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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus heard another rock fall further away. "It would appear someone is trying to lure us into something. I would suggest we leave. Now."


Adamant shook his head when he heard this, his plan wasn't working "Child of my enemy, we will meet again, soon." He said to himself. No matter, there'll be another time. Adamant removed the bolt from 'Redemption' and walked backwards. He would wait until he got another chance, he would not fight all of them at once here. Here he had no advantage, and there were to many escape routes. No, when justice came to these scum, none would escape.

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"A very important and dangerous task awaits us so it is hard to stay relaxed when you think about it." Nawen replied to Byron's words. She frowned slightly as she thought about what might happen in the future. It's no easy task to defeat the Cult of the Dragon. Who knows maybe they will die...


Nawen was deep in her thoughts then suddenly she felt Sinn moving beside her. "What is it Sinn?" She asked and glanced at the panther. The animal looked as if she heard something but Nawen assumed that she heard Olivia and Caladus talking.

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Olivia sighed, "Let's just go, dammit." She said, frustrated. She felt more calm then before, but her emotions were still going crazy in her mind. Olivia thought that she'd probably won't even sleep tonight.
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Caladus ran back to camp, cloak flying out behind him. He holds up the rock. "There is something in the woods that isn't normal. I do not recognize it's scent, but it tossed a rock in my direction. I think it tried to lure me into something, as a second rock fell further away." He puts on his armor. "I am going to investigate."


Saerileth let go of her mother, and walked over to Ianthe. "Thou art more than just Comic relief. I would have thee as my friend, if thou wouldst let me." Caladus took a second from his preparations to walk over to Ianthe and gives her a brief soggy hug. "You are definitely a friend to me, if you would have me as such."

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"And you are a friend to me, as well," Rhaine said, casting her gaze to the nymph. It seemed the god's words had made her more than a little uncomfortable. "I do not think it was Kelemvor's intention to break up our group or make us feel useless to one another, but to give us direction and to ensure we are together for a reason."


The Doomguide then looked to Nawen, "You might wish to accompany Caladus, friend. I do not think he should go alone, especially at night."


Suddenly, she saw Olivia return...with Ravenna trailing behind. She wondered what she had come back for - Rhaine could not see the witch coming back to them for no purpose at all...


"Ravenna. You have returned to us."

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Xallistine looked at Ianthe "Dear little one, you are most certainly what i would call a friend." He then looked at the returning witch, she looked tired.


Ravenna smiled slightly and said "Yes... i must apologize for my intrusion, forgive me... but i caught our young samurai out in the woods... then, whatever is lurking in there attempted to bait us towards it... now i am no coward Rhaine... but going towards something that throws rocks at you does not seem like the best of ideas... that and it is far too dark for me to continue my Journey."

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Nawen stood up and picked up her bow from the ground. She then glanced at the Nymph and smiled warmly. "You will always have a friend in me." She said and nodded to Rhaine. "Good idea." The ranger approached Caladus. "I'm coming with you." She said and looked at the Drow.
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