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Tales of Faerun


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"More plants and crazy hermits most likely." Aedan mumbled and followed the witch. He was patient, at least when he desired to but if joining Ravenna meant becoming her gardener and killing flora while she strolled in her castle, he'll get out of here in no time.


Nawen as always rode in the very end re-reading Illius' letter over and over again. Maybe he left a hidden message? He did that many times before. She refused to believe that he left just like that without saying goodbye. The ranger knew where he was heading but she feared that he might never reach it.

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"Sir Caderyn!" a young servant boy called out, running as fast as his preteen legs would take him, his footsteps echoing on the smooth marble floor, "Arva and Ianthe have disappeared! Reona's room was checked, but she was also missing! They must have taken advantage of the storm and slipped away! I've no idea what is going on, but-"


Caderyn held up a hand, "Enough. This sort of affair is not my domain. Adelaide, love, I'm sorry for what has happened, but the most important thing for us to worry about is that our daughter is missing, yes?" His smooth words most likely would not work this time.




Ianthe rode in the middle of the party, occasionally sending glances to her sister, trying to find parts of their features that matched. She decided that they had the same small, delicate nose, and found their eyes to both be almond-shaped.


Arva's thoughts were of Ianthe. He found it odd to call himself her husband, and yet felt nothing for her. He wondered if perhaps his love for Reona would be considered an affair, or if perhaps he and Ianthe could call themselves married only for political reasons, and have personal relationships of their own... Did such things exist? He shook his head and urged his horse to leap over a fallen log covered in soft moss.


All Reona could think about was this marriage. A single question flowed through her mind: Was it consummated?

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They traveled for three days, passing through the northern stretch of the Storm Horns and emerging in the Stonelands - so named because the hills were pocked with rocks and boulders. According to legend, the rocks were remnants of floating castles. It was impossible to know if such a tale was truth, however.


At last, they spotted the walls of Tilverton on the horizon. Though they could follow the road a little more, it would be wise for them to keep their distance...the city had long been destroyed by forces of shadow, and there was no telling what monsters lurked in the dark crater left behind. Beyond the shadowy walls, the hazy sands of the Anauroch could be seen, stretching for what seemed like eternity. Surely Ravenna had not crossed the desert?


At that moment, an odd screaming pierced the Doomguide's ears. She glanced left and right, finally spotting the source of the screeching. A bit to their left, a swarthy human ranger emerged from behind a giant boulder, his blackened leathers tooled with the symbol of Malar. He gripped a majestic black eagle by its feet, preventing it from flying away from him. The bird was hooded to keep it from biting its master, and it beat its wings fiercely, as if trying to get away. Rhaine held up a hand to stop her companions, and she began to pick up the ranger's mutterings...


"...can't make a living on ruined furs, you damned useless bird...told you I'd clip yer damned wings if you did that again!"


He did not seem to notice the group as he suddenly pulled out a fearsome knife. The eagle, though it could not see, sensed danger. It seemed the dark ranger was going to make good on his promise...


Rhaine could not allow him to torture the poor bird. "Stop!" She cried, wheeling Ghost in front of the man, "Leave it alone!"


The man hesitated, his knife flashing in the bright sun. He peered at her and spotted her holy symbol. His thin mouth cracked into a lopsided grin, and he sneered, "What's it to you, you damned corpse worshipper?"

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Ravenna nodded at what Aedan said "Hopefully, that way we can clear the place out, and not have to worry about further attacks. Still... keep your eyes up, i would rather we didn't fall victim to a volley of arrows." The witch said as they approached the front gate, which was easily lowered with a little magick.




Xallistine looked down at the man who was holding the eagle. Xallistine was not content to see such a fascinating creature stuck with an owner such as that, birds should be free from such cruelness, free to roam the clouds. He used Psionics to loosen the man's grip on the bird, so it could get free. "Do not insult the Lady, scum! else i shall wipe your filth from this world." Xallistine said darkly, threateningly, he most certainly meant it.




Adelaide's eyes still burnt with intense anger, and her fingers twitched. "Our Daughter? No, she's my daughter... yours is an illegitimate bastard! She has no right to marry Arva!, but instead, because of YOU! Reona's future is in tatters!" Adelaide screamed, violently pulling off her wedding ring, and throwing it at Caderyn. "I will get my daughter back, and perhaps the head of your bastard on a plate!" Adelaide said in a quiet voice, hissing her words as her voice shook. She simply gave caderyn another venomous look, and walked out of the palace.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Aedan only shrugged and followed the witch. "The place seems abandoned to me." He said quietly and looked around, hand on the hilt of Vengeance as the weapon was sheathed again.


