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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine handed Illius the Cult book, then moved to the area that Xallistine indicated, carefully lying down and folding her wings around her. She took a shaky breath, released it, and then closed her eyes, waiting on the others to join her.
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Sefris was about to reply to Aedan when Xallistine mentioned something about attending something. Wait, was it the...dream thingy? She thought she could recall them mentioning it before. The fey'ri looked over at Rhaine, her brow raised in question.


"What's going on?" Xaos raised her head as soon as her mistress stopped petting her, her ears raised in case something attacked, but no such thing came. Instead, the familiar watched the woman on the ground, her wings reminding the cat of the wings that belonged to that raven from before.

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"Dreamwalking is what they are going to do, With Xallstine supervising, some other members of the party will follow into Rhaine's nightmare, and help her interpret it, and fight her inner demons." Caladus nodded at Sefris, and walked, towards the basement. He decided to join in, despite his previous protests. He walked down the stairs, and the wolf followed.


"Think I'll call you, Fenrir. Good a name as any I suppose."

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Nawen went to one of the spots where Xallstine said they should go. She put the wreath of lavender on her head and thought that it smelled nice. She then emptied the goblet with odd tasting liquor and with a few groans finally settled in on the ground.


Illius held the book close and watched everything with great interest. He saw many rituals in his life but never anything like this. He was ready to help in case there will be a need for that. He was hoping that for the sake of everyone things will go smoothly.


Aedan heard something about dreamwalking thing but it did not sound interesting to him so he stayed in his seat and tried to see what was happening outside through an open window. He thought that he saw someone walking past but maybe it was nothing.

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Rhaine took the potion and downed it in one gulp, frowning at the slightly bitter taste. A numb, tingling sensation began to slowly wash over her...


"All who wish to be with me, move into position," she said groggily, already feeling as if she were about to fall asleep.

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Fighting demons, eh?


"Well, count me in!" she called after Caladus, looking at Aedan before getting up.


"You're not joining? Such a shame. Excuse me, but I am pretty sure some demons need to be set on fire. Xaos, stay here." she said to the familiar before going to the basement, Xaos looking at her with tilted head. Soon the cat turned its attention to the fallen sitting at the table, meowing once at him.


Sefris walked into the basement when Xallistine mentioned drinking some elixir to Caladus, looking curiously at the sight before her.


"Somebody mentioned fighting demons?" she was so itching to have a fight that even this would do.

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"Drink the elixir and put the lavender on your head..." Rhaine trailed sleepily, noticing that Sefris had decided to join them.
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Sefris hesitated for a second, but finally lay down on one of the free places and put the lavender on her head, no matter how silly she might have looked like. She slowly drank the elixir and looked up, waiting for this to start.


The fey'ri wondered what will they see. A bunch of demons? King of Shadows himself? Same as for the fallens, she did her homework about Rhaine. Turned out she was quite a hero back in Neverwinter. The half-demoness couldn't understand why would anyone abandon a life like that. After what Rhaine had done, she could have lived like a queen, not moving a finger the whole day. Instead, she chose this? Seemed like a waste of a perfectly big fortune for her.


Sefris abandoned those kinds of thoughts and closed her eyes, waiting for something to happen.

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