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Rhaine's face was grim, "This dagger hid a note. Although I cannot read it, I know it is written in Mulhorandi, using the Infernal alphabet. This is a Thayan correspondence. And the one thing that I can read is the signature - Szass Tam."
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"Perhaps," Rhaine said, "It would be of help, yes. But there are already implications here that I do not like at all. Are you all familiar with Szass Tam?"
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Nawen said nothing for a moment as if trying to remember if she heard that name or not. Unfortunately it didn't sound familiar.


Sinn who left the camp unnoticed after finishing Nawen's dinner returned to the camp again followed by Illius. "Szass Tam is a powerful lich and member of a group of eight Zulkirs who rule Thay." The sorcerer answered Rhaine's question as he sat beside the ranger.

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Olivia stayed quiet, she was looking at the letters and various words written on the page, but looked up when Rhaine asked if they were familiar about a certain phrase. The words sounded eerily familiar... Maybe Master Relamas mentioned it in the classes that she took, however, that was long ago. "The words sound familiar, but I don't remember what they represent." Olivia said honestly.


However, a man emerged from the woods and answered the question. He seemed to be part of the group, so Olivia didn't react too hastily.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Yes," Rhaine replied with a nod, "the zulkirs number one for each school of magic. Szass Tam is the Master of Necromancy. It has been whispered amongst my...'superiors'...in the Church of Kelemvor that Szass Tam has been seeking correspondence and possibly an alliance with the Cult of the Dragon. This," she indicated the tiny scroll, "seems to be proof enough; he is trying to establish a link to Thay in Cormyr - amongst the Cormyrean nobility. How Xallistine's book managed to fall out of the hands of the Red Wizards and the Cult is mere...chance.


"Our victory at this temple here? It is nothing. It is nothing compared to what else that lich has in his arsenal. We have barely scratched the surface here, and in so doing, we have gained the attention of a very powerful enemy. Tam is eternally patient...he will sacrifice thousands of lives and wait many more years than mortals will ever see to ensure that his goals are met. This is not a loss for him...this is a challenge."


She got up and handed the scroll to Illius, "If you can read this, you may wish to, friend. We need to know what Tam is planning for the west."

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Xallistine pondered for a moment and said "This is indeed grave news... grave news indeed..." He suddenly remembered something "The woman we encountered at the temple, the life-drainer... i could feel the taint of Thay upon her, it was clear that is where she hails from... perhaps she knows more of this than she let on to us?"


Aricia listened to the group... so Szass Tam was now an enemy? things could get rather bloody...

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"Thank you." The sorcerer thanked Rhaine as he took a scroll from her and opened it. For a moment he sat there silently, reading what was written in it. He was able to read it but it wasn't easy. As soon as he finished Illius returned the scroll to the Doomguide. "Considering the amount of text you'd think much was written in the scroll but not as much as we'd like." He glanced at the adventurers around the fire. "How much do you know about Tchazzar?"


Nawen was looking at the symbols in the scroll but she could not read any of it.

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Rhaine thought for a moment, "My history isn't exactly fresh, but isn't he...or wasn't he...a ruler of Chessenta? Didn't he just recently re-acquire his position?"
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"That he did but there's more to that. During the Time of Troubles, Tiamat was killed by Gilgeam but her divinity was split into 3 pieces, each of which came to inhabit a chromatic dragon. Tchazzar was one of them. Apparently another dragon who also received a part of this divinity tried to become a God but was slain. In that parchment I read that the cult is trying to resurrect that dragon and help him to become a God so he could rule The Realms. They have to resurrect a certain amount of dracoliches in specific areas for this dark ritual to work." Illius explained and looked at the adventurers. He was uncertain what was the reason for resurrection of those dracoliches. Does the cult intend to sacrifice them or they are needed to empower the ritual? Unfortunately nothing about it was mentioned in the scroll.
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