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Tales of Faerun


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"Do not worry so much about it, Xallistine." Nawen said reassuringly to her Ulitharid. The more she talked with him or simply heard him speaking the more she admired him. He could do a lot of good to the Realms with so much knowledge at his disposal.


"I'm sure everything will be alright." She arose from her seat and looked around. "So how about that room sharing?" She asked.

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Jingle happily played his lute as three drunken men strode by, the tallest pointed and laughed at the halfling. "Hey, midget! Play me a song worthy of my beautiful ears!." He said as he staggered about. Jingle was well known for being a peace loving halfling but he did not have time for drunken bullies and the pubs of the wider world seemed to attract bullies over people just enjoying the night.


"Do you have gold, my music isn't for free.." He asked as he stopped playing. The man and his buddies laughed, one drew a knife and held it out at the halfling. Jingle smiled as he land silently and quickly slid into his coat and relieved the bully of his coin purse as he threatened him.


"You will play because I tell you to or I will kill you!" He growled as he held the knife out towards the bard. Jingle complied by standing up, as he did he flipped the lute in his hand and smiled.


"Well my good sir I will tell you this, duck..." He said to the man, the bully looked at him oddly just before Jingle bashed him across the head with his lute, giving a hollow and profane sound like symbols crashing into a wagon of drums. The bully hit the dirt hard, his mates each drew their blades. Jingle smiled wide and drew a pair of small daggers from his sleeves and leapt from the back of the wagon with a flip over their heads and landed behind them.


"Come and get me you sheep humping scum suckers!" he taunted as he smirked. The first man looked to the second and he charged, swinging his knife wildly. Jingle danced around his attacks and followed up with a sharp kick to the mans knee that put him down. Jingle leapt onto the man and smiled, holding his knives with an inversed grip.


The second man dropped his blade and ran just as two town guardsmen came running onto the scene. The one wearing a red sash across his chest smiled and nodded. "Jingle Trapdodger, I remember you..." Said the guard as his colleague arrested the two men.


Jingle smiled and sheathed his two daggers in his arm sheathes. "Hello Captain Brackenbrook, good to see you again. How's the wife?" He asked, remembering a few months ago he was asked to help the town guard with a goblin problem. Brackenbrook smiled as he picked up the injured man. "She's good, if your in town long come on by...she wants to have dinner with you.." He said as he nodded to his partner and they left.


Jingle picked up his lute and ran his hand along the flawless wood, "Ironwood, nearly unbreakable and still makes a beautiful sound." He said as he tuned the lute and waited for his employer to finish her business.

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Xallistine was ever so slightly soothed by Nawens words. he had the utmost respect for his Drow friend, and had got to know just how kind the drow could be through nawen. "I mind not with whom i share, i shall not 'sleep' as you surfacers do, i shall meditate upon my thoughts and keep vigil." He responded after Nawen voiced her question.


Ravenna continued on through the dense forest as the darkness took over, it was pitch black now, but she embraced it, she always had a love for the night air, a love for the reasons people were so scared of the night, of the dark.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The demoness followed the witch, not paying much attention to either her or the Fallen, listening to Ravenna's plans with only one ear. Soon...Yessss, then she will have all the time in the world...To organize a perfect hunt. Time won't be such an enemy to her once she can use it to her advantage. Once she gets what she needs, the sorceress decided, it will be the last they all hear of her. Both the witch, the Fallen and that circus. Unless she, one day, decides it would be entertaining to take over a city and the circus just happens to run by.


"'Tis good to hear we are closing the end...I am eager to see how this plays out." she said slowly, looking at the witch for a second before turning her head again to watch the forest. Fortunately she could see in the dark, so nobody should be able to sneak up on them.


Oh, soon...

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Rhaine sighed and pulled back the coverlet on the cot, climbing in and pulling the blanket back over herself. As she lay there, simply thinking, Theron remained perched on the window. He began to preen and clean his feathers, twittering softly as he did so. The Doomguide bit back a laugh...she had never heard an eagle be so vocal, as if he were talking to himself all the time.
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Xallistine packed up his remaining items, and made his way through the crowd; whom stepped fearfully aside as he neared them, and looked on in terror as he retreated to a bedroom. He noticed that the room he had entered was occupied by Rhaine and the wonderful eagle, Theron, they saved from the clutches of the twisted ranger. He regarded them both silently, not wanting to post-pone the rest they all needed any longer, he sat himself down upon an armchair, and began his soundless meditations.


