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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine put her head in her hands. It was a difficult situation to be sure. Xallistine had a point, of course. Even she was surprised when Kelemvor ordered her not to pursue Szass Tam. Then again, she also understood his reasoning.


She echoed the Ulitharid's sigh, "Kelemvor believes there are certain things in this world that, for the greater good, cannot be changed. I think he wants us to avoid Tam not because the lich is not vile or evil -- he most certainly is, and my lord looks forward to his Judgment -- or solely for the safety of himself and his followers, but for the sake of humanity as a whole. Kelemvor has a view of the universe that we are not privy to. He is able to foresee consequences that we mortals cannot comprehend. I truly believe he fears that, if we provoke Tam -- and, in turn, Bane --that mankind will suffer the likes of which we have never seen...perhaps not from the Black Lord's wrath alone, but from many other gods as well. You remember what my lord told us back at our camp in the Sword Mountains? He believes his peers to be on the brink of war. I don't think any of us, regardless of our faith or sense of justice, could forgive ourselves for the suffering that would come if we incited such a war."


The Doomguide paused, thinking on what Xallistine had said. After a moment, she added, "Kelemvor did not mention Ravenna by name. Perhaps I erred in interpreting her as our true enemy - the blame for marking her as such is mine alone. But I ask you this...what if we cannot provide whatever she wants in return for the information she has?"

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Xallistine paused for a moment, thankful that there *argument* did not turn into a shouting match, both he and Rhaine possessed good, sound outlooks on situations, and they often agreed on a course of action... but Xallistine knew that his lust and desire for knowledge was influencing his decision-- he was not of any moral code, but he believed in good, and generally frowned upon chaotic evil... but if by dooming the world to a war for the sake of knowledge? perhaps he could do that... but then, he knew that he was far too in-touch with humanity than he had ever hoped to be, the test subjects he observed were slowly becoming a real part of him. "If we cannot meet her demands... Hmm... then we must bargain with her... we both know she does not desire worldly objects such as wealth, or jewels... what she would require is hard to judge."


Ravenna smiled at Sefris and said "I shall have something fine for you, i think i know of what you may like." the witch said with a smile. "Tell me Sefris... have you ever heard of binding a god?" Ravenna said, ambition glinting in her eyes, as the carriage thundered away from Arabel.

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Both Nawen and Illius glanced at the Doomguide when she addressed them. "I will follow you no matter what you'll decide." Nawen said. She had faith in Rhaine and was positive that her decision is going to be a right one.


Illius on the other hand was disappointed by this but tried as best as he could to conceal it. He had his own reasons to see the cult eliminated. "I will join you, if you'll have me though I must visit my family in the Silverymoon."


Aedan who rode on his brand new, stolen horse rode beside the carriage listened to the conversation. Once he heard what the witch said he started laughing. "If that is your plan" the Fallen spoke, addressing Ravenna "you may as well turn around and go back to your fancy palace. It's impossible. Gods have an immense amount of power and you're a fool if you think that you will manage this."

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"Thank you," Rhaine said to Nawen, offering the drow a smile. She appreciated the support -- decisions were becoming ever-difficult, and trying to choose the right path was even more so. She then nodded to Illius, "That can be arranged, I think. Very well. We'll see what we can do on the morrow. Perhaps the guards know in what direction the witch was heading. For now, let us all retire and rest. We will no doubt need it."
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Xallistine nodded "hopefully this spell will wear off over night... i need my old body back."


Ravenna smiled, clearly amused by Aedan's doubts "And what if it isn't impossible? my immortality is seen as impossible, yet here i am. Anything is possible... if you know how, or what will allow you to acheive that goal. But the binding of a god is very possible... it has never been done, but it is possible. To do it we need the eye of Miora."

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"Aaaaaah..." Sefris looked at Ravenna, interested in her plan. That sounded quite... exquisite. And she liked it.


"Not really, but I like the sound of that." Since her mind was still going through her maps - as it always did - Sefris remembered something.


"Say...couldn't we head to High Forest instead? It's closer and a forest as any other one." she asked the witch, glancing shortly in Aedan's direction to make sure he heard her.

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"Well goodnight then." Nawen said yawning as she left Rhaine's room and went to her own. Illius said his goodnights as well and went to his and Nawen's room.


"Good luck with that." Aedan mumbled and raised his head to look at the sky. "That will be fun to see." He had no intentions to angering Gods. The reason why he's here on the Prime is because he angered one or maybe more than one. The wrath of Gods was the only thing that worried him, but luckily due to his ability to hide his emotions well it was near impossible to tell.

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"Good night to all of you," Rhaine replied, rising and closing the door behind her companions. For a moment, the Doomguide simply stood there, leaning against the door. She was thankful for companions like Xallistine and Nawen...yet she wondered if the weight of responsibility rested as heavily on their shoulders as it did hers.


Rhaine turned and began to undress, slipping out of her boots, gloves, and gown. She folded them all carefully and replaced them in her Bag of Holding, along with her mask. She then pulled one of her nightdresses over her head and moved to the private bath, where she washed the cosmetics from her face. Afterwards, she stood, looking at herself in the mirror.


All back to normal.


She sighed. Though she would keep her eveningwear for now, it was highly unlikely that she would ever don them again.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine returned to his room, and closed the door behind him... for the first time in his life, he lay down to sleep...


Ravenna smiled as Sefris spoke of the High Forest "Now that you mention it there is a certain fort hidden in the deep woods... Yes, we shall go there... far larger, and much harder to find us within such a forest." Ravenna said, she then raised her voice and said "Change course!To the High Forest!" The driver complied, and took a route that led to the high forest.

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