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Tales of Faerun


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Illius led Nawen and now Rhaine to his room. Once inside he helped the ranger to settle in on the bed and waited for the Doomguide and maybe others if they decide to join them. He thought that he sensed something, something dark but thought nothing of it. Back in the common room he noticed a woman who was drinking wine and it seemed that she was enjoying seeing Nawen hurt so he thought that from wherever that feeling came it came from her.


Aedan was sitting at the table staring at his own hands. He was too late for what Sefris called a show but he didn't care. He was lost in his own thoughts but even then he was fully aware of what's happening around him. He noticed that Sefris was standing in front of the raven. He did not care what she was doing with that bird, he was more interested how he managed to get inside the inn but then he noticed that one of the windows was open. "That's exactly what we need. Stupid birds." He mumbled to himself and lowered his head again.

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Caladus followed the group up the stairs to where Nawen had been put to bed, and put his old black cloak over her as a sign that he was there for her. He pulled his hood up and went to see if he could track down Nawen's own cloak, if it was indeed worth salvaging. He also decided to check the bodies of the potential assassins in case the injured Drow missed anything. Putting his hand on Rhaine's shoulder briefly as he passed he muttered,


"Keep her safe, will you? I know you may not like or trust my druidic magic, but she is healed well enough. She needs rest. I am going to see if I can find these assassins, in case anything else important was missed." He walked down the stairs and headed out of the inn, towards the city gates.


Saerileth pouted, but was feeling slightly tipsy as it is. Stumbling slightly, she gathered her gifts, and remembered she hadn't opened Nawen's or Rhaine's gifts. She opened Nawen's gift and found a set of long white gloves that went perfectly with the ballgown, and found from Rhaine a stunning cloak. She smiled at the gifts she had been given and gathered her stuff together, and hauled it up to her room. After leaving the things on the bed, she went to check on Nawen, and placed a kiss on the woman's forehead.


"Rest, noble one. Thy friends will keep thee safe. I must also thank thee for thy gift. The gloves are lovely." She walked back towards Rhaine, stumbling slightly, and gave her a hug.


"Thank thee for thy gift as well. Thou must tell me what enchantments are on that cloak, but not tonight. I think I should sleep. I am no good to anyone drunk." She stumbled to her room, and after moving her gifts safely off her bed, simply fell onto it, still wearing the black dress, and fell asleep.


Shaori and Tyra packed up the instruments and returned Caladus's to his room. They hurried out to follow Caladus at a discreet distance, in case there were more enemies.

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Rhaine waited until Caladus and Saerileth left, then moved slowly over to Nawen's bed and sat on the edge. The Doomguide let the mysterious book rest in her lap, and she was silent for several minutes. Finally, she met the drow's emerald eyes and spoke, "I am sorry that I was not there to help you, Nawen. I was occupied by petty inanity, and it cost you. For this, I must apologize."
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Sefris shook her head and returned to her seat, Xaos following her step and jumping up on the counter with a curious meow. She couldn't shake off the memories from her mind. She knew who they belonged to - she was debating on the meaning of the. What is it that Ravenna wants? To scare her? Sefris to join her?


The fey'ri knew the witch was powerful, but this - this was an entirely different league. A mere human lived a few centuries because of her magic and she was only getting stronger with years, her youth never fading. Her eyes wondered to white tips that ornated her hair, a hint of wish for revenge rising. On the other hand...if the witch was to share her power with the sorceress....


Sefris smirked, taking another sip of her wine as a spark of something malicious appeared in her eyes.

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Xallistine got to work in the cellar, at starting to draw his arcane circle in a huge size, he painted it on the floor with a strange ink, it was toxic, and had a metallic glow. He drew it perfectly, but on a huge scale, and got to work adding in all of the symbols needed, first starting with the place Rhaine was to lie. He raised the ground slightly in a podium at the centre of the circle, for the eye to rest in it's stand. And around each section, each station for those who were going to bear witness to Rhaine's dreams, he put a wreath of lavender, and a golden goblet. He then sat at the corner of the cellar, concocting the potent potion needed for the ritual, Rhaine's would keep her mind in an explorable, yet focused state, and the other elixirs would make everyone else go into a receptive, vulnerable state, for Rhaine's dreams to be projected into.



