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Tales of Faerun


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Reona, who had not even had her sword belted on, reached for her saddlebags and grabbed her black katana. She wasn't much of a fighter, but she knew how to hack and slash if the thing came toward her...


Arva drew his own white katana and took a ready stance, preparing to lunge at the creature. An arm darted out in front of him.


"No." Ianthe pulled her arm back and drew her scimitars, feeling a bit of a rush after so long without using them. "You two are not nearly experienced enough for this."


Reona opened her mouth in protest, but Ianthe cut her off.


"No. I won't let my sister rush headfirst into this." She noticed Rhaine began to chant, and that her eyes glowed an eerie shade of white. "Whatever you do, make sure you back Rhaine up here."


Arva backed up a reasonable distance from Rhaine, and nodded at Ianthe, trusting her completely. She seemed to change when battles presented themselves. She seemed different. She even seemed to hold her head a little higher than usual and puff out her chest a bit proudly.


Reona's features adopted a worried cast, and she rushed behind Rhaine as she was told. She really was beginning to admire Ianthe. She felt a small pain in her chest when she thought of her as an older sister.

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Rhaine hovered slightly off of the ground, her white-glowing eyes completely focused upon the hydra - she didn't notice Reona and Arva coming up behind her. Her broken wing hung limply, the tip brushing the ground, blood trickling from several puncture wounds. The other wing, however, arched threateningly above her head. There was a distant roaring sound as the wind transformed into a gigantic black thunderhead, blocking the pale moon. A greenish rain began to fall around the hydra, drenching it in flesh-eating acid. Lightning flashed, three blindingly-brilliant bolts striking the monster in quick succession, the smell of burning meat filling the air. All the while, Rhaine kept up her chant...if she lost her concentration, the spell would fail, and her strength would be wasted... Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen watched how Rhaine hovered in the air and summoned the rain of acid which harmed the hydra. She realized that they must keep the monster busy so it wouldn't disturb Rhaine. The ranger dropped her shortswords on the ground and picked up her bow and arrows.


The drow notched an arrow and shot it at the monster before aiming at the monster again. One ugly head reached towards her but luckily she managed to avoid it.

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"You've got it~" the sorceress replied to the witch as another guard rushed to kill the monster that had so horribly ended the life of his comrade.


"Yes, play" she smirked to Aedan, giving the earlier mentioned guard a chance to scratch the demoness, lightly cutting her shoulder. Sefris stood completely still, as if she had not even noticed the injury, dipping a finger in her blood and bringing it to her lips.


"Hmmm...Wish to kill increased." before the man had another chance to attack, he was already set to fire with Sefris' combust, making the red-eyed woman chuckle when he threw himself on the ground, rolling in agony.


"That's what you get when you think you're better than me." she added coldly, finishing the man off by stabbing his neck, blood splashing over most of her clothes and face.


"Well...that was certainly fun. Want to find more?" Sefris turned to the Fallen with a smirk on her lips as she licked the blood off of her face.

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Three more lightning bolts were directed to the serpent, striking the beast with horrifying force. Blood and pieces of burnt flesh flew everywhere, and yet still the hydra persisted. The acid rain transformed into hail, massive chunks of ice pummeling the monster in an almost constant barrage, but it only hissed and spit in rage...one of its heads lashing at Nawen, a paw swiping towards Xallistine. It was going to take more than Rhaine's Storm of Vengeance to end this fight. Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"How in the hells do we fight this thing!?" Nawen shouted as she ran around shooting arrows at hydra, it wasn't easy but not standing in one place seemed like a good idea at the time. Another head lashed at her and the ranger managed to avoid this one too but not entirely like the last time, few teeth of the hydra scratched her left arm.


Aedan continued fighting the guards, cutting them down with Vengeance. He watched with the disgusting look on his face how Sefris licked the blood off her face. How could someone find it tasty was beyond him. "How... why... never mind." The Fallen mumbled and looked around the room which was littered with corpses.

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As the great paw of the vile creature came toward's Xallistine, a large amber ball flew from his wand, enveloping the beast's great paw, and solidifying, leaving the creature in a less than favourable position, and giving them and advantage. "That shoul'd keep him still for a while." Xallistine remarked, casting a series of lightning spells at the beast's chest.
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The hail soon gave way to a hard, steady rain, completely obscuring the adventurers from the hydra's view. The spell now running its course, Rhaine was returned to her feet.


"Bring all your strength to bear! Now!" she shouted. She dove to retrieve her sword from under the hydra's paralyzed paw, bringing the blade up with a whistling sound and hacking the limb in two.

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Nawen heard Rhaine's words so yet again she dropped the bow on the ground and ran as quickly as she could to pick up her shortswords.


When she had the weapons, the ranger dashed towards the monster again. Her left arm started to feel slightly numb because of the injury but she only gripped her weapons tighter and ran behind the hydra before starting backstabbing it and avoiding its heads.

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Sefris finished wiping off the blood of her face with a handkerchief and turned to look at the Fallen, her eyebrow raised.


"Do not tell me you are squeamish, Aedan dear. You didn't really think having a demon as one of your parents affects only one's eye color, did you? We do enjoy being such sadists~" she said with a chuckle, leaning on her spear that was still dirty with blood.


"Now, are we off to kill some more or do you intend to keep looking at me like that?"

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