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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine caught the pillow and then tossed it back onto the bed, falling onto the mattress with a sigh. She absentmindedly twisted the ring on her finger again, and she remembered that she had yet to tell Ianthe about how she obtained it. Not that the nymph would believe her anyway...


The Doomguide rolled onto her side. She thought about their quest, and of their progress thus far. Kelemvor seemed pleased, but had not offered them any direction other than a few words of advice and warning. He rarely gave any more than that. It had been almost a month since their last communication, and Rhaine...well...missed him. He was always the calm yet firm force that stilled the chaotic waters of her life - and she felt that he was the only one who could truly understand her.


She buried her face in the pillow. Rhaine knew that he fully well expected her to let go of her past by sharing bits and pieces of it with her companions; it was the only way she could rid herself of her reoccurring nightmares. But she also knew that they could never really comprehend what she had gone through. To everyone, she was the brave and valiant heroine who slew the King of Shadows and saved the Sword Coast. Few knew of what had happened to her in Rashemen...


And now, she was the mighty Chosen; the woman who could do no wrong. The valiant defender of the Kelemvorite Church who exemplified law and order. But was it a blessing or a curse? Kelemvor had never told her why he had granted her such power. Of course, she had never asked. But he was not obligated to give a reason, and Rhaine was not certain that he would tell her if she inquired about it.


One thing was clear. She owed him everything. Without him, she was just another girl with a sword.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen smiled slightly to Caladus's words. "Thank you. Your words really helped." She said and glanced at her empty plate. They are going to leave soon and it was for the best if they'll get some sleep.


The ranger arose from her seat. "I think I will retire to my room. Good night." She said to her friends were in the common room and made her way to one of the rooms.


She closed and locked the doors behind her and sighed heavily. Caladus's words were truly helpful but she was still afraid. Maybe after some sleep she will think differently. Nawen dumped her things beside the bed and lay down.

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"Anytime, my friend." Caladus says to the departing Nawen. He decides to go upstairs and find a room. He found someone else had taken the room his belongings had been in, and his belongings had been removed. Checking a few doors, he found the room Shaori was using, and discovered she had retrieved his belongings. Shaking his head, and believing her responsible, he disrobes into a light tunic and breeches, and gets into the bed beside her. She rolls over and smiles at him, puts her arms around him, and falls back asleep. He puts an arm around her, and falls asleep.
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He had been watching them for such a long time, but to him it seemed but a moment. Since their dealings in the Underdark, Ysmillr had taken quite a liking to this misfit band of do-gooders and the likes. Even though there were so many Illithids bound to the aspects of evil, Ys defied this simply because of his hatred of control, which he saw manifested in the Illithid society. He knew this group would have no problem accepting him into their fold, with the exception of his craving for brains.


They had all begun to go upstairs to sleep, and Ys knew that know could be an especially surprising time to join in with them. Though first, he needed a snack. He walked upstairs, hood up, and a mask covering his tentacles, which could be disastrous if these common-folk saw him. There were many rooms with many occupants, or meals, to choose from; but the one he sought had an old scholar, who was bound to be full of juicy knowledge. He approached the door, and expanded his mind, to be able to sense if someone was coming. He bent down, and picked his lockpicking tools out of a pocket on his neck using his tentacles. He picked at the door every so gently, making sure no one but him could hear the sounds within the lock. The door popped open, as he knew it would, and he entered with his natural, silent steps he had developed over his many years of sneaking. Finally he had his meal, and joining this stalwart group he had been following could wait. He entranced the scholar with a deep nightmare, being that he was already asleep; now he would never wake up. The door shuts...

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A man in a vermilion robe sat upon a throne, watching her intently. He had fine-boned features - deathly pale - and dark, entrancing eyes. He smiled at her as he stroked his dark beard. But Rhaine did not smile back. She felt sick in his presence, and she saw that his hands were strangely withered.


A mixture of anger and fear struck her as she realized who it was. He simply kept smiling his mysterious smile, even nodding to her as if he knew she had figured it all out...


She jerked awake, panting for breath, her body covered in a cold sweat. The man's face still lingered in her vision before beginning to fade.


Szass Tam.

