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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine glanced over the diagram, then grabbed Xallistine's hands in her excitement, "My friend, you are brilliant! I knew you could do it!"


Just then, Caladus asked her to check on Shaori, "Oh, certainly, Caladus. Just one moment."


"I'll be back shortly," she added to Xallistine, before heading off to the inn's rooms.


She looked around. All of the hall's doors were closed, with no lights underneath them. There was no way of telling which one was the Avariel's. Quietly, she called, "Shaori? Are you all right?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris smirked, red eyes looking at silver ones almost daringly, but mostly with playfulness and amusement.


"I guess you could. I have agreed to tag along with them for some time." she replied softly with the ever-present-smirk that lingered when she talked to him, looking at the man across of her. She was very intrigued, for she had never met a Fallen before. But she'll play 20 questions for now, let him get the information he wishes to possess. Then it will be her turn. This just might turn to be both interesting and fun.

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Xallistine chuckled happily, it brought fulfillment to his research when something good could be made of it, seeing Lady Rhaine exited gave him the desire to complete his project, if it would allow the pain, the terrible memories she held to be soothed, then his creation will have been worth it. He drew up another page, and sketched a goblet, inside a potent concoction of mind-altering herbs and plants, which everyone would have to ingest before his 'Ritual' of sorts would begin. He continued adding detail to his designs, and adding annotations upon them, to make it clear, and easy... well easy wasn't really the word, but more understandable for Rhaine.
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Aedan watched Sefris as he listened to what she told him. Why was she always smirking? Is there something she wants from him and was using her beauty to get it? Whatever the case he had decided to play along. These kind of tricks never worked on him before so he might realize if the sun elf or someone else will try anything against him. "You don't seem the helping everybody type. What made you join them in the first place? Lust for knowledge? Power?" He grinned wickedly as he said the last word.
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It's Sef. She has a hidden meaning behind everything she does.


"It's always the power and I will always take it when available - or not, makes the road of reaching it more amusing. On the other side, there are boredom, that wish for dangerous and exciting things..." she chuckled shortly and looked away for a second. "I am pretty much easily bored, so I always search for new things to occupy me - dangerous, powerful, exciting, unusual...those are the kinds of things that I feel drawn to."

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Shaori could hear Rhaine. "I-In here!" She called out.


Saerileth nods, and watches the sky for a few moments, before disentangling herself and going inside for some food.


Caladus eats, and contemplates what Nawen has says. "Hmm." He says, thinking. "I don't like them either, the one who judges based on deeds, or the new one."

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Rhaine heard Shaori's weak call and tentatively opened the room door she though the Avariel was behind. She looked around and then down, seeing Shaori huddled on the floor, trembling, her skin deathly pale and her eyes wide. The Doomguide rushed over, kneeling in front of her, "By the gods, what happened?"
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"Both of them feels... evil." Nawen whispered back. She didn't feel so good about gossiping. Especially when both Aedan and Sefris were sitting right there. She took a small bite of what looked like a potato.


Aedan listened to Sefris with the same wicked grin on his face. He wasn't after power himself, he will have plenty of time for that because he was blessed or cursed with immortality, nonetheless he understood what the elf said and agreed with her to some extent. "Is that so?" Was the only thing he said. For now, he had no more questions for her but he suspected that she might have some for him. Maybe it would help him to think of some more questions. "I might be wrong, but is this a question game we play? If so, it is your turn to ask."

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"I-I" She breaks down crying a bit, and puts her arms around Rhaine, and says into the woman's ear. "I was pregnant. It was a boy. Cal was going to be a dad. When Dark Thunder threw me.." She sniffles. "I could tell something was wrong when I got up, I just started feeling the effects a little while ago..."


Caladus nods. "Know exactly how you feel. The man creeps me out, the woman irritates me to no end. If I was allowed to, I would probably turn into a bear and rip her to shreds. I cannot though. I risk Rhaine's displeasure."


Saerileth finds a table and begins eating her food.

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"I am always for the one for games." she grinned and ordered some wine for herself, offering some to the Fallen. " So you are something like a fallen angel, right? I know all those crazy Celestia people have wings, but yet I see no such thing on you. Is it supposed to have a symbolic meaning, cutting off a Fallen's wings or removing them or whatever is it that they do with you?" she asked aftet a second or two of thinking, leaning her head on her arm whose elbow was resting against the table.
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