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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine finished her breakfast as she watched Caladus walk off, then frowned when she saw Ghost still tethered to the banister. He looked up at her with annoyance in his eyes.


"Sorry, friend," she stroked his head, "It seems I forgot about you. Things are getting quite-"


She cut herself off as she heard Caladus's cry. Leaping from the porch of the inn, she drew Touch of Death, dashing in the direction of his voice. Her armored boots pounded the earth as she ran, and she arced her wings to catch the wind, propelling her faster. Within seconds, she found Sefris - in her true form - scrambling to get away from Ravenna.


With an angry yell, she launched herself towards the necromancer, wings wide, intending to knock her away from the fey'ri.

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Ravenna gave one, final drain, and dropped Sefris to the ground, gazing down at her momentarily, youth returned to the Necromancer. Ravenna smiled wickedly as Caladus swung for her, she gripped the blade, and pushed it away, and as Rhaine launched herself at her, Ravenna projected herself backwards, so she was unharmed "Now now Doomguide, let's not play savior. I was going to release Sefris from my grip once the message was clear... she has potential, far better potential than to be fodder for you and your pathetic companions."
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Sefris was glaring at Ravenna with such a look that she would be set on fire if possible. "That wasn't very smart, witch." she hissed, showing her long teeth in process. Oh, she will get back at her. That much was sure. As she raised her right hand to her lips, a bright cone of flames leaving her mouth and flying at Ravenna.

Wait, what? She said that Sefris had potential? "Potential for what?" she asked, snarling in the process. Her hand was still raised to her lips in case the witch tried something similar.

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Ravenna looked at Sefris and smiled "Wasn't very smart? Oh but i think it was... you yearn for power like that, don't you? I can feel that you want it... Inside you enjoyed it, enjoyed reveling in that power." She said, her now perfectly smooth and youthful face grinning "You have the potential to be better than this... fighting along side these creatures... I would have thought you aspired to more."
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Nawen knew that she will not get enough sleep so she decided not to bother. She went outside, with her things and was taking a walk when she heard Caladus's cry. With her new bow drawn she went to investigate what's happening. What she saw was more than surprising.


Apparently that witch from the Underdark attacked Sefris. She ran closer to the others. "A friend of mine would be more than happy to tell your family that you're attacking people and doing whatever it is you are doing." Nawen said to Ravenna. It's not like she was concerned greatly for Sefris's safety and well being it's just she really hated what this woman was doing.

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Rhaine had to fight to keep from raising Touch of Death against Ravenna. She was a foul beast, entirely representative of everything her church stood against. But she was also the only tie they knew for certain existed between Thay and the Cult of the Dragon...and so she would have to live. For now. But when they found out Szass Tam's plan, she would finally be expendable.


"Do not test me, witch," the Doomguide snarled, "begone from here!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris' claws lowered for a tiny bit at Ravenna's words. "As true as that may be, witch, you've made your mistake by attacking me. My goddess demands that I repay the favor to the ones that offend me. So if you hadn't acted the way you have, you might have had a willing protege at your disposal." she said with a smirk. Although....
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Seeing as Rhaine had sheathed her sword, Caladus sheathes his scimitars, his eyes burning red with anger. "Witch, you had better hope that you don't give me reason to kill you again. I will not hesitate to do so. Sefris, if you are alright, I am going to saddle my horse." With one last furious look at Ravenna, he walks off, cloak flowing out behind him, pulling his hood up to hide his drow appearance.
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Ravenna simply laughed at everything Sefris's companions said to her, first she looked at Nawen and said "My husband would not believe such rumors... he loves me far too much, and doesn't fully trust your beloved Illius."


Ravenna then looked at Rhaine and said "I have business here to attend, i shan't leave until it is concluded. You may threaten me with death all you like, death will reject one such as i."


Then, she looked at Sefris and said "And if i hadn't have done that, would you have believed me if i told you i was capable? For one to believe they need to experience it. What your goddess demands, and what you do are two completely different matters."

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As Caladus was walking towards the stable, he sees Saerileth come out of the inn. He calls out a greeting to her, and speeds up a bit to catch up.


Saerileth smiles at Caladus, and says, "I have been meaning to ask thee, if thou wouldst like to train with me? I think Rhaine needed to purchase supplies for herself, so it may be awhile."


Caladus, knowing how well she was at fighting, nods. It had been ages since he had trained. He follows her to a fenced in training area, where she draws her two handed sword, and presses the gem that shields the blade from cutting people to it. She hands the same gem to Caladus, who sandwiches it between his dual scimitars, dulling both blades, and assumes a battle stance.

Edited by BaldurAnthology
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