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Tales of Faerun


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"Well then. Let's go." Nawen said with the slight smile on her face and made her way out of the small town. She wondered why Rhaine wanted to come along but she was happy that someone did.


As soon as they were out of town she shouted something in elvish and soon after Sinn ran out of bushes and roared happily. The panther was following her ever since their meeting with Lord of the Dead in their camp some time ago. "I wanted to ask you something." Nawen said and turned to Rhaine.

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Rhaine followed close behind Nawen. She was no ranger, and so her boots crunched horribly amongst the twigs and leaves, unlike her friend's completely silent footsteps. There was a faint breeze, and the evening was quite cool, likely due to the storm that had been pushed eastwards into the mountains.


The Doomguide jumped when she heard the panther roar, but relaxed when she realized it was Sinn. The big cat was graceful and beautiful, and Rhaine couldn't help but feel a bit of envy.


She smiled at Nawen, "Certainly. What is it?"

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Nawen walked forward, her eyes focused on the surroundings. For someone who is burdened by heavy armor, Rhaine was able to walk not as loud as she thought the Doomguide would.


Sinn was running around and like a little animal chasing various insects. The panther glanced at Rhaine curiously for a moment before starting following her.


The ranger for a couple of minutes walked silently. When she couldn't notice anything strange she turned around and looked directly at Rhaine. "Is it true that when a faithless dies his or her soul is bound onto the Wall of Faithless?" She asked. It was an unusual question but she had to know.

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Oh dear. This again, Rhaine thought.


She sighed, "Yes, it is. And so you know that it isn't simply a Doomguide's rhetoric speaking, I have seen it. Not once, but twice; the first in a dream, the second in reality."


The Doomguide wondered why Nawen would be asking such a question. Didn't she follow Mielikki?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Oh..." Nawen said not really loudly. "Thank you." She added and continued walking. She wondered how could Rhaine see the Wall of Faithless in reality but it was better not to probe her with such questions.


She was hoping, no praying that the wall was not true but she had no reason to believe that the Doomguide was lying. But what if she'll never find another deity to follow? What if she will live for the rest of her life and die as faithless or false? But the most important question that was on her mind: what if turning her back on The Forest Queen was a very wrong thing to do? Was this some sort of test of loyalty?


"Do you feel better about what happened earlier?" The ranger inquired hoping to change the subject.

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Rhaine could sense that Nawen doubted her for some reason. Her reaction was rather odd, and she seemed quite troubled. However, Rhaine decided to not press the matter - such things were often hard to accept, and Nawen would open up to the Doomguide in her own time.


"I assume you mean the spat I had with Caladus?" she asked, "Yes. I tend to place such things behind me rather quickly. In the grand scheme of things, it matters little."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ianthe peeked her head over the edge of the cart William the wizard was still hiding behind. "You know, you can come out. We know you're here, so why bother hiding?"


He looked at Ianthe, holding a small journal in his hands, "Are you kidding? I'm going to write about your adventures and then I'll be rich. Wizards need funds for things, you know. Cauldrons, ingredients, small animals, the works."


"Wouldn't small animals count as ingredients?" Ianthe asked, a hand on her lips in thought.


"No, by no means, my girl!" William said, and whisked Ianthe inside a dark tent with hundreds of crawly vines settled on the edges as if they'd always been there. Inside sat a cauldron and several bottles of ingredients and potions, some of which even glowed in the dark in bright, florescent tones. Ianthe went to poke one, as it shone a bright blue, her favorite color, and it fell to the ground.


Ianthe looked up at William with wide eyes.


He returned the wide-eyed stare.


The tent rumbled and seemed to grow wide as their eyes.


The tent was suddenly filled with an intense gust of mist and wind, and Ianthe unconsciously grabbed William's thin hand as the tent blew into the air with incredible force, bottles flying everywhere and lightning crackling all around them. Instantly, the gale strengthened and began to blow William into the air. It took every ounce of Ianthe's strength, holding on with both slick, wet hands, to keep the halfling from flying away with this raging storm. After about thirty seconds, the storm subsided. Everything around the town was perfectly fine, as the tempest seemed only to have affected the few square feet that the tent had occupied. Its only traces were a sopping wet nymph and wizard who looked at each other with the same expression, both shivering with the cold of the water that had drenched them from head to toe.


"What..." Ianthe said, her hair puffed out in all directions from the blast of wind, "was that?"


William stared at her with a disturbed look and blinked twice, his beard tangled into a writhing mass that resembled Xalllistine's tentacles on a particularly wiggly day. "That... Was hurricane in a bottle."

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Caladus hears a commotion outside, and rushes out to see a tent there, covered in vines that he could swear had not been there when he entered the inn. He pokes his head in, and sees Ianthe sopping wet, and that halfling from before. "What happened here?" Seeing the bottle on the ground, he picks it up, reseals it and sees the words "Hurricane in a bottle" Stamped on the side. "Byron was going to make this once, then decided to make something to take the static out of cats. One of his more infamous blunders. He ended up with a 20 foot housecat don't ask me how."


Byron's voice floated from nowhere, "Wonderful, Dugmaren got himself drunk and is fighting with the other gods. Since he ain't payin attention, Ah got a moment or two tae get a word in. Hurricane in a bottle, eh? Impressive work. Noo, all ye got tae do to make it a wee bit more powerful is to add essence of... CRAP!" His voice cuts off and fades away, leaving people wondering what he would have said.


Saerileth paced annoyedly in her room.


Mokuba still told stories.

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Sefris raised her eyebrow at the sudden noise from the outside, wrapping her papers back in a huge scroll and putting it in her bag. Throwing it over her shoulder, she grabbed her spear and fastened it on her back as she slowly walked outside. They weren't blowing someone up without her, were they? She blinks few times seeing the water nymph, some halfling and that annoying Drow from before. Wait, was that someone's voice? She managed to catch a glimpse of Byron before he disappeared, looking at the scene before her. Did the dwarf say "Hurricane in a bottle"? She slightly grinned. It's been ages since she turned her old master's palace upside down with a few of those. That was fun.
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Reona and Arva looked up as the strange storm passed, leaving none other than Ianthe and William in the middle of it all.


Reona laughed to herself and dried her face as best as she could. "What idiots," she hiccuped. Pulling a handkerchief out of her bodice, she wiped at her face and began to laugh harder.


Arva burst out laughing and called out, "Only you two could brighten someone's day with a hurricane."


Ianthe smiled, her eyes closed. She picked up William and held him piggyback-style on her shoulders. "That's us!"

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