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Tales of Faerun


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Sorry I have not been posting, since you have left my characters behind I am completely writing them out and restarting from scratch. I know it might be a pain for everyone but I think its the best path. Here is my Githyanki Warlock/Hexblade named Lokii.



Name: Lokii


Race: Githyanki


Age: Unknown (His pact with Barbaras has given him long life)


Class: Warlock/Master Of The Unseen Hand


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: None


Place of Origin: Athas


Appearance: Tall, handsome features with various demonic tattoos and eldrict script on his body that glow when he taps into his power. His black hair is tied back into a top knot and his right eye is made of a glowing purple crystal.


Armor/Clothing: Wears a long black leather coat that has glowing eldrict sigils inscribed onto it. Various pieces of armor are built into it to give him protection but a large rune covered gauntlet dominates his left hand. The more Eldricht power he uses the brighter they glow.


Weapon: A large flat-bladed longsword with a slight curve strapped to his back, the blade shines a silver hue with glowing runes along the blade and a large skull imbedded into the hilt at where the crossguard and blade meet.


Personality: Lokii is quiet but strong, what he cannot accomplish through force he does with trickery and cunning, or seduction and deception. He is not a evil person he is just the kind of bad-guy that hunts worse bad guys.


History: Lokii fought during the Githyanki and Githzerai civil war, his people were enslaved by the extraplanar people known as Illithids and the war they fought nearly wiped them out. In an effort to free his people he made a pact with the great demon Barbaras, Barbaras agreed to give him immortality and power for his soul and his loyalty. He agreed but when Barbaras possessed him he realized Barbaras tricked him, despite the great powers he received he was the vessel for Barbaras to split his people even further, causing the near extinction of his people. Now a fugitive from his own people he used his newfound powers to planar travel. Seeking a way to remove the curse from him and regain his soul. Over the many centuries he has been to nearly every realm and has become somewhat of a legend amongst adventurers.

Edited by Macman253
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I have a small issue. :sweat: I can't understand who's saying what at times, because it seems people are forgetting that you're supposed to start a whole new paragraph for each person talking or thinking in a situation. I keep thinking it's the same person talking or thinking instead of a different one.


I'm generally not one to express when something bothers me unless it affects the way I comprehend situations, so I'm not just being a nitpicker here. :sweat:


*ducks behind Arva and uses him as a meat shield*

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