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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine glanced between Ravenna and Sefris, "Business, eh? I see." She narrowed her eyes at the fey'ri, "Think carefully before you make a rash decision. Ally with her and you mark yourself as my enemy. Do not forget that."


With that, she turned away. She would not stop Sefris from joining Ravenna. But if she found herself on the opposite side of the figurative battlefield from the fey'ri, she would kill her in an instant.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris continued to look at the witch with narrowed eyes. "Plenty of women here. You could have used one of them."

She glanced at Rhaine. "I am not about to join her, Doomguide. I am with you and your little circus, remember? I said I would be with you as long as I have a gain from all this, and that I do. So you don't have to worry about that for quite a while."

Edited by Alaylyne
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That I have to worry at all is too much, Rhaine thought.


The Doomguide shook her head to clear it. There were other things to take care of. She swung by the stables and grabbed a pail of feed and a pail of water, along with a couple of carrots and sugar cubes. Returning to the inn where Ghost remained tethered, she pulled the bit from his mouth and hand-fed him, whispering apologies for her neglect. She would have to pay him extra attention tonight.


As soon as the horse had his fill of food and drink, Rhaine petted him thoroughly before heading towards the halfling caravan. They had just finished setting up their wares on display, and were eager to do business. They seemed to sell mostly theatre props and other costumery. A thought struck her, and she began looking at the masks. After a few moments of perusing the many accessories, ranging from functional to decorative, she found it.




"How much for this?" she asked the matronly halfling who served as the vendor.


"Oh, that? We've been trying to get rid of it for a year now. You can have it for ten gold."


"I'll give you fifteen for your troubles, then," Rhaine replied, counting out the coins.


Feeling rather pleased with herself, she began walking towards Caladus with her hands behind her back, unable to keep a grin from spreading across her face.

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Nawen kept glaring at the witch. She hated how someone evil like her is walking around freely and killing innocent and beautiful women just because she's an old prune. She was hoping that Illius will be able to convince her husband to punish her. Why is she so convinced that he will not believe him now when back in the Underdark she was nearly begging him not to say anything about her.


"It is good to hear that you're staying." The ranger said to Sefris. "We were actually looking for another clown for our circus." She added and went to the stables. Strangely enough Nawen wasn't frightened by Sefris's rather demonic form. Maybe she felt that more frightening things awaits them in the future.

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Ravenna smiled at Sefris's words, clearly amused "Use one of the women here? Look at them all, hideous and ugly, toiling away, there skin rough and unfit... of course i could have used one of them, then who is to say you would not think my actions a trick? You seek to gain something from being with them? What's that then? the respect of the people for defeating Szass Tam? Toppling the order of the dragon? Respect may give you a lovely warm feeling inside, but it does nothing to aid you. It best you feel the power you desire full on... rather than watch it from afar. But very well, Sefris. You have made your descission... i thought you a being of staying true to your nature... clearly not, if you are allying yourselves with these imbeciles." Ravenna turned on her heel, and walked back towards the Blacksmith.
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"I may be a half-demon, but I have a bit of self respect and I honor my deals." she hissed at Ravenna, quietly and threateningly as she squeezed her fists. After a few seconds she smiled and tucked a lock of her raven black hair with white tips behind her ear. "We will meet again, witch. Under better circumstances, I hope. Who knows where will our destiny lead us?" and with that, she turned her back to the woman, meeting Nawen's green eyes. "Don't be." her wings disappeared, going back into her back, shiny scales flattening until they turned into smooth skin, and demonic teeth and claws ceasing. Soon the beautiful sun elf stood in front of them again. "You never know what might happen." she said with a rather dark smile and started to walk to the stables to get her black stallion. If they aren't continuing their journey, she will just go for a ride. Might clear her mind a bit.
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As Ravenna walked away, she called to Sefris with an amused voice "When you want your youth back, come and find me, Grey-haired one." She chuckled, and walked to the Blacksmith. Picking up her blade, she tested it's edge on her finger, and smiled as it drew blood.


With that she turned, walking away from the village.

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Sefris laughed rather creepily at Ravenna's words, not turning back as she continued to walk. "I'll be sure to check all the places the old grannies visit. I am sure I will find you among them."
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Nawen went to the stables and led her horse outside. "Hello my friend. Would you like something to eat?" She talked with the animal as she patted his head. The horse seemed well fed and judging by his wet chin he had just drank some water. The horse was more than ready for the journey.


The ranger mounted the horse and decided to see the rest of the Eagle Peek while others were getting ready for the trip.

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