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Tales of Faerun


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"That is good to hear." Nawen replied and headed back to the town again. She couldn't find anything interesting or useful here so she thought that it is better not to stall and go back to the others.


She wanted to speak with someone about her situation but she simply couldn't find the right words. The ranger was not good with words. Never was.


They return back to the town faster than they left. Nawen sighed heavily and looked back at Rhaine. "Well we're back. Thank you for coming with me." She said and knelt down beside Sinn. She could feel that the panther was sad. "I'm sorry Sinn but I can't take you with me." The panther placed her paw on Nawen's knee and started at her with her big yellow eyes. The ranger pulled her hood down and scratched behind the panther's ears. "I wish I could but you are too big to be brought unnoticed." Sinn licked Nawen's hand and slowly walked away.

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Rhaine simply nodded, watching Sinn sadly walk away. The poor panther wanted company, but Nawen was right.


She looked up to see Ianthe, sopping wet, holding the halfling wizard William on her shoulders.


I'm not even going to ask, she thought, silently entering the inn.

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He had missed his chance last time, as he had been so preoccupied in his feast that he failed to notice the party had left - with one more in tow, no less! But he had caught up to them once again, and it seemed as though the Chosen leader of the group was just now returning from somewhere. Ysmillr sat alone in the corner of the room and reached out to her with his telepathy.


I would like to speak with you, if you would not mind. No ill will is intended, and I do not believe I could defeat you either way.

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Sefris rolled her eyes and scoffed at piggyback-ride of the water nymph and some halfling, going back inside. Idiots. And she thought something interesting was going on. Walking over the table she was sitting at before, she once again set her spear beside her and pulled back out dozens of papers. With another scoff, she put them back in the bag. No use continuing now, she doesn't even know where she stopped. Just great.
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Aricia sat on her own at a table, cleaning out the wound on her leg, and adding purifying agents, to remove any infection.


Xallistine stayed in his room, meditating on thought, and resting his frail body.




After a long journey back to Thay... Ravenna had once again seen her master and teacher Szass Tam, reporting what she had found out about the cult from her time within them, and having a list of people she was to meet at the ball... With that, she had left Thay, and was on the return home, in the form of a flock of black crows... the flock materialized on the ground not far from a small settlement, she needed to repair her blade, as it's steel was becoming weathered after hundreds of years of neglect, and she decided not to wait until she reached home.


She walked the streets of the settlement, her dark robes brushing on the floor behind her, her beauty making a few men who were walking stop and gawk at her, little did she realize she was in the same town as The Doomguide Rhaine and her companions.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Sefris finally got bored of just sitting in the inn and grabbed her belongings - a bag and her spear -, walking out. She didn't really know where she was going, just...somewhere. The thought itself of being in the same building with that moronic Drow completely ruined her mood, so she picked a random street and started walking down it, looking around herself as she went. Perhaps she could fly around a bit, when everybody's sleeping. It's been so long since she had stretched her wings, after all. She missed flying among the clouds.

Something made her stop in the middle of the street. She looked at the woman in dark robes, her eyes slightly narrowing. There was something about her....she was powerful. Not to be messed with. And quite beautiful. The fey'ri scoffed. With as much power as that woman had, Sefris could bet it's some kind of a magic trick. Her beauty, on the other hand, was completely natural.

Still, if it was a trick of some sort...Sefris continued to look at the woman, her interest piqued. Who was she?

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Ravenna continued walking down the street, looking at the Fey'ri who had taken to staring at her, Ravenna inclined her head towards the woman, her heavy earrings, moving with her head, Ravenna's striking green eyes meeting that of Sefris's, a slight smile appearing on her beautiful face. She came at a stop once she neared the Fey'ri "Is there a problem, demoness?" Ravenna said, looking at the woman, and judging her as a beautiful specimen... despite her species.
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Sefris resisted the urge to roll her eyes. How more people can see through her Alter self? But this was no ordinary woman, despite her appearance. The woman looked like she belonged to nobility, which was certainly true, judging from her clothes, the was she walked and stood and her appearance altogether. "Not at all, sorceress" she replied nonchalantly, trying to read more about her, "I was just fascinated by your level of power. Very....captivating." More than she had read before from the woman the fey'ri could not decipher. The woman before her was graceful and deadly, but also a mystery.
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Ravenna's eyes smiled dangerously, a sparkle of evil in them, as if they would lead you astray into the depths of hell... her mouth moved into a larger smile, as she looked at Sefris "Admiring my power? Yes i am told it is quite captivating... usually by those who meet an... untimely end. You are so very close when you call me Sorceress, that is what other nobles call me when they try to insult... yet none have the spine to call me that which i am, Fey'ri... and that is a witch... what is your name, beautiful demon?" Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Sefris looked at the ground as she smirked, returning her gaze to the woman in front of her shortly after. "But I was told calling people a 'witch' was an insult." She tucked a lock of her raven black hair behind the pointy ear, determined to show she was not afraid of this witch. "But those that call it an insult could easily be just petty mortals that fear power, rather than to embrace it." she added slowly, her words more dark than one would notice at first. She liked this woman. No matter the danger, she was powerful and it intrigued her. "Sefris." she said shortly, raising her head unconsciously a bit.
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