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Why not? Do you think I will spout your business to everyone? I hardly 'speak' to anyone. There are many reasons to speak to me, power and mutual benefit being two reasons.


He looked straight at the fallen with his pale white eyes, incapable of visually expressing any sort of emotion to him.

Edited by nethgros
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Sefris rolled her eyes. Greaaaat, just what she needs. Another mongrel in her head. Like that trice-damned drow wasn't enough...


It's half-demoness, squid head. She added a bit sharply, glaring at Ysmillr.


And I think I'll have all the fried squids I want, you can't tell me what to eat. I am sure our dear Doomguide has nothing against it, since it is considered human food. You appetite, on the other hand, she will not approve of. a faint smirk played on her lips, her dislike of the newcomer growing with every moment. He can threaten her as much as he wants, she isn't afraid of some fish, no matter his abilities. Which he isn't allowed to use on them, she was sure.


Threaten, threaten away. You aren't the only one with special abilities around here. she said dismissively, not looking at Ysmillr as she took another sip of her drink. Stupid sea food.

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Power and mutual benefit? Aedan asked. Benefit sounded just fine to him. The power part... he wasn't after power. Not yet, at least. He was immortal thus he had all time in the world for something like search for power.


What kind of benefit are you expecting to gain from us? We joined simply for adventure and danger. Besides, I doubt you could offer us the kind of power we might want. Not when you're traveling with this group. The Fallen said looking directly at Ysmillr. He knew that a lot of so called brave adventurers feared to look directly at the Illithids but he saw nothing frightening when he looked at Ysmillr.

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Knowledge is power, and I can offer that plenty. I see many things, and learn many things. Some things I learn just from watching, which I am very good at. But I have a very distinct, even among my kind, the ability to extract knowledge from a brain. This has given me a vast base of knowledge on all topics. All I ask is that you throw a little something my way, and I may just return the favor.


He turned to look at the half-demoness, making sure he got his point across. And Sefris, I do not seek a petty squabble here--just an ally among the righteous.

Edited by nethgros
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Who's squabbling? she asked, looking at the Illithid again.


That would require me to actually care. The fey'ri shrugged, putting her glass on the table and leaning back in her chair, thinking about the newcomer's suggestion.


And just what does that 'little something' include? Gold? Snacks? Magic items? she smirked darkly at him, but it seemed more threatening despite its original purpose. I'm afraid I do not part easily from beautiful things, especially jewels.


When dealing with anyone, she prefers not to leave unknown terms in an agreement, no matter how obvious they might seem. It will just come back and bite you in your ass. When both sides make clear what is it that they want, only then she will consider making a deal. Rushing into things will just get you burned - better to think it through, consider all pros and cons and then - and only then - make a decision.

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A little something your way? Like what? Our brain? Or have you already chosen one of our companions as your dinner? The Fallen asked half-jokingly. He wondered what made the tentacled fellow think that they want knowledge. Sefris maybe wanted it as she obviously wants power but he? Aedan wasn't even sure what he wanted. Most of the time it was only satisfying his own needs which he did without anyone's help. But if he is destined for something big... he will find this out on his own.
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Xallistine became a little more than irritated with all of the mental talk around him... this other Illithid was a hoarder of knowledge it seemed... but he must have had some other motive for following them all around. Xallistine arose from his chair, looking at the lesser Illithid, and then he retired to a room, taking the one next to Rhaines.
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Rhaine continued to lie there, thinking. Her thoughts trailed to their newest companions - Sefris, Ysmillr, and now Aedan. They all seemed...less than moral, possibly only taking advantage of the group to further their own bids for power, a fact that could put them all at great risk. This was, perhaps, most evident in Sefris, whom Rhaine was certain would turn on them if it meant a greater advantage for herself. Ysmillr, though an outcast like Xallistine, did not seem to posses the same restraint as the Ulitharid. He spoke of lending aid...but what did he want from them in return? And finally, there was the Fallen - Aedan. She was suspicious of him, simply by virtue of the fact that he was cast from the heavens; on top of that, he seemed to have no qualms about it, adding to her worry that he would do more harm than good for them.


The Doomguide let out a hissing sigh, flipping over on her side. She could cast no judgment because she had no proof. Plain and simple. She could not deny them the opportunity to travel with them on suspicion alone, and she needed all the help she could get if she was to combat the expansion of the Cult of the Dragon.

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Nawen was feeling very tired so she decided to go and hopefully get some sleep. She arose from her seat and turned to Caladus and Tyra. "I apologize but I am really tired and would like to get some rest before we leave." She said and picked up her pack. "It was very nice to meet you." She said to Tyra and went to look for an available room. As soon as she found one, the ranger locked the door behind herself and went straight to bed.


Aedan heard what Nawen said and rolled his eyes. Everyone besides her companions thinks that she's evil just because she is a Drow when why is she bothering with being polite and friendly? No expects her to act like that anyway. "I'll never understand these people..." He mumbled under his breath and turned his attention back to Sefris and Ysmillr. As a Fallen he had no need for sleep so he could sit here all night long but the Illithid was starting to bother him. Why is he looking for allies among them? What is he planning?

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As soon as Nawen bid him goodnight, he realized that he was incredibly tired. He rose from his table, and went upstairs to find a room separate from the one Shaori and Tyra were in. He found a room, and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Saerileth had disentangled herself from her mother and went to bed long ago.


Shaori stayed asleep until morning.


Tyra, wanting to be close to her sister to make sure she would be alright in the morning, decided to spend the night curled up beside her on the bed. She slept there until Shaori stirred in the morning.

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