snakes in general. Her closest friend would probably despise slavers on principle, even if she didn't have her suspicions about the halfling's childhood.


I'd hate to be a slaver running into this group. :laugh: Tak'we's would-be captors had better not come looking for him again.


I probably won't be able to post until much later today or this evening; my computer's throwing a few weird errors, and since hubby's home from work today, he's helping me figure out what's going on. He's also working on some of his own computer issues at the same time, so ... fun day.


If you folks need to take control of Mahira and Echo for any reason, please do! :thumbsup:

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Soooo i've been considering joining this RP for a while now but was hesitant due to my insane sleep cycle and the fact that i haven't been in an RP of this caliber in years. But if you guys are willing to put up with rusty RP skills and a maniac sleep cycle i would be more than happy to join this. So with that out of the way. Here's my sheet.



Name: Tannin (Won’t give out his last name unless he has no choice)


Race: Half Drow


Age: Won’t tell.


Class: Rogue/Swashbuckler/Bard


Alignment: Neutral good


Deity: Eilistraee


Place of Origin: Baldur’s Gate, though he resides in Waterdeep


Appearance: The first thing people notice about Tannin are his short, unkempt white hair and dark violet eyes marking him as having drow blood. However his warm smile and soft, youthful features give him a harmless and friendly looking demeanor which usually saves him from some of the more hostile reactions that those of drowish heritage face. Also at around five foot six his athletic build and scars lightly scattered over his tan skin mark him as a person who’s no stranger to adventure. He says the reason for his odd skin tone considering his heritage, is the result of an enchantment gone horribly wrong.


Armor/Clothing: Preferring comfort over style he’ll often be seen wearing the simplest of outfits. As for armor (when he can find or afford any) He’ll most often choose harden leatherwear or if he’s lucky a chain shirt.


Weapon: He favors the rapier but has been known to opt for a short sword instead. Always has a curved, enchanted dagger on his person at all times.


Personality: “A knife in his boot and an ace up his sleeve, That kid could be dangerous… That is if he’d learn how to use them” A comment from a previous adventure companion


The almost always cheerful half-drow is surprisingly hard not to get along with. He’s almost always wearing an infectious smile and never treats anyone with less respect than what they deserve making him almost instantly likeable. Despite his friendly nature however he rarely if ever seems to trust anyone completely enough to really talk about himself. Though considering his acting talents many wonder if this is just another character he plays as and instead hides his true self beneath several masked layers, for as nice as he appears to be he rarely if ever seems to trust anyone completely enough to really talk about himself.



History: Oddly enough Tannin prefers not to talk about his own history, citing that it’s “Horrifically lengthy and would raise too many other questions.” The most anyone seems to be able to get out of him tend to be stories about his career as an actor, memorable plays he’s been in, and the occasional young lady who managed to pull him in away from his work for a time. Many that he works with claim that he’s always going off on adventures of his own but would rather not talk about them, saying that he doesn’t want the attention.


His parents is a topic which he goes at great lengths to avoid, usually by changing the subject. Not that he is uncomfortable about talking about or had any negative experiences with them, But just that he doesn’t think it’s important for anyone to know who they were.


There is however one thing that he will tell anyone that listens. He claims that he is not from this world, But instead from an alternate reality where events in history happened much different than how they happened here. When asked how he came here he merely smirks and says “Took a wrong turn in Sigil, Wound up waste deep in Waterdeep’s sewer system about six years after I was supposed to be born.” Needless to say there aren’t many that even remotely believe this tale.



So there he is. Little note here i've actually used this character in my old pen and paper games back when i had a group so he's got more than a few miles on him, and that the part about Sigil actually happened and was never rectified. So it helps in situations like these where he would be too young to be adventuring. Don't see too many groups that have their games set post spellplague. But yeah, Any issues with him or anything let me know.

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