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Tales of Faerun


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Ghost, having become used to Xallistine's presence, did not shy at the sudden appearance if Ysmillr. Rhaine inclined her head to the illithid, "Yes. I've been invited to a wedding celebration in Cormyr, and we are all planning on attending. Perhaps I can tell you more about it on the way...if you have decided to join us, that is. Have you a horse?"
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Sefris was a bit outside of the village, waiting for the others to catch up, leaning against a tree. They fey'ri was glaring at her white hair tips, debating whether to cut them or not. On one side there was her vanity that demanded she got rid of them, but on the other hand, it will do her good never to forget what that witch did to her. Finally deciding to leave them as they are, another decision was made - she will seek her out. The witch said it is because of the power she can give her. Some might say it is because of revenge. She smirked and pushed herself away from the tree, walking over to her black stallion. The both sides were right. But for now, she felt like she had a debt to repay. To both Rhaine and Caladus, maybe even to that other drow. Sefris scoffed, her smirk fading. She hated it. The feeling of being tied down. The fey'ri will make sure to repay it and then seek out the witch. What will happen between the two of them, not even the Gods know.


"Game on, witch." she whispered darkly, looking up at the sky.

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Nawen was riding through the village enjoying the beautiful and warm morning. She noticed Rhaine waving so she rode to her. "Are we ready to leave?" She asked as she approached Doomguide. Something was different about her but at first she couldn't tell what it was. After taking a closer look she noticed the beautiful scarf on her neck. "Very nice scarf. It suits you." She said and smiled slightly but because she was with her hood on no one could really see it.
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Rhaine smiled, "Thank you, Nawen. I see you've a new bow as well. Excellent craftsmanship - from Mokuba, yes?"


She looked around and saw Aricia in her gleaming white outfit, leading the equally shining Epoch from the stables. Xallistine also approached with Fatty, looking at Ysmillr with quite a bit of interest, but saying nothing.


The Doomguide nodded, "Almost. Where is Ianthe?"

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Almost as if on cue, Ianthe walked out of the inn... on her hands. A crowd of clapping people followed behind her, cheering as she walked down the stairs without missing a beat. Swinging her legs forward, she landed in a backbend, then vaulted herself into a standing position, showing an impressive bout of flexibility and balance. She held her arms above her head and grinned as the crowd cheered even more loudly.


Coming out from behind the inn, bustling on short legs, was William, leading Brook and carrying a small enchanted bag which contained Ianthe's more bulky bags inside it.


Ianthe thanked the wizard and then mounted her horse. Trotting over to Rhaine, she leaned in and whispered, "Hey, Rhaine, I heard about the circus... Do you think I'm good enough to be an acrobat?"

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Rhaine laughed, shaking her head, "My dear, to some we are the circus. And from what I can see, you are already an acrobat."


With that, she swung Ghost towards the gates, "All right everyone. Let's head out!"

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Caladus ran to his horse, stashing his new mask gently in his bag. If they were going to a ball, he would get Rhaine something nice to wear. She seemed to not care much for pretty things, but he would find something perfect for her. He wondered if she had a mask too. He would ask her when he caught up. He was surprised when he saw the stable hands had already saddled his horse.


"Don't want the rest of the circus to leave you behind. I bet you are a fire-eater, ain't you mister drow? Oh don't worry. I love a circus me, so I won't harm you. Tell me, that acrobat... single?" The stable hand leered in her direction and continued "A girl that flexible..."


That was as far as he got before Caladus punched the man in the face. He spins, and falls face first into... well a pile of something soft. Caladus mounts, and rides to catch up with Rhaine. "Tell me my friend, Do you have a mask?"


Saerileth calmly went and retrieved her horse, and watched Caladus punch the man. "A truly crappy end for a truly crappy man." She smiles, and rides off to stay close to the rest of the group.


Shaori soars in the clouds, her father close by.

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Rhaine glanced to Caladus, "I do, actually."


She dropped Ghost's reins, the horse still walking obediently as she took her pack and found her bag of holding again. After a few minutes of rummaging around, she found it.


"Aha! There you are!" she said finally, holding the mask out to Caladus for inspection, "You may take interest in it. It is of drow make - a Greater Mask of Persuasion, usually used by followers of Vhaeraun. I received it as a gift while I was in Rashemen."


The mask was made of black leather, backed with silver, the nose decorated with silver wire to make the suggestion of a raven's face. It was embellished with several onyx gemstones around the eyes and temples, topped with a substantial plume of black feathers that arched backwards over the head. They bore a greenish iridescence uncannily similar to Rhaine's wings.



Aricia and Xallistine had both mounted up and were following closely. It wasn't long before the group caught up to Sefris, who was waiting for them outside of the town.

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Caladus shivered slightly as he saw the mask. He saw one like it once. He hands it back rather quickly to Rhaine. "Though it... makes me uncomfortable seeing one of Those again I rather think it suits you." Caladus smiles, and turns his eyes ahead again, already planning what to get her to go with it.


Saerileth just decides to let the group lead. She settles in for a long ride.


Shaori and her father head to a nearby Avariel outpost for her father to rest.

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Sefris lowered her eyes from the sky to the approaching group as soon as she heard them, walking over to her horse and mounting him. "Took you long enough." she said as the group, or the 'circus' as she likes to call them, rode over to her. "I was beginning to think I'd have to catch a ride with that witch back in the village." she said jokingly, glancing over at her white tips. She still hated them, but they aren't supposed to be pretty, they were a reminder. And they did such a marvelous job as such.

"We shouldn't be far from the checkpoint now, correct?" she glanced over at Rhaine, her voice as flat and distant as always, she herself holding her head high and back straight so she would appear taller than she really is.

Edited by Alaylyne
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