The emerald eyed Raven, which was Ravenna's personal pet, flew back to the grim carriage, which was nearing Arabel. It perched itself upon the window, and cawed at it's mistress "Ohh, my little darling... come here Ephemera." Ravenna said, picking up the bird gently "What's that? Oh she got the message? Good... now let's see if those memories will begin to... materialize in dear Sefris's mind."

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Illius kept walking back and forth in the room. It was annoying but he just couldn't stop. It calmed him down. Why was he nervous in the first place? Nawen was fine now, well maybe fine wasn't the right word but she was alive, her wounds were treated and she was safe, with him.


The sorcerer wasn't sure if someone will join them or not but he decided to wait. Just for a bit longer.


Nawen wrapped the cloak around herself. It was big and warm. She felt even better and slightly sleepy. She turned her head to the Doomguide. "There's no need to be sorry, Rhaine. I am fine. You couldn't have known that they were outside the town. It's my fault for going out there." The ranger said.


Aedan was now staring at Sefris. She seemed oddly happy about her... meeting with that bird. Whatever is happening here it's weird. He hated being unaware of things but unfortunately he wasn't a mind reader and couldn't know what's going on and he was sure that Sefris won't share, nor should she. The less people know about you the better.

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Rhaine was silent again for several moments before asking, "Can you tell us what happened? Or would you rather be left alone to rest?"
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Caladus headed on towards the city gates, hood pulled up. He realized sight would not help here, and changed to wolf form. He smelled around, and followed the blood trail, knowing it would lead him to where Nawen was attacked.


Shaori and Tyra watched as Cal changed into a wolf, and followed from the air.

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Sefris was strangely silent for a change, spinning her half-empty glass of wine with her index finger. Since her back was turned to the main part of the inn - including Aedan - she could feel that odd feeling like something was standing behind her. Turning and leaning her back on the bar, she raised an eyebrow at the Fallen with the ever-present smirk.


"Something on your mind? You seem intent on staring at me. I do hope you're not trying to undress me mentally." she said to the fallen, smiling at the last part. Somehow world seemed...funnier...now.


Xaos had gotten up from the counter and looked at the man across the inn at the same time as her mistress. The familiar could feel someone staring at her mistress and she didn't like it. Swiftly jumping down, the black cat made her way around the tables and chairs to the fallen's table, jumping up and staring at the man. No sound or anything - just staring.


"Now, now, Xaos," the fey'ri started seeing the cat's behaviour, "no need to do that. He's the one with a brain around here."


Xaos seemed to relax a bit, but her green eyes were still locked on the gray ones.

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Nawen nodded. "Yes. I can tell everything that happened." She glanced at Illius as if waiting for an answer to something. The sorcerer nodded and leaned against the table. The ranger tightened her grip on the sides of the cloak.


"I was in our room and decided to take a walk." She looked at the sorcerer and Rhaine for a moment before continuing. "I went through the gates outside and after a while I was about to return back to the inn when I heard voices so I sneaked up to see who was talking. It was three members of the Cult of the Dragon. Their leader held that book-" she said and pointed to the book that was resting on Rhaine's lap "they came here for us because of what we did in the Underdark. I knew it would have been better if I came back but I just couldn't risk of loosing them from my sight so I attacked them..." Nawen trailed off and glanced at her friends again. "I killed them, took the book and came back."


"Maybe I am." Aedan replied as he kept watching Sefris. That's when he noticed a black cat near her. He frowned slightly. The only animal he didn't hate was his horse. The Fallen then got back to his seat. "That bird... is he yours?" He asked.

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