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Tales of Faerun


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Alphonse looked back with a shocked expression underneath his mask. He looked down at the ground before him... Ianthe's mask lay there, its pale blue seeming ominously bright suddenly. Snatching it up, he scrambled onto the stage next to Ianthe. He tried to cover her face, but knew it was too late.


Caderyn gave a suave smile as he observed a red-haired half-elven boy only a few inches shorter than Arva rush as fast as he could to cover the eerily familiar face of the girl. An amused, knowing grin played on Reona's lips as he locked eyes with her. "It seems one of my old battle flashbacks overtook me. My grip is still just as strong as it was back then, I see. Forgive me, everyone."


Ianthe's eyes widened as she saw the man in ridiculously flamboyant silver clothing standing with the rest of Reona's family, his hand dripping blood and his pants splattered with deep red wine. His face was slightly obscured by a simple silver mask, but beneath it, she saw eyes shaped identically to hers. Blued lips curled into a smile, he shrugged off crushing the wineglass in his hand by saying he had remembered a battle. "Alphonse," Ianthe mumbled, the silence of everyone in the room making it audible to everyone, "He's my father."


A sea of astonished gasps and scandalous whispers rang through the crowd, causing most of the female guests in tight corsets to faint. As Lords fanned their respective Ladies, trying to get them to regain consciousness, Caderyn stared down the four foremost figures on the stage.


Reona smiled down at her father and said with a lilting, elegant tone, "Ianthe, that would make you my older sister, wouldn't it?"


Ianthe looked from Reona to Arva, to Caderyn, then to Alphonse, and began to blink back tears, remembering what he had said to her back in the sweets shop. "It would."


Reona heard Ianthe's tone and wrapped her arms around the girl. Her smile wiped away instantly. She had forgotten how childish the girl was, and felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as Ianthe began to sob, returning the embrace and holding on tightly. They both knew what this meant.


Arva looked at Alphonse and mumbled, "You're the one she talked about so much?"


The lanky half-elf looked up from underneath his messy scarlet hair and nodded, his eyes rimmed by dark circles as his stomach churned with anxiety.


Arva turned to Ianthe, knowing the smartest solution. "I need to know if you'll marry me."


Her lip quivered as she looked up from Reona's shoulder, "Yes."


The nearby priest looked to Caderyn with a fearful grimace. Caderyn simply nodded.




Ianthe stared ahead at nothingness as a group of gossiping women in fine clothes led her and Arva into a bedroom and shut the door. She looked around, "This is your room?"


Arva stared at himself and Ianthe in the mirror, both sitting as far apart as was possible on his large bed. "Yes."


"They still expect us to go to our wedding bed, after all of this..." Ianthe's eyes were dry, not because she was finished crying, but because she'd run out of tears.


"We should look on the bright side, Ianthe. At least we've made our parents happy." Arva looked up at the ceiling, as if trying to see heaven through its thick coat of paint.


A sharp knock on the door caused both Arva and Ianthe to jump. They moved next to one another and clasped hands. "Come in!" they said in unison.


A servant pulled a trunk inside the door and announced, "A gift from one who calls himself W. He would not disclose any other information about himself." The servant then stepped out of the room and shut the door behind himself.


Ianthe slowly made her way toward the trunk and opened it. All it contained was a piece of parchment which said Look outside in elegant cursive script. Ianthe turned the page over. This side said, Trust me.


Arva began to rifle through his things, and found what he was looking for. His white katana seemed to welcome his touch as he belted it on. "Better safe than sorry," he explained.


Ianthe nodded and watched him open the balcony doors.


Outside, Arva found a small bottle with a label marked DISTRACTION on the balcony railing. Below, in the courtyard, a group of people whom Arva recognized as circus performers from the party looked up at him, beckoning for him to jump, and so he did, being sure he didn't break the delicate bottle in his hands.


Ianthe rushed out onto the balcony after seeing Arva fall, lurching over the railing to see where he'd fallen. He was nowhere in sight. Beginning to panic, she looked over to her right and saw Reona in a thin white shift leaping from her own balcony at least a hundred feet away. Too scared to look down, her eyes focused ahead, and she jumped. As the ground approached, Ianthe closed her eyes, knowing she'd survive, but was afraid of hitting Arva's body below her.


Something thick wrapped itself around her ankle, and her eyes shot open. Dangling upside down, her too-short skirts flayed out around her like a fully-bloomed flower, Ianthe looked into the eyes of a great beast. It gently laid her on the ground and swung its tentacle-like nose playfully as Arva offered it a peanut.


