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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris raised an eyebrow at Saerileth, wondering what the hell is a Fallen. It did sound a bit familiar, but the definition escaped her. She leans a bit towards Aedan on her stallion, clearly amused.


"A Fallen? And...just what have you fallen from?" she asks with a smirk. "Such a poorly chosen name. Allows people to make such terrible jokes that aren't even funny."


Considering the size and variety of their circus, Sefris had nothing against the newcomer, nor him joining them if that was his wish. She would have someone to torture the others with! That sounded awesome.

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It hit her when Saerileth said it. He was a Fallen. It made sense, now - the almost inhumanly perfect features, the evil aura...


"Fallen from the heavens," Rhaine supplied, eyebrow raised.

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Aedan laughed and turned to Saerileth. "Smite me? You?" He continued laughing. That girl was hilarious. "How old are you anyway? Twelve?"


He stopped laughing as soon as he heard Rhaine's words. They just kept ruining his fun. "Yes. Your leader is correct. I am the Fallen. Banished from the heavens." He said. It sounded like he was... proud of the fact.


Nawen's eyes widened when she heard who or rather what Aedan truly is. He was cast out of heavens? That sounded horrible. She started to feel a bit sorry for this man but judging by his own words. The Fallen wasn't sorry at all.

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Sefris smirked, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Actually, I think it's ten. No other reason why her mother would be with her." she replied to Aedan and shrugged, leaning her head on the palm of her hand that was leaning against the stallion's back.


"A fallen, so what? Big deal." she rolled her eyes at Rhaine, completely relaxed and visibly amused. "Can I keep him? He makes me laugh."

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Rhaine narrowed her eyes at Aedan, "You want adventure? We've adventure aplenty. What I want to know is for what purpose? You say you have heard of us? Then what do you know of our quest? Prove to me that you are here for more than just causing strife, fallen angel."
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Aedan smirked and then laughed when he heard Sefris's, the only one who introduced herself to him, words. "Ha! You won't land me that easily, woman! I know I'm quite the prize, after all." He then turned to Rhaine. To get into this group proved much more difficult than he thought. "I've heard that you have destroyed a branch of the Cult of the Dragon in the Underdark. You've also saved the miners in Skull Crag. Seeing how you are traveling with the Cormyrean army your search for the cult, if the victory in Underdark was intentional led you to Cormyr and probably even further to eastern Faerun." The Fallen glanced at each and every member of the group. "Why I'd like to join? For adventure and danger of course." He patted the head of his horse, the animal was getting restless again. "I am an excellent fighter. My skills could prove useful in your quest." He added.


Nawen watched and listened to everything that happened. She wondered what's the point of this line of questioning. Sefris was allowed to join without this many questions.

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Aricia sighed, rolling her eyes and ignoring what Sefris said about her daughter. The demoness didn't intimidate Aricia in the slightest, and her evil was only a minor annoyance... Aricia had the rest of eternity to live out, and she could pick a better time to start an argument over why she was with the group. "Another to join our famed group... please can we save the introductions for later? We need to get moving if we are to arrive at the ball on-time."
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Rhaine sighed, "Very well. You are welcome at our side, Aedan. As for continuing on...this inn is obviously not large enough for our group to stay. You have come from the east - have you seen a larger establishment down the road?"
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Sefris smirked to Aedan. Oh, they will get along just fine.


"Come on, Rhaine. You allowed two squid heads and even me to join you," she started, avoiding to mention her true nature because the Doomguide already knew it, "but the handsome one there has to answer questions? What is this, an interview? Or did you only recently become this wary when it comes to outsiders. I think I remember you or that Drow druid pet of yours or whoever saying that you should judge people by their actions, not race?"

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Saerileth bristled slightly. "I am two days away from being sixteen! I mph!"


Shaori presses her hand over the girl's mouth, cutting off whatever the girl was going to say. "Not a smart idea. You don't know his power levels. You may be Chosen of Tyr, but still." She releases her hand.


Saerileth glares at Shaori, and finishes her sentence. "I am Saerileth, Chosen of Tyr. If thou art cast from the heavens, it would be a sin just to consort with thee, rather than smite thee."


Caladus moves slightly away from the Fallen. He had no idea what a fallen was capable of.

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