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Tales of Faerun


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"Sounds good to me." Nawen said and urged the horse to go a bit faster. She wondered what awaits them in this village. More thugs or even a dragon this time? She was surprised that so far their journey was uneventful.


The ranger looked around for a bit. One of the other Avariel gave what it looked like compass to Shaori. Why would she need such a thing. Nawen was a scout of the group and her skills and experience in the wilds had proved useful and she was sure as Hells positive that she is much better than some compass.


She also remembered Sefris saying something like 'My thoughts are my own' was someone using their psychic abilities on her? This woman did not seem nice but whoever did it had no right to read her thoughts, good or no. She rummaged through one of her bags a bit and pulled out an amulet that guarded from psychics and their abilities. She could not remember who gave it to her, she thought it was Byron but somehow instead of one amulet she ended up with two.


"Here." Nawen said and threw an amulet to Sefris. "This should guard your thoughts from those who can read them."

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Reona's ears almost literally perked up as Aricia joined them, spattered with blood. Whatever had happened seemed to have been quite a mess, however, Reona didn't question it. She was sure that things turned out okay.
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Rhaine's brow rose, "I see. Well, then, perhaps we can talk about it over dinner, yes?" She turned Ghost back towards the town and kicked him into a trot, "Let's get our accommodations settled."


The village was small, but quaint. There was a halfling caravan set up just outside the blacksmith's shop, the windows of the wagon glowing with a warm light. Smoke drifted lazily from the roofs of the houses...all in all, it seemed to be a rather peaceful place.


The Doomguide dismounted in front of the inn and tethered Ghost, waiting on the others.

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Sefris' face turned expressionless as she saw Aricia covered in blood. What has she been up to? Shrugging her shoulders as an answer to herself, she looked ahead of her when Nawen approached her. She caught the amulet instinctively, looking at the Drow with raised eyebrow and a slight frown. "Why would you give this to me? What do you hope accomplish with this?" she asked, rising the amulet so Nawen would see what she was talking about. Is this a trickery or some sort? Pretend to be friends and then the usual, stabbing in the back? Did the other Drow told her to do it? Who could guarantee that the amulet was supposed to do what the girl said it would? It must be a trick of some sort. Unless... "I do not owing favors, so if that's your play, you can have this back." She said with a low hiss and threw the amulet back at the Drow.
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Ianthe was playing with a toddler in the street when something... or rather, someone caught her eye. She hitched the child up onto her hip and took him back to his mother's arms, an eyebrow lifted in curiosity. Making her way over to the halfling caravan, she spotted a vibrant purple backside peeking out from behind a cart. The purple disappeared in what seemed like the pop of a bubble, the hazy outline of a backside taking its place.


"Hey, William!" Ianthe called, "What are you doing here?"


The purple returned as William's concentration broke, and he jumped. He turned around and poked his grey, bearded head out from behind the cart. "I, erm... Just taking in the scenery, picking poisonous mushrooms, you know..."


"Oh! That's always fun!" Ianthe replied happily while crouched over, poking at a beetle on the ground.


Reona patted the nymph's head. The girl was quite... ditzy, for lack of a better word. "Are you following us, William?"


"Well," the short wizard began, a hand on his beard, "I--"


"Reona!" Arva called from in front of that horrid red tent. He probably wanted her to pull that 'bloody helm' off again.


"This can wait," Reona said, heading toward Arva. She turned to William again, "But this isn't over between us."

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Nawen frowned. She was trying to be friendly but it seems it was pointless. "Fine." She replied, annoyed. The ranger stuffed the amulet back into her pack. "All of us have amulets like these. A dwarf, Byron gave them to us." She glanced at Sefris. "Maybe those who are going to read your mind next time will find out why you're so rude."
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Rhaine entered the inn and looked around. She smiled; just as cozy on the inside as the outside, it seemed. There weren't many patrons around, other than a few halflings in the far corner - likely from the caravan. The tables and chairs were all richly-stained walnut, the floor was polished and decorated with several bear and wolf skin rugs, and a massive elk head was mounted over a roaring fireplace.


She quickly approached the innkeeper and paid for their rooms. Thankfully, he had just enough for them all. Once the coin was counted out, she ducked back outside, "Rooms are paid for...but dinner is on your own tab."

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Sefris scoffed. "A part of my charm, I assure you." And since when are Drows such whining babies? Boooo, she you are so rude! I'm going to go cry in a corner now! She rolled her eyes and headed towards Rhaine. So what is she is rude? She'd gone the first few decades of her life being nice and the place it got her...She was done being nice. The moment she accepted Shar as her goddess, she was done with her old way of life. All that are now just memories of some other naive little girl. Holding the amulet with a black circle and thick lavender border in her hand that she had put out of her robes, she looked around before silently speaking a prayer.

"Darkness is my shield, for in the darkness my weaknesses shall not be revealed;

Darkness is my sword, for in the darkness they will hear the cry of a lord;

Darkness is my protection, for in the darkness they shall not see my reflection;

Darkness is my friend, for in the darkness the Mistress shall for my secrets tend."


She tucked her amulet back under her clothes, looking at the sun that was setting. Her secrets and her own and her mistresses'.

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"I'd like you to say something like that again." She said but noticed that Sefris went towards Rhaine. That woman was starting to annoy her. Being new in the group doesn't give her a right to talk like that. She never understood those... evil people. They were pretending that they don't care about anything or anyone but in her opinion, deep inside they were all lonely and miserable people. Sure, her life was not a fairytale as well but that did not make her evil and angry at everyone who were kind to her.


Nawen had reached the small town and brought the horse to the stables. "I'd like to scout the area just in case." Nawen said once she approached Rhaine. "Anyone wanna come with me?" She asked.

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Rhaine nodded, "I'll go with you."


She had had little time to speak with Nawen. If they weren't in a fight or some other dire situation, the ranger was either lingering at the back of the group or scouting on her own. The Doomguide wondered why Nawen was suddenly inviting someone along with her.

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