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Nawen sat on the bed reading a small leather journal. She found this journal among other things that the Shadowdancer who attacked Caladus had with him.


Most of the information here proved useless to them. He was just with the group of thugs who took over the town but the ranger still found something useful for herself. The Shadowdancer wrote down his training techniques that helped him to become a good Shadowdancer, Nawen who was stealthy herself and was looking for ways to improve her skills even more found his writings fascinating. She could even learn a thing or two from this journal.


She decided to keep this for herself because who knows what others might think about it and it wasn't that important anyway.

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A hooded woman was walking down the road, looking for a place to spent the night at. Sefris' red eyes were glaring at anyone who would dare to look her way, making them fasten their step as she passed by. She smirked for herself, enjoying the fear of those petty humans. Oh, my, what would happen of she appeared as her true self among them? They would knock each other out in an attempt to run away, no doubt. As fun as it sounded, she couldn't be bothered with such little things right now. Walking faster as she had spotted an inn, she shook her head, fixing what little hair she could. Her hair always looked like someone's been blowing in it for hours. A dragon, obviously. Bah.

A silver spear hanging casually on her back, Sefris knew she wouldn't need to use it if someone tries something. They are too timid. And cowards. How did these humans dominate the Faerun, she will never know. Her kind is stronger. Only their appearance makes crowds run away in fear. And to what have they fallen? Few stragglers, spread all over the world. Hunted. Hated. Neglected. She hissed at no one in particular, making some woman starting to run. No use for these kinds of thoughts, she told to herself, opening the door of the inn. She'll spend the night here and...go somewhere. Somewhere she hasn't been yet.

Removing her hood, raven black hair fell all over her back, making her look more innocent than she is. Her face was expressionless again as she made her way to the bar, asking about the prices. Her eyes were investigating, looking around, in every corner and at every person, as if looking for someone. Someone who still might be hunting her.

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Ianthe floated on her back in a steamy bathhouse near the inn, feeling like she'd much rather be here than in a bed in the inn. She liked this bathhouse more than she'd liked her other baths so far. This one was made of stone and deep enough for her to completely submerge herself if she sat down. Gripping the edge of the bath with her fingertips, she poked her head above the water as a lady entered.


The lady started and dropped her bundle of towels, "Gods, what are you doing in here so late?"


Ianthe tilted her head to the side and mumbled, "I'm a nymph. We like to live around water..." She pouted a little, and the woman's heart seemed to warm a little as she grabbed up all the used towels and washcloths that had been carelessly thrown into the corner throughout the day. "Well, you just be wary of peeping men."


Ianthe poked out her lips a bit and crossed her arms, water sloshing out of the bath, "I can fend them off, promise."




Arva flicked a pea at Reona's head for the fourth time, then nonchalantly shoved his plate of peas in front of Quark and hid his spoon under the table.


Quark looked over at Arva and raised an eyebrow, his large mustache hiding whatever expression he was making underneath it. "Shall I get the armor, sir?"


Reona smiled and narrowed her cold eyes, "I have a better idea..."


Evan put a hand on Reona's shoulder and exclaimed, "Not that!"


"Oh, that is exactly what I plan to do!" With that, she leaped across the table and knocked Arva, chair and all, into the floor. She pinned him down and began to tickle him, her eyebrows furrowed seriously as he tried to wriggle free.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Caladus wakes up at around Dawn by falling on to the floor. He picks himself up, and discovers Shaori's wings had knocked him out of bed. Sleepily he disrobes and grabbing bathing trunks, his towel and soap he decides to go to have a bath. He goes into the bathhouse, slips in a puddle, and, towel flying through the air and landing on a statue, he falls into the bath. With a feeling of horror he discovered he had walked into the wrong bathhouse, as he was now on top of the naked Ianthe. He pushes himself out of the water, and stammering apologies he heads towards the steps to get out of the water.
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Ianthe slipped out from under Caladus and smiled innocently, "Good morning, Caladus! You wanted a bath, too? I love baths..." Noticing his seemingly embarrassed body language, she added, "Oh, do lose your sense of... what is it the humans call it? Modesty, yes. Lose your modesty and hand me the soap, please." It was quite possible that she didn't even fully understand the implication and scandal of a man and woman being in the same bath.
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