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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine did not recall when she fell asleep. All she knew was that the golden light of dawn was streaming through her window when next she opened her eyes. She slowly stretched and yawned. No dreams was better than bad dreams.


The Doomguide took her time getting ready - having a wash, reviewing the map, and eating a light breakfast. She took satisfaction in knowing that they were so near their destination. Their next stop would be in Eveningstar, and afterwards, they would reach Arabel. Just two more days of travel...


She headed to the stables and readied Ghost for the day's journey. The dappled stallion greeted her with a neigh when she entered, and it brought a smile to her lips.


Today was going to be a good day.

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Ianthe's eyes shot open as a loud noise rang out through the air. She poked her head out of the stall next to Ghost and said, "Oh, Rhaine. You're up!"


A fly landed on Arva's face with a dull buzz. He swatted at it and groaned in his sleep. Sunlight filtered through his tent, and he slowly awoke as the fly landed on his face once again. He sat bolt upright and growled in annoyance at the insect. "You stupid thing! Get out of here!" He swatted at it again, chasing it out of his tent. It landed on an old tree trunk, and he smacked it with his hand, killing it. He smiled in self-satisfaction, then the feeling faded when he realized he was outside in his underpants.


Quark's recurring nightmare of being a duck had returned, so he sat in his tent awake, reading a book.

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Aricia had stayed awake, and outside all night. She had explored the surrounding area, and returned from down the path to see Rhaine getting ghost from the stables.


Xallistine had stayed up for most of the night perfecting everything about his designs, he gathered his things and walked outside the inn, looking around, and stretching , cracking his joints back into place.

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Saerileth woke up earlier than normal, made her bed and armed herself. She decided to take a walk, and while walking she watches as Arva runs out of his tent in his underpants and smacks a tree. She sticks two fingers in her mouth and wolf whistles at him. "Nice underpants! Mayhaps thou shouldst dress before anyone gets any ideas, hmm?" She smiles.


Caladus woke up, armed himself and went to eat breakfast.


Shaori stretches and yawns, discovering Tyra had camped out on her bed. She wondered why, she couldn't remember anything from the night before. How drunk did I get? She wonders, and jabs her sister once or twice in the side to wake her.


Tyra wakes up giggling as her sister prodded her in the side. "Hey, stop it you!" She laughs, forgets how narrow the bed was and falls onto the floor. "Dammit!" She just laughs, and gets up. "Good to see you in a better mood."

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Aedan got tired of sitting in silence and waiting for an answer to his questions and went to look for a room where he could spend some time, meditating. All the rooms were unfortunately taken and most of them were even locked too but after a bit of lockpicking he unlocked one door in which the female Drow was sleeping.


He entered the room and looked around. Because this tavern was one of the decent one every room had a fireplace in it. This one luckily was lit. The Fallen took the key from the table and locked the door again. He found a fur rug beside the bed. Not even bothering to be quiet he dragged the rug across the room near the fireplace. He then settled on it and closed his eyes. Aedan did not need sleep like most of his companions but he liked meditating which in a way was also like resting.


Nawen woke up as she heard someone moving in her room. With her eyes still closed she slid one hand under the pillow, she always kept a knife or a dagger there. She was about to slowly get up from the bed when whoever was inside roughly shook her awake. The ranger's eyes shot open as she was Aedan standing beside her bed. "By the Nine Hells!" Nawen shouted and fell from the bed. The Fallen only rolled his eyes and walked up to the table and started rummaging through his pack looking for a clean shirt.


The ranger got up from the floor and sat on the bed. She fell asleep with her clothes on thus there was no need for her to cover herself. "What are you doing in my room!?" She snarled while glaring at Aedan. "I needed a room." He replied. "The door was locked!" Nawen exclaimed. "Should've kept the key in the keyhole then." The Fallen said and pulled a white linen shirt. The ranger simply glared at him. That's when she noticed that he had wings on his back. They were not as big as the ones Rhaine or Shaori had but still...


