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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris angrily growls at Caladus when he mentions her race. "I told you to shut up, Drow." she hissed, getting back in her seat as she followed Rhaine. Tell the whole world, won't you? Let's count how long will it take for the people to get their pitchforks and torches. She frowned at Saerileth when she felt the familiar itch. Damn it, what is this circus composed of? Paladins and saint Drows? Great. Just what she needs. Hopefully she'll get a chance to burn someone soon. Edited by Alaylyne
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Nawen rode as usually in the end of the group. She heard Caladus referring to unfriendly woman as Fey'ri. She had no idea who they are and the person who would be more than happy to tell her what they are was somewhere far away.


She sighed heavily and patted the horse gently on his head. She was starting to miss Illius. The ranger hoped that he will join them but he left so suddenly and she wasn't sure when she will see him again.

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Rhaine raised her voice over the din of the horses' hooves, "Not likely, Caladus. We need to monitor our steeds' energy carefully. We should move quickly, but we cannot afford for them to become exhausted."


As she leaned over Ghost's neck, she looked up at the mountains that towered to her right. The land continued to incline gradually as they drew nearer. She did not like the way the blue-grey thunderheads were gathering around High Horn Pass...lightning flashed within them, and she could see the hazy outline of heavy rainfall. The Doomguide also thought she glimpsed a dragon winging amongst the clouds - likely a Blue Dragon from all the electricity being thrown about.

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Sefris was riding right behind Rhaine and Caladus, ahead of the others, her brows still furrowed in a frown. That trice-cursed Drow. She glanced at Caladus in front of her. Idiot. If he is so intend on letting people know he is a dark elf and get himself killed eventually, that's completely fine with her. But letting people know she is a half-demon...she had a problem with that. She could probably get away with being a Red dragon disciple with showing her abilities, but that is only slightly better. Still an option if somebody starts asking too many questions, though.
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They rode most of the day, stopping only occasionally to eat or water the horses. It was, thankfully, an uneventful ride.


As dusk fell once again over the Western Heartlands, the small settlement of Eagle Peak came into view down the road. The hamlet was even smaller than Skull Crag, but it was a popular caravan stop...meaning that there would likely be an inn large enough to accommodate them all.


Rhaine looked to her right, her body swaying gently with Ghost's smooth walking gait. A storm still brewed over High Horn Pass. Glancing over her shoulder, she addressed her companions, "I think it is best if we stay the night here in Eagle Peak. I have no desire to continue on at night and during a storm. Let's see what we can find here, shall we?"

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Sefris was quiet during the ride, her anger slowly ceasing as the monotone day passed by. Well, that was boring, she thought for herself, tucking few locks of hair behind her pointy ear. "Sure." she replied shortly to Rhaine in a deadpan voice, looking up at the sky. Riding would be dangerous if the lightnings start, not to mention flying. Guess they're stuck in the inn, at least for a night.
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As they rode on, Ianthe sang to herself, mostly just a melody composed of lots of Las, with the occasional hum thrown in.


Arva found himself glancing over at Reona more than usual as the day passed on. After a lot of thinking, he decided that he'd kiss her tonight and see what sort of feelings surfaced. Since Saerileth wasn't close to him at all, he felt that Reona's kiss may bring forth a much better feeling, if what he'd read in books was anything to judge by.


Quark reeled in fear when they passed a group of ducks swimming in a pond, which confused Reona to no end.

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Xallistine nodded and said "Yet more uncomfortable beds... clearly they do not have Ilithid in mind in these inn's of yours..." He grumbled on.




Aricia finally caught up with the group... she had gotten delayed by quite a serious matter after leaving the breakfast table, shortly after Saerilieth. She rode up, her outfit trickled with blood, her flail dripping violently with it, she tied her mahogany hair back and said as she rode up "I apologize for being so far behind... i got held up."

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Rhaine noticed Aricia catching up to them, her usually flawless outfit covered in blood. The Doomguide wheeled Ghost around, "Aricia! Are you all right?"
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Aricia flicked her hair, and pushed up her tiara, looking at Rhaine with a weak smile "I am alright Doomguide... the blood is not my own... it is a mixture of that of one i attempted to save, and that of those i dealt punishment upon." She explained in her usually vague manner, not being rude, just.. not wholesome in her answer.
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