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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine looked down at the woman, and said in a slightly dark tone "Willingly? Well, not from where your mind is right now... but in a few moments, you will certainly be obliged to let us in." He said, as he increased the intensity of his Psionic abilities, using only a fragment of what he was capable of.
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Sefris rolled her eyes, getting off the horse and walking over to the guard.


“I told you that wouldn’t work. and knock it off, squid head.” She said to the Doomguide and Xallistine before facing the guard.


The female knight looked at the approaching elf, her face strict and her opinion unchangeable. “Yur group is too dangerous to let in.”


The fey’ri scoffed, now standing right in front of guard.


“Right.” She stated bitterly, placing her hand on her right hip. Unnoticeably, her nails turned into long, black claws as her narrowed pupils stared at the woman who was looking right back at the elf, somewhat distracted by her eye colour and shape. It was almost as her irises were made of blood, the colour was that similar.


“My old master used to go through this checkpoint about 100 years ago. You wouldn’t know him.” She scrapped her right check with her sharp claws, but there was no trace left. The woman followed her movements, her body slightly tensing at the black claws. Elves weren’t supposed to have those...


“And since he’s dead, I am carrying out his job, which includes visiting your country because of various meetings held in it.”


“I fail to see where this is goi-” the woman tried, but Sefris caught her face with her left hand, bringing her closer so she could take a closer look at her blood-coloured eyes.


“Do not interrupt me while I’m speaking.” She hissed threateningly, making hairs on the woman’s body stand up with her tone.


“I am saying that I have an important meeting to get to and you are in my way.” Her white teeth flashed as she spoke, words rolling off like poison of her lips.


“See the people behind me? They are my bodyguards and if I tell them to, they will do such things to you that you will beg me to kill you. ” the guard seemed to be distracted by Sefris’ threats, her eyes wide open while they stared at Sefris’. It seemed she was debating between ordering the rest of the guards to attack and listening to the strange elf.


“You will let us go, because they will do nothing while I’m with them. But if I am late for the meeting...” she smiled darkly, creating a dramatic atmosphere that made her seem more frightening than before. “I will come back to you, cut every part of your skin with my claws, rip out your organs, squish them in front of your eyes, I will burn you piece by piece with my breath, and when you hope you’re about to die, I will heal you over and over and over again, just to torture you once more in more ways than you can imagine. And then,” she twitched her head to Xallistine and Ysmillr.


“I’ll let the squid heads eat your brain after they’re done playing with you. And the Drows? Surely you’re heard of their famous torture methods. They will have their fun with you, too.”Her voice had become nothing but a sharp whisper promising to fulfil all the threats if she’s forced to.


“And know what’s the best part?” she chuckled, “Nobody will ever miss you. Because I have friends who will make you, your friends and your family disappear from the face of Faerun and no one will ever ask questions. So I suggest you let us through before I am forced to contact them. And they will not be happy that you were denying entrance to someone as important as I am, I assure you.”

The woman swallowed, nervous sweat on the back of her neck. ”L-let them through.” She said to the rest of the guards, taking a few steps away from the fey’ri. Sefris looked, moved and spoke like she was a part of the nobility, so the guard dared not to test her threats. Sefris mounted her stallion with a wide smirk, turning to Rhaine.


“That was fun. We ought to do it more often.” She said quietly, but she was clearly amused at the guard’s reaction, watching her nails turn back to normal.

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Caladus looked down at the woman. "I am Caladus Silvercloak, Former druidic protector of Trademeet in Amn, Arch Druid of the druidic grove near said town, and I have been hired by Baron De'Arnise to investigate the source of the Undead crisis sweeping the land. I suggest you let us through." He added his own little mental push to the psionic attack of Xallistine, his more subtle than the Ularithid's powerful hits.


Saerileth frowned at what Xallistine was doing. She should intervene, every instinct was telling her to smite the Ularithid with all the wrath of Tyr for using such attacks on someone who was simply doing their job. Yet, she did not move to help the innocent people for fear of retribution.

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The guards at the top of the gate seemed a bit hesitant. The female knight, her head feeling like it was about to explode, barked, "You heard me! Let them through!"


In a few seconds, the portcullis ahead of them was slowly grinding open. Rhaine sighed with relief. She couldn't say she exactly approved of either Sefris's or Xallistine's methods, but she had to admit they were effective.


The Doomguide kicked Ghost into a trot, passing though the gate and leading the group into the Land of the Purple Dragon.

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Nawen did not approve of neither of their methods but at least they were allowed to enter Cormyr.


Aedan heard rumors from one of many idiots in the town that the famous group of adventurers have finally approached the borders of Cormyr. With the rest of curious folk, he left the tavern and patiently waited in the streets for these people to finally show up. If they won't be worth his time, the Fallen will simply leave if not he might use his charms to get in the group. What could be better than danger and endless adventures?

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Sefris' faint smirk was still present as they rode inside, looking at the people they passed down her nose. Idiots. What a little scaring can do to a man or a woman. She scoffed with amusement. Too bad everybody was such stuck-up pricks to enjoy the moment with her. Well, hopefully she won't be the only one that doesn't support the let-us-help-EVERYBODY theory.
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He had been waiting for Xallistine to take control of the guards, perhaps he could've even taken one for himself... Sadly they were now moving out with neither of them, so Ysmillr once again simply vanished, sliding back into the shadows.
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The sun was beginning to set when the group finally began to descend out of the Storm Horns. Ahead of them lay the sprawling expanse of Cormyr, bordered on its northern and western flanks by the mountains through which they had just passed. To the south - their right - the King's Forest stretched unbroken for miles, ripe with game. Before them, the well-paved High Road stretched all the way to Arabel.


Just when the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle in the purple sky, the companions reached the very small settlement of Tyrluk. It was really no more than a traveler's stop, with just an inn and a smithy. Rhaine halted Ghost before the inn, The Old Man's Face, and looked around. Both establishments seemed poor and unkempt, and the surrounding area was full of falling-down buildings. It was as if the place had been raided, and all that remained were the two businesses.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus looked around warily. "Something doesn't feel right. Where is everyone? What happened here?" He dismounts his horse, and begins searching the small village.


Shaori flies down when she sees the group stop. She lands, flapping her wings to maintain her balance, and steady herself. "Not exactly the nicest place we've stayed in, is it?"


Saerileth rides up, rather quiet. She could feel Tyr's displeasure about her earlier actions, or lack thereof.

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Sefris noticed the lack of anything living and reached out for her spear, her teeth and claws growing in case of a fight. It's been a while since she had torn a man's throat out. It should be fun to rectify that. For now, she left her wings where they are - meaning hidden beneath her skin, or it would seem so once they start to grow out of her skin. It was all an illusion, but the fey'ri loved expressions on people's face once her wings start to grow, appearing to burst out of her skin. Oh, first there was the shock, realization, disgust and then sweet, sweet fear. It's what made it all fun. Fear. That expression of your opponent when he's about to die and he knows it. Priceless.


"Ghost town? Where is everybody?" she came closer to Rhaine on her black stallion, holding her spear - or frost harpoon, for it was its true name - in her right hand.

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