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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen was more than happy to get out of that uncomfortable and itchy dress. She changed into a simple linen shirt which was either for men or really tall women because when he ranger wore it the shirt reached her knees. She looked around the room. Her panther, Sinn was sleeping on a carpet beside her bed, she wondered what the panther was doing when they were in the ball.


Nawen glanced at the other bed. Illius was already asleep. "What were you doing before the ball?" She thought as she got into her own bed. His odd disappearances were worrying her. He never did anything like this before. "Should I ask him?" She wondered. With the same annoying question in her head she fell asleep.


"Wow! The High Forest is so much closer!" Aedan exclaimed and rolled his eyes. He could not understand what made those forests around the Silver Marches so special that they had to go there. King's Forest or even the Reaching Woods were much closer to Arabel why aren't they going there? He ushered the horse to go faster as he had no interest to listen to the women talks.

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"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Aedan, no need for such venomous sarcasm." the half-demoness smiled, flipping a lock of her hair with her fingers. She noticed the white tips and suddenly looked at the witch.


"When do you intend on taking care of this?" she asked, pointing to her white tips of her otherwise black hair.

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Ravenna smiled and said "When i have enough power to do so." Ravenna answered bluntly. In the time between her first meeting with Sefris, and her second at the ball, the witch would have been able to re-vitalize Sefris, but at this current moment, her powers fading so quickly, she couldn't, as it required her to give what youth she had taken back, and that would mean her be weakened far too much to be able to use her magick's effectively, "Once i have finished this... phase, i shall be able to feed again, and replenish your hair, but for now be patient, or cut off those grey tips." the witch said, as she pulled a parchment out of her robes. it was an image of what the eye of Miora was designed to look like, at the bottom, a signature of Ravenna's mother- Miora. "it seems i shall see you again, mother." Ravenna said, quietly, more to herself, but Sefris could probably hear her, if she was listening.
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Rhaine lay awake for most of what remained of the night; her brain was far too active with thoughts of the evening's events. The Doomguide kept running over everything in her mind again and again, trying to make sense of what was going on. She reclined on her back, her arms crossed behind her head and her ebon wings drooping over either side of the bed. Her emerald gaze bore holes through the canopy as she stared into space, her eyes seeing only her memories.


Nawen, Illius, and Xallistine had all tried their best to gain information about the Cult's activities, but the Thayans and Ravenna both had thwarted them. Now, the companions would be racing against time itself to catch up with the witch and find out what information she had been given...and the gods only knew where the Lady Everdawn was headed. The fact that Aedan and Sefris were now with Ravenna was also cause for grave concern. What had she tempted them with? What did they see in her? Was power what they desired? Or were they doing it out of some sort of spite?


Kelemvor's abrupt redirection of their course was disturbing as well. Actually, it worried her greatly. Though Rhaine had, at first, been doubly happy to see her lord, his presence served only to cause concern once she heard his cryptic words of warning. It felt as if the gods themselves were stepping on eggshells - as if any moment a conflict would break out between them...a conflict of unimaginable magnitude. That he had gone so far as to send an elaborately disguised avatar to her at such a precarious time was alarming...though the influx of power from the Feast of the Moon likely countered any expense on his part.


Rhaine smiled faintly as she remembered their waltz. As she recalled, the musicians had been playing an appropriately melancholy tune. The Doomguide wondered how many other mortals had the privilege of dancing with their god's avatar. She had been truly blessed in these recent years, and she did not dare hope for more. Yet, time and again, he honored her with his presence, and each time she found her strength and her sense of purpose renewed. Rhaine briefly wondered if he had gleaned any enjoyment from their encounter...or if it was just a means to an end.


This brought her thoughts back to her companions. Nawen's continuous faith crisis worried her. Gods forbid, if the drow perished during their travels, she would be found Faithless and punished accordingly...no matter how good she had been in life. She noticed that Nawen had become increasingly pensive as of late. She hoped that the ranger would find her faith soon - find which god of the forests' wardens called to her the most.


As for Nawen's acquaintance, Illius, the Doomguide was uncertain. He seemed to be a good and honorable man, but he spoke very little...especially to her. For some reason, she doubted it was as simple as introversion. The way he disappeared and reappeared so suddenly - once a part of their group, then not, then back again. It was odd, and she wondered what the sorcerer's motives were. Though she was certain they were not for ill, she wondered if they were truly for the good.


