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Tales of Faerun


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Hazel curtsied slightly, "Greetings."


Ianthe slowly picked herself up from the ground, looking up at the god as she did so. She dusted herself off just as slowly, slightly unnerved by his presence. She remained silent as, for once, she did not give into her impulses to observe the person before her.

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Kelemvor kept his gaze upon Byron, "I know all who pass through my realm, even if those spirits have no recollection of it. It was my Voice who deemed you worthy to pass into the halls of Dugmaren Brightmantle."


He then focused on the one amongst them who had not acknowledged his presence with greeting or bow. Inclining his head slightly to Rhaine, he inquired, "How fare thee, my Chosen?"


She hated it when he did this. He knew good and well what the answer was, but he was forcing her to say it aloud.


"Not well, my lord," the Doomguide answered, "I am haunted by the red-eyed wraiths of my past. Tell me, Lord Kelemvor...how do I slay them?"

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"Ah dinnae remember ye, Kelemvor. Ah remember the explosion, and then Ah was at a table in the feasting hall of the slain. There really wasnae any in between."


Caladus gets a flashback from that day, Remembers Byron his belongings into his arms, and telling them to run. He tears up again as in his mind's eye he sees Byron run with his jar of number 4 gel and a firelight charm into the tunnel, and with a massive explosion, he left them.


Shaori puts her arms around the suddenly teary Caladus, shushing him and trying to figure out what was wrong.


Saerileth walked over to Caladus and places a comforting hand on him, her eyes full of pity.

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There was a long silence between the two - Chosen and god. Finally, Kelemvor spoke again, this time with a hint of pity in his tone.


"You have been wounded, Rhaine, and deeply so. Your very soul bears scars from your experiences, and your refusal to share your burden with those around you prevents those scars from healing as quickly as you would like. You fear bringing up anything that could recall a memory or a feeling, and yet you must if you truly wish to put this part of your life behind you."


She opened her mouth as if to say something, but Kelemvor's raised hand halted her. He looked again at the others, "You must all be more forthcoming with your plights and your pain if you are to survive the coming days together. You must all be of one mind and one purpose. Your enemies have united, as evil is wont to do. They have put aside their differences to achieve a common goal. If you are to be a match for them, you must do the same. Secrets and ulterior motives will do nothing but create rifts between you, and your foes will use these cracks to pull you apart.


"So," he finished, scanning the group, "You have chosen Rhaine as your leader, whether by silent deference or voiced desire. Ask yourselves this: Why? Do you believe in the same things as she? Or do you follow her simply because you see some benefit for yourself somewhere down the road?"

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Byron stretched out arms behind his head laying on the air gazing at the stars. "This really doesnae concern me anymore. Tha' scroll allows me tae talk to yeh. As of this night, I am nae allowed on the prime unless commanded."


Caladus looks up, and says "To speak openly, I originally followed due to him." He jerks a thumb at Byron, who wiggles his fingers and grins cheekily at them. "Now, I find myself involved in something bigger than myself, but will follow her because her path is the honorable one. I will follow her, and remove this undead menace."


Shaori sighs, and says "I guess I only stayed because of Caladus. I have no need to be here. It has been ages since I saw home. I think I will go check up on my parents. Maybe I shall catch up with you guys later." She gathers her belongings, and spreads her wings to prepare for the flight home.


Saerileth says "I follow because my lord Tyr commandeth me so. As long as her path doth follow justice and truth, so shalt mine coincide."

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Olivia had been quiet through the twist and turns of the recent events. She had been thinking about her past, present, and future before Kelemvor arrived. She thought about her father's death, her countless arguments with her mother... her emotions, and countless other things that she blamed herself for. Olivia wondered how it effected her now then it did before, she'd had always thought to just get over them, but there were much more things that shouldn't have been ignored. She shoved those feelings away, instead of dealing with them.


As she thought, her memories about her father came back to her. She and him were incredibly close, since her mother was always working and never had time for the both of them. Olivia's father took care of the house and did back breaking work out in the fields. However, once he was done he'd always put time for Olivia, even if he was exhausted. Just thinking about her father made a tear run down her cheek. She hated death, and now that Kelemvor was here, she didn't look at him. No... She REFUSED to look at him. He was the God of Death, and she didn't want to be apart of anything that he wanted. However, she stilled listened. After hearing his words, even more memories came rushing back, some that she didn't even remember.


