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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine's brow furrowed at Aricia's response, "Very well, I shall not inquire further."


Checking Ghost's bridle, she began to lead him out of the stable, meeting Aedan's lifeless eyes, "Well then. If you are so eager to leave, why don't you make yourself useful and round up everyone else, hmm?"

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Caladus comes out of the inn, armed, armored, hood up and pack slung across his back. He goes to retrieve Dark Thunder from the stables. "Good morning." He says to the companions currently in the stables, as he saddles up Dark Thunder.


Saerileth continues walking and goes to the stables, finding several of her friends already there, as well as her mother. She retrieves Binky, and waits for when they would leave, still feeling kinda sleepy.


Shaori gathers her things and goes to eat before flying.


Tyra leaves her sister to eat, and tracks Rhaine down to the stables. Jumping to a nearby stool to stand closer to the woman, she gets as close to the woman's ear as possible and says quietly "I used a spell to make her sleep, she doesn't seem to remember. Don't remind her, and she should be fine. You know what I mean." She nods at everyone, and says "All right, for those who do not know me, I am Tyra Ironwing. Shaori has two sisters, I am the youngest of those two. I will escort you for a while, then my older sister will meet you. I will let her introduce herself. Any questions?" The expression on her face was back to it's usual fierce confidence.

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Sefris eventually returns to the stable after a ride just as Tyra came, lookng at the Avariel with a neutral face. Another bird? Great. Just...great. Why doesn't the birdy invites the whole family to join them? That would be marvelous. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she steadies her stallion, waiting for the others to exit the stable and continue with their journey.


"Are we finally continuing the journey or do we need to wait for some more family members?" she asks sharply, looking at everyone.

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"If that's everyone, let's get going," Rhaine said finally, "Our next stop is at Eveningstar."


With that, the Doomguide kicked her heels into Ghost's flanks and continued down the road, galloping eastward towards Eveningstar and Arabel. Hopefully, there would be little to stop them along the way. Rhaine was eager to reach their final destination, hoping to reach the city a little ahead of time.

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Aedan frowned as he heard Rhaine's words. No one will tell him what to do. He was about to reply to her words when hopefully everyone who were too slow to join them showed up. The Fallen frowned even more when he heard the Avariel. "Great! More Avariels. Why don't invite every single one of your kind while you're at it." He said, clearly annoyed by these flying elves just flying over here because their relative or whatever is traveling with them.


Nawen mounted her horse and looked around to see if anyone's missing. Unlike always annoyed Aedan she didn't mind at all to meet more of Shaori's family. They did not talk much, but the ranger liked Shaori and was happy to see that her family cares about her so much that they visit her.

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Ianthe raised her hand, "Erm... Yes, I have a question. Do we even have enough rations to support this many people?"




Feeling very tired, Reona emerged from her tent, fully dressed. She waved to Quark, who was ordering the soldiers to start packing up everything. They were getting very close to home, and Reona's plan so far was just to pretend she was thoroughly pleased with her marriage, then point out Ianthe and ask her father what he thought of having a nearly identical face to this stranger who was only slightly older than herself. Unless her mother noticed Ianthe before all of this could take place, it was a good plan. The only drawback would be if it was insisted that Ianthe marry Arva... If Ianthe could just marry Alphonse the stable boy before all this... Her mind continued to race.


Now fully armored, Arva stepped over to his betrothed and placed a gloved hand on her head, smiling even though she couldn't see it through his helm. He ruffled her short hair and said, "How did you sleep?"


She swiped his palm off of her head and muttered, "Barely."


"Something wrong?"


"You know exactly what's wrong!" Reona retorted bitingly. "I spend all this time plotting ways to get around this marriage and... And we're here. So close to home and that ball and mother and father."


"It won't be so bad, Reona," Arva reassured, stroking her hair lightly. He was glad for his helm, because he teared up slightly at her tone.


"But we'll be doing this by force, Arva! I don't want to be forced to marry you, I want to have time to make sure you're the right person for me!"


That ignited a spark of irritation in him. "I don't know why it's so bad for you to be married to me after we've known each other for our entire lives. Am I not worthy of you or something?" The irritation grew as he started to release his pent-up thoughts on the matter. "I've heard all the things those other nobles say about me. 'He's still so young and can't even stop thinking about girls long enough to get anything done!' , 'Sure he's nice looking, but have you seen him with sunburn?' , 'He can't even properly go outside!' ... But you know what my favorite is? 'Why is he going to marry her, anyway? She's so dark and sad all the time, and he's such a bright person! She'll only make him miserable.'"


