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Tales of Faerun


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"Show me yours, I'll show you mine?" Sefris asked with a smirk, looking at the squid head that had joined them. Oh, she could have some fried squids for dinner, that sounded..deliciously evil.


"Well, it's no wonder it came here, considering the rest of the mindless group of circus monkeys." they fey'ri shrugged, glancing at Ysmillr as if waiting for him to say something at last.


"Any music wish or are you just going to stare at us while we talk?" she asked with a hint of annoyance, raising a brow at the newcomer.

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Xallistine looked up as Rhaine returned to seat herself on his table again, he added a final annotation to the design of his arcane circle, and slid the paper to Rhaine. "My latest concept... it should work... it could fail... but i am over 60% sure this has a chance of projecting your dreams to the group."
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Worried, Caladus walked back to his seat, and sits. He leans in close, and says to Nawen, "I think something is wrong with Shaori. Rhaine says she just isn't feeling well, but why would she send her father in to talk to her? And then why would her father call that scary sister of hers? Something is seriously wrong, and she doesn't want me to know. That worries. me."


Shaori smiles at Tyra. "His name is Caladus, I met him after I escaped a cage in the Underdark. He was nice to me." She blushes, and starts telling the other details to her sister.


Tyra laughs at her sister going on like a schoolgirl with a crush. "Easy there! Bottom line is, you love him, yeah?"


Shaori nods. "More than anything. Well, uh I mean..."


Tyra waves a hand and cuts her off. "I understood what you meant. Family is different. Now, you, Sleep." She presses her hand to her sister's forehead, and casts a sleep spell. Shaori closes her eyes, and falls into a deep, dreamless sleep. Tyra dims the lantern, and closes the door behind her, walking down the stairs. She whispers into Rhaine's ear as she passes


"She should be fine, I put her to sleep. Give her time, let her wake up on her own. Her spirit needs time to recover from the damage this has caused."


She walks on towards the table with Caladus sitting with another drow. "Caladus, I presume? I am Tyra Ironfeather. You must be Nawen, his sister."

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Rhaine took a few bites before looking at the Ulitharid's plan again. For all intents and purposes, it should work. It was quite a detailed procedure, but nothing Xallistine couldn't handle, she was sure. She noticed the goblet with many ingredients listed beside it. Pointing to it, the Doomguide asked, "A potion, yes? For me, or all of us?"
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Nawen listened to what Caladus said. The poor man was worried about Shaori. "Well he is her father after all. Some children are close to their parents. " She said not entirely sure that he meant by that. While she did not know her real family, the drow was close to her foster father Dhulgar. "Maybe she just wanted to see him, that's all." The ranger added hoping that her words would provide at least some comfort.


She looked up at the Avariel who approached them. It was Shaori's sister but she did not look that creepy to her. "Yes. I'm Nawen." She said. "Wait... his sister?" She wasn't sure what Tyra meant by that. They don't look alike.

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Xallistine rubbed his temples, looking over his conceptual goblet.. he thought for a moment and said "For everyone but you." He paused, and then continued "It alters the mind into a receptive, vulnerable, open state.... i need yours to be in a readable state, not blank. For you i think i shall concoct something that will keep you calm and focused."


Aricia decided to stay outside, the solitude was welcome, and she was used to sitting alone in the halls of her home in the house of triad, completely alone, lost among the shining marble. She stood gazing at the stars still, deep in thought.

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Tyra reaches down, and lifts the amulet Nawen wore into her hand. Tyra didn't know if she wore it openly, or if it had come out of her clothing, but she holds it gently and says. "This is a drow family treasure. These markings indicate a house that died out many years ago, house DeVir. Now, my sister says Caladus is the last of house DeVir. He may have not known about you, which is why he gave you the amulet? Or perhaps, he gave it to you acknowledging you as his sister? Like a trust thing? Either way, you wear the amulet of House DeVir, and sit with a member of House DeVir, and since to the Avariel, all Drow look alike, it is an easy mistake to make. I apologize if I offended you."


Caladus smiles, and says nothing.


Saerileth goes back outside after eating and decides to cuddle herself into her mother's side, just wanting to be close.

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"Hmm," Rhaine's face was clouded with thought, "Do you have everything you need already? How soon can we do this?"


She was eager to see if Kelemvor's words would prove correct - that if she shared her burden with those who cared about it, it would lift from her shoulders. The Doomguide was tired of bad memories plaguing her thoughts...feelings of guilt and feelings of unworthiness. Rhaine had a growing need to shed these parts of herself, these anchors tying her down.

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Aricia held Saerileth close, not speaking, just glad her daughter was safe... she could feel as though something bad was going to happen... but that she kept to herself.


Xallistine pondered "Patience, my friend.... this cannot be done in a state of rush... everything must be calm and focused, otherwise it could go terribly wrong. I need gather some lavender, and i need time to prepare the ink... this circle will have to be drawn. I need stone floor to achieve it, the mold ridden wood of this inn will not do."

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Nawen completely forgot about the House DeVir amulet she wore ever since Caladus gave it to her back in Xallistine's lair in the Underdark. "He did give me an amulet acknowledging me as his sister..." She said and smiled slightly to the druid. Even if she knew nothing about his house, she treasured the gift and felt honored that he entrusted her with such relic. "It is alright. No harm done." The ranger added and looked up at Tyra. To her all Avariel looked alike too. Must be because of the wings.
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