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Tales of Faerun


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"Then you are of far greater intelligence than the filthy peasants that dot this land. Witch where i come from, is an honour to be called... the petty mortals of this world could never understand." Ravenna said with a dark smile, instantly taking a liking to the darkness in Sefris's voice, after hearing her name, Ravenna greeted it with her own. "Well then Sefris... My name is Ravenna, Ravenna Everdawn." She said with a smile.
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"A pleasure to meet you." she smiled charmingly, something sparkling in her blood-colored eyes. "And may I say, it is such a refreshment to meet someone who doesn't think we all should go around and help everyone we meet." she scoffed a bit, remembering her companions. They said there would be big battles, that was the only reason she was with that group of do-gooders. And all those paladins, clerics and divine god-knows-what made her skin itch. And that was not very pleasant, I can tell you that. "There is a reason there are those who are weak. They were too afraid to take the power - they deserve to die."
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Nawen watched as her panther left with the sad smile on her face. She doesn't have that much time anymore to spend with her panther friend and it really saddened her. Sinn was her closest and dearest friend ever since their first meeting and she felt bad for leaving the panther alone for such a long time. They used to go everywhere together.


The ranger sighed heavily and made her way to the inn. She saw Sefris talking to someone but paid no attention to it. It wasn't her business what that woman was doing nor she cared.


She went to the inn and ordered something to eat and sat at one of the empty tables. She noticed that Aricia was attending to her injuries so she decided not to bother her.

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Rhaine subconsciously reached for Touch of Death as she heard a voice in her mind. She whirled, looking for the source. There, in a dark corner, was what appeared to be an illithid. She had half a mind to try and find Xallistine, but then dropped the thought. The Ulitharid needed his rest. It seemed that this one meant no harm, and so she would see to him on her own. Besides, Nawen was in the same room, and she did not think that the illithid would try to pull anything with her companions around her.


The Doomguide approached the illithid's table, "And who are you?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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She seemed hesitant at first, reacting as he thought she may to such an intrusion. Sadly for her, and the rest of her fellows, he had no intention of attempting to spit out their drivel they call language.


I am Ysmillr, outcast of the illithids, looking for a new outlook on life. I watched you and your fellows stir up quite a fuss down in the Underdark, and I want in on that sort of thing. For the sake of brevity, I simply wish to lend my aid to your colorful band of demons, elves, and other fantastical creatures.

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Caladus walked through the common room, and found Rhaine. "Hail, my friend! Had a good walk?" He gasps and peers into his seer charm. "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard. What the hell is a hobbit, and where the hell is Isengard?" He says confused.


Saerileth goes down to the common area and gets herself a meal, seating herself as far away from her mother as possible.


Shaori begins to feel hungry and gets a meal too.


Mokuba wanders around, occasionally chatting with people.


Byron pokes his head back in, having managed to slip Kelemvor for the moment. He says, completely seriously and straight faced. "I want to say, Ianthe. You can make a much funnier moment than I could. I always found you charmingly hillarious. Oh, come on! Not again!" He gets whisked back to the hall of Dugmaren Brightmantle, where he sits sulking.

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Rhaine raised her eyebrows at the illithid. She wondered how the others would react, especially Xallistine. The Doomguide doubted that the two were of the same mind about things - pardon the pun - even if they were both outcasts of sorts.


"As long as you keep your, ah...appetite...controlled, I have no objection to you joining with us for the time being. Caladus?" she turned to the druid, "Why don't you have a talk with Ysmillr, here. He wishes to join up with us."


She then went to order her own meal, famished after a long day of riding.

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Nawen continued eating her meal. She saw that Rhaine was talking with someone. She wondered who it was maybe some acquaintance or an old friend?


She looked around to see what her other friends are doing. She only saw Aricia, Caladus, Rhaine and Shaori and the common room. The ranger assumed that others were already in their rooms. Nawen simply shrugged and continued eating. The meal she ate, sausages and potatoes was absolutely delicious.



"Cyric's blood!" The innkeeper exclaimed as he watched the amount of coins that Aedan had won. Unfairly. "Soon no one will be able to buy anything anymore." The man mumbled as he picked up a plate from the table and started cleaning it with the slightly dirty rag. The Fallen leaned back in his chair, his face emotionless. "It's not my problem that the people here are fools." He said and ordered something to eat. The innkeeper went back to the counter after he mumbled something that sounded like 'I wish you'd just leave' but Aedan paid no attention to it.


Cormyr was getting really boring and under the different circumstances Aedan would have been gone by now but the rumors about a group of adventurers that were heading to Cormyr changed his mind. He wanted to see these so called adventures because the stories that reached the city were unbelievable and he wanted to see how much truth there is to those stories.

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Rhaine purchased her food - a simple tray of fruit and cheese with a glass of wine - and looked around for a seat. Caladus was preoccupied with Ysmillr, Aricia and Saerileth both looked like they wanted to be left alone, leaving Shaori and Nawen. Thinking the ranger might still want to talk, she made her way over to the drow and gestured to the chair opposite her, "Mind if I join you?"
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