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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine walked inside the Inn, and made his way to his room, he needed to lay down his things, as they were getting heavy.


Aricia dismounted her horse, which she had named Epoch, and put her heeled feet on the ground, giving the tether of Epoch to a stable boy, she told him to take the horse to the stables. Which he did immediately. She limped slowly over to the inn, trying to retain her dignity, her stone hard face, yet it was rather painful.

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Saerileth runs over to her mother almost as soon as both of them had dismounted, and pressing a hand to the leg she was favoring, casts Lay on Hands. "Mother, thou shouldst tell someone of thou art injured! There art several healers here, including my self, Rhaine, Caladus, Shaori, and for non magical pains and medical treatments, Nawen. Was thy pride too much for thou to accept help?"


Caladus dismounts smoothly, and takes his horse, as well as Saerileth's horse to the stables to be fed, watered and untacked. Returning he hears Saerileth telling her mother off, is tempted to cuff her, then figures her mother would take care of it, entering the inn. She looks around and sees Nawen looking annoyed, The feyri bothering Rhaine, and Rhaine seeming patient, although he could be wrong. Walking over to Nawen, he lays a hand on her shoulder. "Copper for your thoughts?"


Shaori flies down to the inn with Mokuba. If the villagers were surprised to see not just Mokuba, who visited the inn on occasion when his missions took him this way, but Shaori, they hid it well, immediately welcoming the two. Mokuba was known for good tips, great stories, and being good at holding his liquor.

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Sefris left her black stallion with the stable boy, not failing to notice how he waited for her to leave before going to the horse due to her nasty glare. Smirking faintly, she walked in the inn and sat in the corner, on the other side of the inn and placed a small leather bag with her belongings on the table, setting the spear she was carrying on her back beside her. She took out something that looked like a lot of papers tied in a huge scroll and untied them, looking over some maps.
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Rhaine awaited a response from Nawen, rubbing Ghost's soft muzzle absentmindedly; she intended to tend to him herself later. The Doomguide glanced up at Caladus, nodding to him in acknowledgment, but saying nothing.
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Reona stepped over to Arva and jumped, attempting to get her hands around his helm and pull it off. One of his massive hands clasped hers and he leaned down. She tilted her head to the side and pulled his helm off. "Just what are you playing at?"


He grinned from ear to ear and then put his hands on either side of her chin, pulling her in for a clumsy kiss. He let go of her after only about three seconds, but it felt like it lasted so much longer. He gulped and mumbled, "Can you ever forgive me?"


Reona's cheeks and lips were tinged with red as she blushed deeply at her first kiss, "Of course I forgive you. You..." She paused and then hugged him tightly as she began to cry, "You're... you're only a... pervert! You didn't... You weren't thinking... Why would I be mad at all, you... you big, stupid moron?"


He pushed her away and wiped her tears away with a thumb, "Only you would understand how I feel about everything, huh?"


She sobbed for a few minutes, and then looked up at him, "You're so stupid! And you're a bad kisser, too."


He hugged her tightly, "I know."

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Nawen glanced at Rhaine. "You really want to come?" She was slightly surprised that someone wanted to go with her.


The ranger glanced at Caladus. "I just wanted to go and scout the area. That's all." She said not really sure if she wanted to say or ask something. She thought nothing when she asked if someone would like to come.

Edited by Naktis
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Saerileth could feel herself getting incredibly angry and couldn't understand why. "Mayhaps if thou couldst see past thine pride, mother, thou wouldst see that thy daughter is trying to express concern and care for her mother. I guess thy reactions show what thou thinketh of me. I know not why thou were told by Ilmater to come here, Tyr most certainly would not. This is mine test to prove myself worthy of becoming Tyr's Proxy, in case thou hast forgotten. Fine then. Thou dost not want mine help, thou shalt not get mine help!" Storming past her mother, she pays out of her own purse for a single room, asks for a light meal be brought to her, goes inside and shuts the door with a louder than normal snap.


Caladus noticed this behavior and looks confused. "Teenage anxiety and anger issues? A fight with her mother? What is going on here?"


Shaori smiled as Mokuba entertained some of the patrons with stories.

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Rhaine was a bit surprised at Nawen's reaction, "Of course. It has been a long while since I walked in the wilderness."
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Sefris was still sitting at the table, preoccupied with the papers she was reading, checking something from time to time on the map or adding a note on this or that paper. For her, night was not time to rest, but to act. Most genius of plans were made during night and she needed to see this through. Her face did not give away any emotions except for some rare frown when she noticed a mistake in writings. She will most likely spend the most of the night at that table, lost in he papers.
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