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Tales of Faerun


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Alrighty, finished the sheet. I know that Weyland and Amendale aren't going to be picking up a job from the Everdawns since apparently the missing woman is tied in with Ravenna's storyline, but they don't know that. Besides, good opportunity for them to run into the group.


Hope it's a decent enough sheet

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Blegh. first post are always the hardest to do it seems. Not happy with it but whatever, there it is, Sorry about taking so long, things have been kinda crazy over here the past couple days so i haven't had time to really sit down. Should calm down soon so i can get more involved.
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Don't sweat it! On my way to view it now!


[Thirty minutes later]The dialogue seemed so vivid for me. Not many things make me want to punch a character in the face, but that definitely did. That guy was so unfeeling and evil, I felt sick to my stomach. :C

Edited by tokyobleach
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Ooh, looks like the Weyland-Sana snowball of war is going to start rolling sooner than I thought. Epic.


And yes, that post did indeed have me wanting to punch that enforcer in the face. Repeatedly. Nice job.

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