Reona teared up and looked at him with an expression of horror. She opened her mouth to speak and he placed a finger over her lips.


"No," He said, "Let me finish for once, Reona. Let me show you exactly what I say to those people. I always say, 'I want her because I bring out the brightness in her. And that brightness, though buried deep, is so intense that one can't help but be drawn to it. And I don't want anyone else to have that for themselves.'" Of course, the general public didn't know about their being promised to one another, but Arva wasn't ever covering for it when he told people that.


She looked at him a little differently, but tears still rolled down her face. She sniffled, not saying anything, and dabbed at her face with a sleeve. After a few moments, she muttered, "I want to be in charge of my own fate. That's all. I want them to be in the palm of my hand for once."


Arva shook his head and walked off to the stables to retrieve his horribly behaved horse. He was grateful for his helm so that no one could see his facial expressions. He walked with a bit of a slouch, though, and ducked through the eave of his horse's stall as he approached the horse and stroked its muzzle.

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Tyra had to restrain herself. Those two and their attitude! If it weren't for Rhaine, I'd cut their bloody tongues out! She thought to herself. She takes a short running start and jumps into the air, ready for the long flight to the next stop.


Shaori joins her sister in the clouds, chatting animatedly about Caladus, and the other group members.


Saerileth silently mounts her horse and rides alongside Caladus.


Caladus rides behind Rhaine, eager to get this trip over with so he could pick her up that dress. He would surprise her with it in Arabel. The only thing was, if he was going to get her measurements, he would need to "borrow" some of her clothes. Hmm.. This could prove.. interesting.

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It was the largest settlement they had encountered in Cormyr to date. With a population of over 30,000, the city was a fair bustle of activity...and with the Feast of the Moon in seven days, it was even more so. The sound of the horses' hooves clacking on the cobbles wasn't even audible over the echoing din of people chattering and merchants hawking their wares. Many faces, though, appeared foreign, making her wonder just how many non-Comyrean nobles had been invited to this wedding and masquerade.


The journey to Arabel had been fairly quick. There were no incidents along the way, although twice the Doomguide thought she had spotted orcs moving in the forest along the southern edge of the road. The first few hours out of Eveningstar had been punctuated by an abrupt and heavy rainstorm, but that had now passed, and the sun had long since come out and dried their clothes.


Rhaine found the city's stable near the western gate, and guided Ghost into it, eager to look around and familiarize herself with the city.

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Throughout the entire journey Aedan's mood was worse than his usual 'most of the people I travel with are annoying' state. Mostly it was because of the rain. His clothing as well as his pack and most likely everything he kept inside were also soaking wet but once they arrived to Arabel his belongings have thankfully dried.


The Fallen followed Rhaine's example and led his horse to the stables. He was eager to find a tavern and just like the last time annoy the locals in some way.


Nawen was the last one to reach the town. Or at least that's what she thought. She looked around for a moment before leading the horse to the stables. She saw how crowded the town was. How many people walked in the streets and it made her uncomfortable. The ranger naturally preferred the wilds over the bustling busy streets.


As she walked out from the stables she overheard two townswomen talking about the upcoming ball. "That's fantastic!" She thought to herself and a frown came upon her face. She forgot about the ball. The thought of her awkwardly attempting to socialize with snobby nobles terrified her. The ranger hoped that she'll find a dark corner where she could hide in for an entire evening. "What now?" She asked.


Illius was sitting at his table in the local tavern with a tankard of mead in his hands. Only two days have passed from his arrival at Arabel but he was eager to see Nawen and her friends again. He knew that they will go to Cormyr but he was unsure exactly where and the invitation to the ball reached him when he was in The Silver Marches visiting an old friend of his. The invitation surprised him because he was disowned by his family for choosing the path of the sorcery instead of carrying on a family tradition but his family also made sure that no one knew about such an incident. And Illius himself only told this to Nawen and only because the two were very close.


The sorcerer took a sip of his drink and placed the tankard on the table. He was regretting that he arrived so early.

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Xallistine was rather quite for the journey, he continued to study the eye as he went, and gathered some ingredients as they passed a few plants, mostly he gathered lavender. And as the rain came he was not at all bothered, his robes were meant to get drenched, as was his skin, so the water simply slid off. Once they reached the stables, he handed Fatty over to the stable hand, and looked around.


Aricia was completely silent for the entire Journey. She kept herself to herself for the journey, and as the rain came, she was kept completely dry by her powers, creating a soft air pocked around her, and the rain simply fell around it. She tethered Epoch, and looked around the city... it was large, and full of nobles.

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