Reona helped Ianthe up, "We have to go now, before anyone sees."


"Wait," Arva said, before showing the others the bottle, "I'm supposed to use this as a distraction."


Ianthe snatched the bottle and looked at it, her mouth agape, "I know what this is!"


The circus performers brought out three horses, one of which Ianthe recognized as Brook, her saddlebags laden with supplies. She happily rushed to her horse's side and mounted her.


Reona and Arva mounted their horses as well, finding them to also have full saddlebags. As they urged their horses forward, Ianthe threw the bottle to the ground, smashing it.


An incredibly strong wind flared up, and it began to rain heavily. Thunder roared, and lightning struck nearly fifty feet from where they stood. This spooked the horses, and they sped off through the streets as a heavy downpour seemed to continuously assault the city.

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"Yeah! Sure." Nawen said, she sounded a bit too excited but in truth she was just happy to be free of that uncomfortable and itchy dress. "Where we're going next exactly?"


Sinn rolled around in the hay making some happy sounding noises, she really was one very happy panther.

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Ravenna looked at sefris and explained "The old crone had it burried with her, apparently. It is rumoured, amongst the red wizards, that my mother created an artifact that could bind the very gods in place... Miora's eye... that my dear, is what it does."


Xallistine stepped outside, looking around, his mind still at work, trying to figure the current events out, he made his way to the stables, in which he assumed the others were at.




Adelaide stood red faced, her jaw agape, and her eyes burning with anger, she fixed her furious glare on her husband, and suddenly, met his face with the back of her hand, in a rather loud slap "How could you! Our daughter, displaced! By a nymph! Arhhh!" She screamed, and turned away, storming out of the ball.

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Rhaine cinched Ghost's girth and adjusted the stirrups, "Wherever the trail leads. Some sort of storm must have hit last night after we fell asleep, judging from all the mud and debris strewn in the gutters. I'm hoping this will make the carriage easy to follow, especially if it deviates from the main thoroughfares."


The Doomguide noticed that Brook was gone from the stable, and she indicated the open stall door with her head, "Looks like Ianthe has run off again...probably with Alphonse. I wonder if we'll run across her along the way..."


At that moment, Xallistine entered. Rhaine nodded to the Ulitharid, "Good morning, friend. I see the enchantment finally wore off. Feel better?"


Sinn had rolled over and over in the hay, and while the panther was on her back, the Doomguide took the opportunity to rub her furry belly.

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Nawen raised an eyebrow as she listened to Rhaine. That did not seem like much but at least it's something. "Well that doesn't seem that bad." She said and glanced at the panther.


Sinn lay on her back still, clearly enjoying the belly rubbing.


"I guess I'll take a look for any tracks we could follow." The ranger added and started walking towards the door.

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Rhaine nodded, her face clouding with thought and her hand falling still, "If you wish, friend, go ahead. You may also want to ask the gate guards if they know which direction the carriage took, to give you an idea where to start. But I wouldn't go far. Take care and return quickly - if we have assassins after us, it is not wise for us to be parted from each other long."
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The sorceress nodded, listening to the old witch as she spoke.


"I do wonder another thing, though", she started, playing with a lock of her hair, "How did your mother died if she had found a way to live forever?"

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"She never was very... compatible with her own spells, shall we say? I do not know whether she had used the method of eternal life herself, but all evidence points to me being the only one to actually use what she knew... either she was slain, or she died... perhaps suicide, all i know is that she died, i saw her a few days before the event." Ravenna said. "But whatever the case, she was a powerful witch, and she has what i need."




Xallistine sighed a sigh of relief and said "Yes, indeed i am, much better."

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"Where do you think Rhaine and the others will be?" Reona asked as their horses sped through the city.


Ianthe thought for a few precious moments, "I'm guessing the stables. It's where we always seem to meet up when we leave a town. What happened to Alphonse? Is he okay?"


"He left with a man in purple robes after the priest married you and Arva. We can send a letter when we reach the next town, but until then, we have to keep moving." Leading the group, Reona charged toward the town stables.


Arva quietly followed behind, seemingly unfazed by this entire ordeal, as they urged their horses to leap clear over the fence that surrounded the stables.




Caderyn rushed after his wife, "I'm sorry! I didn't understand this would happen! It was a long time before I even met you, or was given my title!"

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