Ravenna smiled at what Sefris said as they continued on through the forest "Indeed so am I dear Sefris... the outcome shall be spoken of for years to come whatever may happen." She said, knowing somewhere inside her there was a twinge of doubt, that her logic told her she could fail... But in her experience, she rarely did, and this plot was too grand to be cut short. If she achieved her immortality who knows what she would do to the world? Maybe none would be spared, maybe the whole planet would face obliteration simply to harm the gods, for Revenge was such for the Witch, and she never forgot those who wronged her.

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Nawen packed the remaining food she didn't eat and went to the rooms. She entered the room which Xallistine and Rhaine shared. That's when she noticed the eagle that the Doomguide saved from the evil ranger. "Oh. I see your friend has returned." She said pointing at the eagle.


The ranger looked around the room before putting her bags on one of the empty chairs. "I hope you don't mind if I leave my things here." She said to both of her friends.


Nawen picked up the food remains. "I'll go and check on Sinn." She said and left the room. Nawen knew that she didn't have to bring anything eatable for the panther as she had no problem hunting for food is she was hungry but the ranger was always doing this and it seemed strange not to bring anything to her.

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Rhaine noticed Xallistine and Nawen enter the room. When the ranger mentioned leaving her things, she nodded to the drow, "Certainly."


At that, the eagle leapt from his perch and landed on Nawen's shoulder just as the dark elf was leaving the room. Apparently, he was dividing his time between the Doomguide and the ranger.


When Nawen departed, Rhaine looked up at Xallistine, who had taken his seat nearby. Exhaustion had already settled on her, and her voice was sleepy as she asked, "Xallistine...you said you would think upon my dreams...what do they say about me? I...I wish to be a worthy servant of my god...not some troubled coward..."

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Xallistine had indeed done study on Rhains dreams, he had filtrated them through every fibre of his mind, and had reached the same conclusion in each. "My Lady Rhaine, your dreams are troubling, but dreams are a hard thing to break into, their patterns, their happenings, they all point at you being a good person, however they also represent a great and crushing burden you carry with you, a sorrow, as though you are lost in the games of the gods. They tell me that you are far closer than any mortal should be to their divine patron, but it does not bode particularly badly for you... yet. What speaks to me most is your struggles and challenges, imagine the enemies you face in your dreams to be your very faith itself, that, i believe shall be tested in the days to come. Whether it is you start to doubt Lord Kelemvor, or whether you start to doubt your worth, i have yet to fathom. Everything you have been through Lady Rhaine, makes your mind your most sacred asset, you must keep it safe at all costs, for i am surprised you are still sane. Everything you have been through is slowly trying to force it's way through your barriers of sanity, the things you have witnessed, the things you have done, no mere mortal should ever even fathom. And yet you have come through stronger for it, But who is to say what obstacle you will be pitted against in the future? You are a pawn in a game far larger than any of us, but no pawn can last forever on the field of battle, one day, it will crumble." Xallistine spoke his thoughts, his last words metaphorical, his way of suggesting that any more of these grand plots and Rhaine's mind would brake. The mind was a complex thing, but Xallistine understood it better than most.
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Echo was spending more time awake than asleep, partly because of the bruise on her neck, which made it difficult to find a comfortable position, and partly due to the endless loop of thoughts running through her mind. She ruminated about their new traveling companions, new horses, the injustices she'd suffered in this town, and especially the witch. Ravenna - was that her name? The halfling lay as quietly as she could, massaging the back of her neck with one hand, and wished she hadn't let Mahira browbeat her into accepting the bed. The poor woman was sleeping on the floor, and apparently hadn't rested more than an hour or two the previous night. Mahira had told her about her thefts. Echo imagined making her way down to the riverfront under cover of darkness, avoiding the guards' notice as much as possible, flitting from shadow to shadow, and stealing whatever she could find from unguarded nooks and crannies. Mahira began snoring gently, and Echo smiled. She pictured the river, the merchant boats, the canopy of stars overhead, Selûne and her Tears. Her mind drifted; she fell asleep for a little while, until pain abruptly woke her again. She immediately remembered Rhaine's revelations about the witch, then Xallistine, Nawen, Jingle ... White-Nose and the new gelding. That nice man sleeping in the stable, the dwarf shopkeeper ... Colfen. The foul mongrel who'd done this to her neck, and then had the gall to threaten Mahira.


Suddenly she heard a distant keening wail, and stiffened. What in Faerun was that?! The Calishite's snoring ceased only momentarily. Echo felt relieved that the eerie sound hadn't woken her friend, but now had something else to fret about. Demon, wraith, banshee, werewolf? She thought of their new horses, and the ones tethered outside the inn. Were they safe? She considered going out to check on them, but wanted to avoid disturbing Mahira, who was obviously exhausted.


Whatever it was that cried in the dead of night ... she hoped it would eat that guardsman alive, and make toothpicks from his bones.

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