Suddenly, she remembered when she was about 13. She was going to her favorite spot to read. As she skipped along happily along until she found her tree, which had leaves that hanged so the spot was cool. However, there was a bright yellow mushroom that grew where Olivia normal sat. She tilted her head questionably and kneeled down. The mushroom wasn't here last time, but the smell of it... It smelled really good. She smiled and picked up the strange mushroom and began to read until it was almost sunset.


As Olivia arrived home, her father was getting ready to cook dinner, until Olivia arrived. "Hi sweetie." Her father said happily, as he continued scooping ingredients into a soup pot. "Hi Dad!" Olivia said gracefully, as she walked over and hugged him tight. He laughed as he gently pushed Olivia away. She had forgotten about the mushroom and pulled it out of her pocket. "Dad! I found a nice smelling mushroom in-..." She began, hesitating where she found it. "Your field!" She finished, excited. Olivia's dad kneeled down and looked at the mushroom. He took the mushroom and softly took a deep breath, smelling it. He smiled softly as he took a small bite. His eyes widened and looked at the mushroom. "This is actually really good..." He began, but Olivia stopped listening as she was reading her book on the table. She saw him cutting the mushroom into smaller pieces, and adding it into the soup. Olivia liked her Dad's soup, it was quite tasty and always lifted her spirits. As the soup was finished, her dad grabbed two wooden bowls and filled them with nice hot soup.


She heard her dad humming something... Which was quite odd, since he only did that when he was depressed about something. "Something wrong Dad?" Olivia asked, tilting her head slightly and inquisitively He nodded. "I'm fine, don't worry honey." He said, smiling. Olivia frowned a little, she knew that smiled was forced. Something was bugging him, but she didn't want to start nagging at him why, so she took her soup. However, as she was about to drink her first spoonful of soup, someone knocked at the door. "I'll get it." She said quietly. She walked to the door and answered it, to find that it was the Liberian. "Hi Olivia," He began, "I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, but I need your help at the library. I only need you for about 20 minutes, then you can come back." He said, smiling honestly. Olivia turned toward her Dad, which he nodded of approval and Olivia followed the Liberian to the library.


After doing what the Liberian need her for, she returned home quickly, only to find her Dad on the floor... In pain from something. That was when his suffering started... The sudden realization came over Olivia, I killed him. She almost immediately broke down, falling to her knee's and burring her face into her hands. Sobbing and crying quietly. You killed him Olivia, it's all your fault! You should rot in Hells for what you did! She heard in her mind, over and over again, torturing her. She was probably causing worrying amongst the group, but she couldn't help it.

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Saerileth walked over to Olivia and offered her a hug. "What is wrong? Thou seemeth sad. Mayhaps I can help thee?"


Shaori looked around. "Fare thee well, all of you. I will catch up with you when I can." She jumps into the air, and flies off.


Caladus waved as she left to see her parents. He would miss her, but he needed to focus on the task at hand.


Byron starts doing loop de loops for fun.

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Hazel crossed her arms, "I agree with Rhaine's cause, but my kind do not typically stray from their homes for so long, so I will go back home soon. I am sorry for this, but it is not my nature to be away from my tree for more than a few days."


Ianthe took in a deep breath and kicked at the ground, "I follow Rhaine not because I want to help or hinder her, and I've realized I couldn't care less about my father, after thinking about it for a while. So the reason why I'm here isn't because I want to be a hero or even to stop my home from being destroyed, it's because it feels like I need to be here. I'm not smart or tactical or noble, but I'd like to think I'm needed for... something. Moral support, even. Comic relief. I don't know..." She bit her bottom lip and brushed her wet hair behind a pointed ear.

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Illius listened to what Kelemvor said. Not everyday you can be honored by the visit of a God. Kelemvor wasn't the God he worshiped but the sorcerer felt honored to have witnessed this. He thought about what Lord of the Dead said. There are many things that he needs to do and he knew that he won't be able to travel any further with the group because he must return to the Neverwinter Wood. "Unfortunately I must return to Neverwinter Wood. I fare thee well and good luck." He hugged Nawen and simply left.


Nawen remained silent and listened to what everyone had to say. She noticed that Olivia was very upset and it worried her. She did not know the woman at all but she hated to see other people upset.

She knew that what Kelemvor said was true but she wasn't used to talk about her past the only reason why she spoke about it with Byron back in the temple of Kelemvor in Waterdeep was because the dwarf reminded her so much of her foster father she loves very much.


As well as others she thought why is she following Rhaine. She was from the beginning of this journey and if she will survive then she remain by the Doomguide's side until the end. "I followed Rhaine from the beginning of this... and I will stay by her side until the very end. We are fighting for a just cause and I am more than honored to be of the group that fights evil..." The drow said and looked down at the fire.

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