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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris shortly nodded to the nymph in acknowledgement of her introductions, not paying much attention to her afterwards. That's the water nymph...names didn't mean much to her, she won't bother remembering them anyway. "I'm always ready." she replied to Rhaine. And if she got tired of riding, she can just fly a part of the journey, but she has to take care that nobody on the ground sees her. Unlike the Avariel who looked like an angel, Sefris' wings resembled the ones of a bat with no feathers and red as the color of her eyes. So they're moving out as soon as the rest of the circus arrives. The fey'ri sighed softly. How longer does she have to wait? Preposterous.
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Nawen had left the inn quite early in the morning. She wasn't able to get more sleep after reading Shadowdancer's journal so she went outside to pick some more herbs and start her secret training. It was much more fun than she thought it would but the ranger was unsure whether to tell her friends about it or not. She thought that there is nothing wrong with it. She was already stealthy and she'll ever become a Shadowdancer her newfound skills would prove very useful in the future.


She took a quick swim in the small pond outside the Skull Crag. She also ate her breakfast by the same pond. Then she went to the stables and took her horse, some of the Quark's men had already left for Cormyr. She looked around for a bit and noticed her friends.


"I apologize for taking so long. Went to pick some herbs and lost track of ti..." Nawen trailed off when she noticed that another Avariel had joined them and there was also a women with them she looked like a Sun elf to her. Just in case she tightening her hood slightly. She wasn't comfortable about strangers knowing her true heritage...

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The fey'ri paid no attention to the love birds, but raised her look as Saerileth approached them. So that's the little kid...Who else is missing? Not much later Nawen joined and Sefris raised an eyebrow at the hooded stranger. "So what are you, the mother, the fiancee or the other Drow?" she asked, slightly scoffing at the last. Her eyes, despite their fiery color were as cold as a stone as she tried to look under the hood without moving. Unfortunately for her, that was impossible, so she continued to look at the newcomer down her nose.
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"Well enough, Saerileth," Rhaine nodded to the paladin, then turned to Nawen, "Good morning, friend."


Glancing at Sefris, she added, "Nawen, this is Sefris. She'll be joining us on our trip to Cormyr."

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Nawen frowned when she heard how this woman, this Sefris addressed her. Somehow she could feel that this woman hated her kind. "Yes. The other Drow." She said to the Sun elf slightly annoyed. The last thing they need is another Drow hater. The last one, Adamant luckily changed his mind. She hoped that this woman will change her mind too. Edited by Naktis
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Sefris gave Rhaine a 'what' look when the half-elf glanced in her direction. Like she could memorize all the names the moment they say them if she wanted to. The fey'ri could feel annoyance in the Drow's voice, but little did she care. She let her horse's reins rest in front of her as she slowly turned in her seat so how her back was facing the black stallion's back of the neck. She leaned on his neck and put her ankle on her other leg's knee and rolled her eyes as she put her hands behind her head to act like a pillow. Still waiting for the mom and two fiancees. She hoped they weren't having some "fun" in their room. Hells know how long they will have to wait if they are.
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Caladus once again started to get annoyed at Sefris's attitude. "So what if she is the other drow, Feyri? She has done nothing to earn this attitude, just like the rest of us."


Shaori decides she wants to get away from the evil woman and flies up to the clouds to chat with her cousin, finding her father Mokuba instead.


Saerileth glares at the Feyri woman.

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"Enough!" Rhaine barked, "We've wasted enough time, and we will get nowhere by trading petty insults. Now that all of us are here, let us be off."


She wheeled Ghost around with a cry and dug her heels into the dappled stallion's flanks. He surged forward, and the Doomguide began leading them at full gallop - northwards along the road to High Horn.

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