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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine nodded to Nawen, "I am fine, friend. Do not conc-"


She halted as she suddenly had an idea. She scrambled up from the bed, rummaged through her pack, produced her bag of holding, and plucked a small, whitish, spherical object from it.


The Doomguide offered it to Xallistine, "This is the eye of a Night Hag named Gulk'aush. She gave it to me several years ago, so that I would be able to dreamwalk. It would take me far longer than I would like to explain these dreams...and where they came from...to you all. But perhaps it would be easier on me and you if I could show you. Is there some way you can harness its power in the future, so that you all may see what I see the next time we fall asleep?"

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Caladus dozes off when he returns to his room. Still asleep, he wanders into Rhaine's room, crimson eyes blank and unfocused, and he states the following verse. "Dragon of violet death, icy wings unfurled, arrows rain from the heavens. A gate barred leaves another opened. Beware, the easy path may hold hidden dangers. Those of little faith, find it, or he will devour your soul." He falls forward, then gasps and looks around. Noticing he has just fallen into shards of pottery, he looks up expecting to find himself in his room, with maybe a vase broken by sleepwalking. He is surprised to find himself in Rhaine's room. "What the.. how did I get in here? Rhaine? Xallistine? What's going on here?" Noticing he's bleeding, he stands, removes the shards of pottery with his fingers, wincing as the blood poured out more quickly, and mutters a spell to make the blood stop. "My head feels strange. I gotta stop dealing with psionic negotiation so much." Good morning to you, Xallistine. I am sorry for not greeting you properly.


While walking back from the bath, Shaori sees Caladus walking and acting slightly odd. She hears him say that verse, and collapse, wincing as he fell onto glass. "Didn't he say he was a seer? Did he just have a vision? If so, what does it mean?"


Saerileth walks down to the common room to have a breakfast of fruit and cheese.

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"Walk in dreams? Can you even do that?" Nawen inquired thinking that this is simply weird. "And wouldn't that be dangerous, to you?" She added. As curious as she is, dreams are often very personal and sometimes people do not share them even with their closest friends or family.


She then remembered something else that Rhaine said. "An eye of the Night Hag? As in real eye? Eww!" She shuddered. That was disgusting. Why would someone give their eye to someone and most importantly why the Doomguide carried that eye with her?


Nawen was too tired to think. She wanted to get some sleep before they will head out because it's been quite some time since she had a good night's sleep even if she looked well rested. She was about to return to her room when suddenly Caladus entered the room and started speaking hogwash. Then he fell. "There goes the sleep." She thought and was about to offer some help to the druid but he got up and pulled out the shards of the broken vase himself. "That would make sense." She replied to Shaori's words as she watched Caladus and everyone else in the room.

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Rhaine handed the hag eye to Xallistine, "See if you can study that in your spare time, friend."


She turned to Nawen, "Dreamwalking is indeed possible, though it requires a great amount of effort. This eye, however, makes it much easier - Night Hags have a natural talent for it. As for the danger, it is no more dangerous than being a spectator to a play." The Doomguide blinked as she recalled one of her dreams from long ago actually being a play...and it was dangerous. But she had come out alive.


Rhaine sighed, "For now, I would appreciate it if I were left alone. I'd like to have a bath before we leave, and dawn is already creeping upon us. We'll need to head out in a few hours if we want to cross the Cormyrean border today."


As she gathered her equipment and brushed past Nawen, she winked, "And yes, that is a real eye."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine nodded, holding the eye up to the light, and staring into it "Hmm, yes i can indeed do something with this... i shall devote my free time to harnessing the power of this eye then... i can make it into a focus of sorts... maybe attach it to a staff... no.... use it like a crystal ball... hmm." He pondered, walking back to his room to study the eye.



Ravenna walked briskly to the blacksmith, her dark shadow cast over the short, but very butch man, he looked up at her and said "Can i help you ma'am?" Ravenna pulled her dagger out of it's sheathe, it was a curved, and barbed blade, evisceration with it's unholy steel was common. She gave it to the blacksmith and said "It needs to be like new once again."


"Very well... it will take me a few hours." He replied.


With that, Ravenna nodded, and continued her walk along the street "So, Sefris... is your youth and beauty an illusion?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine quickly made her way to the washroom, hastily scrubbing herself down before drying off, combing through her hair, and arming herself. She wanted to move as soon as possible...and there was something she also wished to check with the halfling caravan after she ate breakfast.


Clean and refreshed, she went back to her room, donned her cloak and pack, and left a few coins on the dresser to pay for the broken vase. Closing the door behind her, she returned to the common room for her own morning meal, picking up some sweetbread and honeyed nuts. She saw Saerileth eating and nodded to her, taking a few bites of her own breakfast while she walked out of the inn.

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The fey'ri scoffed at the woman' question. "No, of course not." she said vainly, swishing her hair so it would fall on her back. "As you no doubt know, I am an offspring of a sun elf and a demon, a succubus in this case. I may have my mother's eyes, but I resemble my father, who was an elf." She smiled, running a finger down her soft, bronze hand. "I am 100% naturally beautiful. Why do you enquire?"
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Ravenna smiled wickedly "Because i would like to show you what i do to those of great beauty..." She gripped Sefris by the throat firmly, lifting her up from the ground. They were in a small alley, so no-one would see what happened.


"Behold my power!" Ravenna said, taking on the dark, and extremely terrifying tone that drove Olivia to tears. She opened her mouth, and with her dark magic, began literally sucking the youth out of Sefris...

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At first, Sefris didn't know what was happening, staring at Ravenna with eyes wide open. A silent shriek escaped her lips as she tried to break free of the woman's grasp, but with no use. It was her. The woman that squid talked to her about. The necromancer's protege. With every ounce of willpower left in her body, she let her Alter self fade away. Her nails turned into sharp, black claws as her teeth grew with her mouth wide open. At the same time, big red wings grew out from her back, flapping helplessly around. She tried to dig her claws in Ravenna's hand, hoping that the woman will let her go, because she only needed a second. Only a second and she can escape. Fly away. She could see the tips of her hair turning grey, followed by white. Damn it, no! She's not going to lose her beauty this way!
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Caladus dressed quick;y, wanting to get outside as soon as possible. He armed, retrieved his pack, and went out into the sun, and begins walking around. He hears an odd noise, and finds Sefris being attacked by Ravenna. He rushed forward, and swung out with his scimitar. "GET OFF OF HER!" He shouted at Ravenna. Sefris may have been an elg'carress, but no one deserved that fate.


Shaori wandered into the common area, dressed, packed and ready. Getting a plate of food, she asked Saerileth, "Mind if I share your table?"


Saerileth nods, and goes back to her meal.

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