Nawen was re-reading the letter from a hundredth time when she noticed that the others had stopped. She looked around and noticed Rhaine standing in front of some human. She could smell the wilds on him and judging by his clothing and what he carried he must have been a ranger. The drow also noticed the beautiful eagle, the poor thing was trying hard to get away. Rangers do not torture animals.


She quickly dismounted her horse and approached the human ranger. "Release the eagle right now." The last two words sounded quite threatening.

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The dark ranger, with a little "assistance" from Xallistine, did indeed loose his grip upon the black eagle. The bird flapped away, but because of its hood, it could not navigate very well, and it ended up dropping to the ground, hopping this way and that in erratic patterns. The ranger glared at the three of them, his knife still in his hand.


Rhaine fished the last gemstone from her money pouch and held it to the light, revealing it to be a star sapphire. She showed it to the ranger, "I'm willing to overlook your abuse and your insult, and I will even offer compensation for whatever losses you have suffered due to your...useless...bird. But only on the condition that you answer our questions. We have heard that a black carriage, driven by black horses, was headed towards the walls of Tilverton. Have you seen it?"


The ranger paused, greedy eyes locked on the precious gemstone, "Aye. But it skirted Tilverton and headed northwest, just around the edge of the desert. Gods only know where the damned thing was headed, but it chased away the wildlife for miles."


The Doomguide glanced to her companions, eyebrows raised, wondering if they had any inquiries of their own.

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Caderyn was devastated. His life had fallen apart in the course of a few minutes... Perhaps with time, he could be forgiven for giving into the seductive ways of a siren, but for now, he simply gathered up Adelaide's ring and stumbled to his room.




Ianthe felt enraged at seeing the poor eagle treated so badly and reached inside a saddlebag for her own pet. The fluffy brown hamster crawled into her hand and twitched his nose, nibbling on some sort of seed he had found inside the bag. Silently, she watched the exchange between the others and this dark skinned human, before uttering, "A real ranger would never treat an animal in such a manner. You are the useless one." She put Boota away, feeling that it wasn't wise of her to bring him out in the presence of the eagle, even if she was just checking on him.


Reona felt a small sense of admiration rush through her. Ianthe truly had a purpose in life, no matter how strange and dreamy she may act at times. My older sister... She shook herself of such nonsensical thoughts.


"You should be ashamed of yourself, sir." Arva scowled at the man from inside the thick hood of his cloak. The desert sun had not been kind or forgiving to his sensitivities, though he kept his skin covered completely as often as he could.

Edited by tokyobleach
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The Malarite rolled his eyes, "Are you damned do-gooders finished? I'm sure there's places we'd both rather be."


Rhaine tossed the gem to him, "Yes. Now that you've provided us with information, we'll take that bird off your hands...since he's so useless to you."


He sheathed his knife and bowed in an exaggerated manner, "This humble follower of the Beastlord thanks you."


The Doomguide's response was clipped, "This corpse-worshipper wishes you well."


The ranger stalked away, moving past them along the road towards Arabel. He kept glancing over his shoulder at them until he disappeared behind a hill. Whether he thought they would follow him or that Xallistine would do something else to him, Rhaine did not know. In any case, she was glad to be rid of him.


The eagle was still floundering pitifully on the ground. The Doomguide dismounted and moved towards it slowly, intending to remove its hood. He beat his wings against her as she gently took him around the chest, tucking him under one arm and unlacing the leather hood with the other. When the device fell away, it revealed a golden beak and just as brilliant eyes. The bird blinked a few times before flapping in earnest, slipping out of her grasp and taking to the skies. His piercing cry echoed across the rocks of the Stonelands as he began to ascend the thermal updrafts, slowly becoming no more than a black speck in the clear sky.


After a few moments of watching him, she sighed and mounted Ghost again, "Right then. Let's be off. Looks like Ravenna has headed cross-country...our progress will be slowed considerably."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris bend her neck firstly to left and then to the right side, her alter self slowly fading when she looked up again. No reason to wear that silly mask when she's in the middle of nowhere. Still, her wings didn't appear, the half-demoness concluding it wouldn't be comfortable to go in until she knows just how wide the walls are. Getting stuck would suck.


"Ah, perhaps we'll have some fun, then~" the sorceress said with a smirk, casting a protection from arrows spell just in case. As much as she liked charging on, stupidity and recklessness wasn't an option.

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Nawen watched the evil ranger as he walked past them and continued walking somewhere. She was glad that the eagle was now free. Such a magnificent bird had to be free.


Without saying anything she mounted her horse again and was ready to follow the others again.

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