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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris had seen Rhaine and Caladus, too, but payed no attention to them. The fey'ri entered the building when Aedan opened it, looking around. There was a nice collection of masks on one side and another of shoes on the other side of the store. She casted another light cantrip at Aedan and started looking around.


She finally decided to take a black-red mask with red feathers on top to go with her dress, but she had a bit harder time finding her shoe number. Red shoes she'd find were too big, the other ones were too small, the third ones had too big heel which she most certainly couldn't walk ino etc. After a while she managed to find a nice pair of black shoes her size with heels small enough for her to walk in. Putting the items in her bag, she turned to Aedan.


"I do not understand why are women so crazy about shoes. It's a real nightmare until you find the right ones."

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Rhaine raised her eyebrow at Caladus, "Did you? Hmm...I should have known those two were up to no good. Let's return to the market then, and see if we can't catch them in the act. Perhaps fortune will smile upon us and throw Ianthe in our path as well."


She sheathed her blade and began to leave the stable.

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Aedan looked around and snatched the mask that was closest to him. He looked at it for a moment before putting it into the bag of holding. He didn't care how the mask looks. He opened the door and waited for Sefris. They were in the back alley this time which helped for them to remain unnoticed.


"Don't know, don't care. I'm not a woman." He said and looked around.

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Sefris only nodded in acknowledgement of his comment, stepping outside in the moonlight.


"So...going back to the little 'party'? I think I could go for a quick flight or a walk. Night really isn't the time for sleep." she looked at the Fallen, tying her hair up in a ponytail, like she always did when she was about to go flying. It kept her hair out of her face, giving her a clear sight of the night sky.

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Caladus padded quietly towards the shop he could see Sefris and Aedan outside, and blew smoke at them.


"Nice night for a break-in, isn't it?" He takes another pull on his pipe. The pipe was a reasonably long, with a blackish stem and average bowl, roughly an inch and a half across. His hand cupped around the bowl, and his other hand rested on the pommel of one of his scimitars. He indicated the direction he'd encountered Rhaine.


"She knows, and she's furious. She and I saw you two, I was the one who actually knew what you were doing. Here's a suggestion. Put them back, and no-one will be any the wiser. Don't, and you will have to deal with Rhaine. Your choice." He takes another pull on his pipe, and blows a few smoke rings.

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Aedan was already finished with the door when he suddenly heard someone's voice. He turned only to see that other Drow standing in front of them and smoking pipe. This one was even more irritating than the other drow. At least the female was smart enough to stay with her mouth shut most of the time.


He stood confidently before the Drow, his bag of holding hidden from the view. "You're enjoying it too much." He said and pointed at the pipe. "You're seeing things." He wasn't afraid nor of him nor of the Doomguide. Even if they would kick him out of the group he'd find a way how to make them pay for it. Cult of the Dragon would be just a group of friendly folk compared to him when he's angry.

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Caladus smiled passively. He knew he hadn't seen things earlier, and the herb didn't cause him to hallucinate. Drow were resistant to those effects unless the herb was mixed with a ground up fungi from the underdark. He shook his head.


"I'm afraid that I lack the proper fungi to make me feel that way. I wish I had it, but I need a fungus that grows only by the lakes in the underdark, ground into a powder and mixed with the current herb which counters the normally toxic effect of the mushroom in question to produce pleasant hallucinations. I am afraid I find very little about this.. pleasant." He blinks slowly at them.


"I hold not the title of party leader, that would be Rhaine Alcinea. Your judgement falls on her shoulders when she gets here. I have a party to get back to. I shall warn you this time, although you may scoff it off. Do not test my patience, fallen. I do not wish to make you my enemy, for although you are indeed a formidable foe, you neglect my own power, and the power of those I travel with. Combined, we would be more than a force enough to beat you. See that you do not make that happen, Aedan Fallenheart." He takes an extra large pull on the pipe, breathes it out through his nose, and walks back to the party, humming.

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Sefris raised an eyebrow at Caladus, clearly nor impressed nor scared.


"You keep threatening, drow, but yet again you don't ever do anything." she said with a raised head, looking down at the elf before her. Her net sentence was quiet, but it was more than sharp, words dripping like poison off of her lips.


"You're boring me, barking dog. You better go back to the rest of the circus, and leave the night to the creatures of the dark. I might go for a flight." she shrugged, her wings making the way out of her skin as the fey'ri stood still in the dark ally. Oh come on, give her a reason to attack; she thought as she watched him walk away. There's nothing she'd like more than to finally shut up that trice-cursed dog...

Edited by Alaylyne
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"Keep talking with that tone and I will do something," Rhaine said, suddenly appearing before the Fallen and the fey'ri, her green eyes glowing slightly, "And I do not make idle threats."


She had come up from the other side of the street, having watched Caladus approach the pair from the front. There was no need for them to have stolen anything...they were making trouble, and that was all there was to it. If they kept this up, they would bring nothing but strife to the rest of the party.


"We need to talk. Now."

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Caladus heard Rhaine's voice, and turned, expecting to see her angry at him. He discovered she had confronted Aedan and Sefris, and walked back towards her, standing by her shoulder in case she needed help.


Shaori wondered what had become of Caladus, and stopped playing. She checked the bedrooms and didn't find him. Deciding he must have gone for a walk, she gestured to her sister, and the both of them went outside, noticing Caladus and Rhaine a short distance, they walked over. Shaori gently looped her arms around Caladus, while Tyra stood nearby, hand on her sword scanning her surroundings.


Saerileth finished her mug of mead, and reached for a third one. She was feeling a pleasant sensation in her head, and the mead tasted sweet, cold and frothy.


Radik watched with concern. She was a young thing with a petite form, this wouldn't end well, not to mention, wasn't she some sort of religious type? This would reflect poorly on her in the eyes of whatever god she worshipped.

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