Which brought her to Xallistine. The Ulitharid had proven to be a loyal ally and a good friend. However, she could not help but wonder what made him continue to stay with them. Not that he was not pleasant company, but what had he to gain from all of this? Why would he care about routing the Cult of the Dragon? Bargaining with Ravenna? She knew he had a craving for knowledge, especially that of the surface world. That much was evidenced in his vast collection of ancient tomes. Most notably, his trademark illithid's appetite was distinctly suppressed...so far. Yet, at some point, his hunger would have to be sated. Whose mind would he ultimately choose to satisfy his appetite? When would he unleash such terrible power, which none of them could even hope to withstand? And what would happen to his own mind when he absorbed the thoughts and knowledge of that brain? She prayed that, if the time came, he would have the wisdom to choose carefully...

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Aedan continued riding ahead of the carriage. He knew where the forest was so he didn't need to follow the carriage to know where to go. "The journey is going to be so long and boring." He mumbled to himself. He doesn't even have anyone he could annoy and make fun of.


Nawen woke up soon after she fell asleep. For a moment she just lay in her bed staring at the ceiling. "A nice stroll would be so nice right now." She whispered as she got up from the bed and got dressed as quietly as she could.


The ranger glanced at the sleeping sorcerer and her panther friend before closing the door silently.

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Sefris was about to say something how cutting her hair was such a stupid suggestion because she had grown it to a perfect length when the witch started talking. Slightly rising an eyebrow at Ravenna's picture, the fey'ri tried to peek and look at it.


"Mother?" she asked, having heard the witch's last words which she wasn't supposed to. Oh, how fun it must be for her own parents now. Her father is a sun elf, so he was certainly enjoying some elven feast, as always. Aaaaand her mother was somewhere in the Nine Hells. What a fun combination.

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Ravenna shifted her gaze to Sefris, and she said softly "Yes... My mother was Miora, a red witch... she was a masterful enchanter, and necromancer... she found a way to live forever... which she passed on to me when she died... and i found that she had also created an artifact.. Miora's eye." Ravenna said, handing the parchment to Sefris, the picture was that of an exquisite amulet, with strange, unique patterns, and a very strange centre, which looked as though it were a circular door, that would open to reveal what was inside.




That night, Xallistine slept for quite a while, until his true form had finally returned to him. The Ulitharid sat in his chambers, thinking over each event since he met the adventurers... if one were to try and enter the ulitharids mind, they would have a nasty surprise, every word was broken down into a complex puzzle, solved and then broken down again.. he had a brilliant mind, that never, ever stopped.

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She must have fallen asleep at some point...but not for long, as she awoke before dawn. Her thinking had continued into her dreaming, and so it felt as if she had not slept at all. The Doomguide rose with a sigh, stretched, and began to make herself ready for the day's journey. Rhaine re-armed herself, strapping on her armor and belting Touch of Death to her waist. She ran an ivory comb through her hair and pulled it into a ponytail before donning her cloak and pack. Making sure she had everything with her, she left her room, moving quietly so as not to disturb her companions.


Rhaine left the Pride of Arabel and made her way to the stables, the pink light of dawn just beginning to tint the sky. It was quiet and peaceful throughout the city, and she savored the silence - a welcome contrast to the constant hubbub of the previous night. As she entered the stables, Ghost greeted her with a happy whinny, and she began to tack him up for riding again.

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Nawen was returning back from her walk which was took her longer than she thought. Sinn sneaked from the tavern and followed her. After what happened to her two legged friend she could not let her wander around alone.


The two walked past the stables when Sinn noticed a cat walking around gracefully in the streets. The panther approached the cat and sniffed it carefully. "This little creature looks a lot like me only smaller." Nawen smiled. "That she does. It's a cat, Sinn." The panther watched the cat curiously when suddenly the little furry being hissed and scratched he panther on the nose. Sinn looked up at her drow friend. "Well that was rude of her. Don't worry, the scratch is tiny, you'll be fine."


Sinn roared happily and ran into the stables. "Sinn! Wait!" Nawen ran after the panther to the stables. She noticed Rhaine in the stables and assumed that Sinn caught a familiar scent and went to search for her. "Good morning." She greeted the Doomguide.


The panther settled herself on some hay and watched Rhaine curiously. She had no idea what she was doing to that horse but it sure looked interesting.

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Rhaine's hand had flown to her sword when she heard a roar. A panther burst through the stables followed closely by Nawen. The Doomguide shook her head and grinned at Sinn. The panther was such a happy creature.


"Good morning to you as well, my friend," Rhaine replied, returning her attention to Ghost. She had undone the braids in his mane and tail and was now slipping the bridle over his head. He took the bit without complaint, and she retrieved his saddle blanket, preparing to adjust the seat. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that Sinn had plopped down in the hay and was watching her intently. The Doomguide grinned again, glancing at Nawen, "Are you ready to pursue our quarry, Nawen?"

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