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Tales of Faerun


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"Aren't you past your bedtime, oh Chosen one?" The Fallen said, ignoring most of what Saerileth said.


"There is an inn not too far from here." He continued as he turned away from the young girl and mounted his horse and rode along the road, leading others to the inn.

He heard what Sefris said. Does him being banished from heavens made him exceptionally evil? He couldn't care less what they thought about him. He doesn't have to like any of them.


Nawen was happy that they were traveling again. She felt sorry for those people who left in the settlement even after the attacks but at the same time she admired their strength for not leaving their home no matter what was happening.

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Rhaine remounted Ghost and kicked him into a canter, following closely behind Aedan without another word. She did not like her actions being questioned, and she did not have to explain her reasoning to anyone. Her experiences with fallen celestials had caused her more grief in the past than they realized - perhaps something they would understand if Xallistine made any progress with Gulk'aush's eye.


The clouds began to cover the moon, and Aedan was leading them headlong into darkness.

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Sefris chuckles at Aedan's remark to Saerileth, raising her eyes to the sky. It mattered not to her was it day, night, dusk or complete darkness. Thanks to her half-demonic heritage and draconic adaptations, she can see in both poorly lit places and in complete darkness.


"Seems it's getting dark." she smirked smugly. "Hands up. Who can see in the dark? I'm guessing the Drows....squid heads, perhaps?"

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Saerileth grumbles under her breath. Her lack of action had once again gained her displeasure in the eyes of Tyr. Saerileth didn't mind the dark. Her eladrin blood gave her the ability to see in the dark, as well as her pointed ears.


Caladus was really starting to get angry. "She is a member of this group, as all of us are. You will show her he same respect!"


Shaori watched his, thinking he'd be great as a father. She decides to play a joke on him, and jumps on Dark Thunder. "Hey, Caladus! Looks like you're walking!" She wasn't intending to ride him, just teasing. She wasn't expecting the horse, who had been sent for Caladus by Rillifane, to throw her thinking she was a thief. She flaps her wings trying to gain height, ends up flipping and lands hard face down.


Caladus rushes forward. "Are you alright?" He helps her to her feet.


Shaori could tell she wasn't inside, but no need to worry Caladus. "Fine. I'm fine." She would have to talk to Rhaine later, see if she was right about what happened.

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Aedan urged the horse to go faster. Unlike some others in the group he could not see in the dark and he did not want to travel at night when he can't even see what's ahead. He paid no attention to what the Drow male said. He wanted to reach the tavern before it got really dark. There will be time for that later.


Nawen frowned when she heard Sefris referring to the Mind Flayers as 'squish heads' that was simply disrespectful. "Do you always have to refer to us by our races?" She asked, clearly annoyed. "We're not referring to you by your race." The ranger added.


The Fallen heard what the hooded woman said. If she was so quick to announce her annoyance to Sefris's words she must be one of the mentioned races. It was obvious that she wasn't an Illithid. That could only mean that she was a Drow. "That's why she is hiding under the hood. Smart girl." He thought. Aedan cared not about the races of people he meets. All, no matter the race or gender usually annoyed him equally.

Edited by Naktis
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Sefris was riding behind Rhaine, as always, looking around the village as they passed. She looked back at Nawen with an eyebrow raised in a annoyed manner.


"Because I do not care enough to remember your name. And feel free to refer to me with the name of my race once you learn what I really am, little drow. Empty words mean nothing to me unless you know their meaning." she said to Nawen with a dismissive wave of her hand, her back once again facing her.


"And for gods' sake, drow, do we really need to have another talk about respecting, that is not respecting, people who have not yet proved themselves worthy of respect?" she asked Caladus with a sigh, slowly getting irritated with both Drows. Idiots.

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Rhaine could indeed see in the dark. Like Saerileth, she was half elven, and so her darkvision was automatically employed in low lighting. It was not as potent as a full-blooded elf, but it was enough.


For a time, she simply listened to the clatter of Ghost's hooves on the flagstones. But, after a while, she began to grow concerned.


Raising her voice over the din of the horses' hooves, she inquired, "How much farther?"

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"Of course, demon." Nawen mumbled in reply to Sefris's comment. She saw the woman's true form when she was attacked by the witch back at Eagle Peak. The word demon however could be understood as a description of her attitude too because Sefris wasn't exactly the nicest person in the Realms.


"No. We're already here." Aedan replied and pointed to source of the dim light. They reached the tavern few minutes later. A small stable stood beside the inn.


Aedan dismounted his horse and gave the reins to the young man who ran out of the inn as soon as he saw them. "G... good to s... see you again, sir." The young man said quietly. The Fallen glanced at the man with his silver lifeless eyes and the man lowered his head and waited for the others to give the reins of their horses.


Aedan went inside the tavern. The common room was empty, he was sure that all the rooms are available too. "You again!?" The innkeeper exclaimed and glared at the Fallen. "first you scared my clients away, what you want this time? Burn down my establishment!?" He only grinned at the old man. "Calm yourself, I brought some people who'd like to stay for the night." He said and made his way to the table he previously sat at.


Nawen approached the tavern quite quickly. She gave the reins to the stable boy and made her way inside. No one except their new companion and an old innkeeper were inside. She looked around for a moment. The tavern looked decent and most importantly clean. She rented all the available rooms for her and her companions and ordered something to eat. She sat at the table next to Aedan's table. She wasn't sure if the man would object if she joined him or not so she decided not to test it.

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Xallistine could see in the dark fine, so he continued clattering along with everyone else, writing down notes in his journal. He dismounted, And made his way inside the inn. Setting himself, and his bag down upon an empty table, he took out his Journal, his quill, and a few papers, and began drawing an intricate design, an arcane circle of types.


Aricia was completely lost in thought as they continued on, her face wearing sadness, her eyes watery. She did not look at the others, instead kept her head down, her pointed ears sticking out as her hair was free to blow. And as an Eldarin, she could see perfectly in the dark. She tethered Epoch in the stables, and stood alone on the border of the road, a few small tears escaping her eyes as she looked up at the Stars, her hair fallen down to her hips.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Saerileth could see her mother looking rather sad. Slightly nervously, she approaches her mother. "Mother? W-what hast thou crying? Is there something wrong?"


Shaori presses her hand to her stomach as she lands. She went into the inn, paid for a room, and went into it. She did not emerge for some time.


Caladus thought perhaps Shaori had an upset stomach, or was having problems of a womanly nature. Females often developed such problems during the month. He decided to ignore it for now.

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