"How does it feel to have wings?" Nawen asked as she eyed the grey feathers. "Two of your friends and that army of Avariel that's following you around has wings and you're asking me?" Aedan asked as he glanced at the drow. She was really strange. The Fallen released an annoyed sigh and looked down at the shirt in his hands. "I had them all my life. They don't feel strange." He replied and put the shirt on.


Aedan took his pack and slowly walked towards the door. "It's not like I had a good night's rest anyway. You were snoring so loud I thought that you're a drunk dwarf in disguise." He said to the ranger and stepped into the hall. "Sno... snoring!? I do not snore!" Nawen shouted, her face began to turn red from anger. She quickly picked her stuff up and made her way to the common room where she ate her breakfast quickly and went outside.


The Fallen was already standing outside, with his back leaning against the tree. His nameless horse munching the grass beside him.


"I'll show him snoring... stupid newcomer." Nawen mumbled under her breath as she went to the stables to get her own horse. "Good morning." She said as she spotted Aricia, Ianthe and Rhaine. She decided not to tell anyone about what Aedan did. It's not like he harmed her or anything. She had decided to get even and pull a prank on him.

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Rhaine's grin widened as Ianthe rose from the stall next to Ghost. The horse whinnied in amusement.


Yes, today is going to be a good day, indeed.


"Sleep well?" she asked the nymph with a chuckle as she began to tack the dappled stallion.


She inclined her head to Aricia when she saw the eladrin approach, "I didn't see you come in last night. Are you all right, Aricia?"


The Doomguide tightened the girth of her saddle, looking up upon glimpsing Nawen, "Ah, good morning to you as well. You look a little troubled, Nawen. Is there something bothering you?"

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Ysmillr did not answer their questions on what he wanted, or why. He was never really one for handing out free information. He simply broke the telepathic tether that bound them, and waited for them to leave. He then sat in that chair until morning, waiting until everyone was ready to leave.
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Aricia looked up at Rhaine as she addressed her, her brown eyes moving to connect with Rhaine's emerald iris's. "I am... alright. Just the past, it has a way of stabbing my heart when i need to be strong... i apologize if my performance as a member of this group has been poor... i have not fully used my powers to aid us, and as a Noble Eladrin, should." She paused, wondering why on earth she was making excuses, and apologizing for being upset... still, for her it was better not to share her burdens with anyone "But i promise, i shall keep what bothers me to myself, and after exploring the area last night, it has cleared my head a little." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Sefris had left the table as soon as Ysmillr refused to reply, clearly sending the agreement to the Nine Hells she crawled from. Her mother, that is. Nevermind. She wasn't going to make a deal without knowing what is it that the Illithid wants, that much was clear. She's had enough of those.


She took a seat at a table on the other side of the inn and pulled out the same papers and maps as in the previous inn, continuing her tracking, reading everything for the thousandth time, careful not to miss something. There must be something, anything, that she hadn't noticed. Something that would hint at where the trail goes after Waterdeep.


The fey'ri spent the next few hours with her maps and papers, her thoughts wandering all over Faerun, every possible region and country, but finding nothing. Somewhere after the midnight she raised her eyes, remembering something. Rising of the Dark was close. Shar's holy day, or Feast of the Moon, as other know it as. She sighed, going back to her papers. Too bad she was going to miss the blood sacrifice. That was always fun to watch. But the Church of Shar was secluded, divided into small groups and she didn't think she would meet others.


Around an hour later, she fell asleep, waking at the dawn. She carefully checked if all her papers were here and put them back in the bag before having a light breakfast and going to the stables where the others were waiting. Without greeting anyone, she saddled her black stallion and decided to go for a slow ride outside of the settlement as she waited the others to gather, lost in her thoughts.

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Nawen looked up at Rhaine. "No. Everything is alright." She said and glanced at Aricia. She heard what the woman was saying and wondered what happened to her. She was even more secluded than the ranger.


Aedan was tired of waiting. He led his horse to the others. "Are we done here?" He asked, slightly annoyed. Most of his life, or at least the years he remembered the Fallen traveled alone thus he never had to wait for others.

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