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Tales of Faerun


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"That I did, indeed. But I do not expect you to start undressing in the middle of a street." she said with a smile, adjusting the spear on her back.


"Besides, I need to leave this somewhere," Sefris pointed to her weapon, "I can't go around trying on dresses with this." she grinned, making a grimace. Bleh. Trying on dresses. What a waste of time, she could be impaling someone on her spear instead of getting ready for the party. Not to mention the mask. Oh, but she was sure to at least scare a few people with her realistic costume. That, she was looking forward to.


"Yay, the ball..." the fey'ri added with obvious sarcasm while looking around for an inn. Damn, this city was huge.

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Caladus had left his bag right beside hers, while he ran off to find rooms for them all. A wicked smile crossed her face as she realized he didn't have an outfit either...


Two can play this game, she thought as she swiped one of his own spare sets of clothing and stuffed them into her pack before he returned.


The Doomguide was just finishing up with Ghost and closing his stall door when Caladus entered once more, saying he had rooms for them, but they would have to share. She shrugged, "I've had to share inn rooms before. I don't mind it."


As she slung her pack over her shoulder, now with the druid's raiment and her own new clothes within, Rhaine recalled what Caladus had said about Saerileth's birthday. As she made her way back outside, she noticed that evening was approaching fast. She needed to find a gift...


Rhaine then glimpsed Nawen nearby, who mentioned going to sell some things - and the fact that she was very hungry. The Doomguide grinned, "I have a thing or two I need to take care of myself, friend. I'll go with you."

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Caladus retrieved his bag, noticing it seemed lighter. He put it down to no longer carrying that gown and shrugged it off.


"Remember everyone! The Pride of Arabel! Just tell the large man in the waistcoat you are with me. Also, if you need clothes hemmed or anything, go to Etienne's Finery. We saved his brother and cousin in Skull Crag, and he offers a discount. Oh, and meals have already been paid for, as have rooms for the next ten days, I wanted to make sure we wouldn't have to worry. Behave yourselves!" He gives everyone a mock-stern look.


Saerileth blushed at Caladus mentioning her birthday. She had forgotten that simple fact as well. Sixteen! She thought to herself. She could hardly believe it. Were she at home, she would return to her family's home, where her father would throw a feast, with all her favorite dishes. She thought of him for a moment, he was tall, with broad shoulders, a thinning azure hair, and pointed ears. His time with her mother had it's affects on him. She sees Nawen looking rather scared, and gives the woman a hug to comfort her. She smiles, and wanders off to find the inn. If she would have to share, perhaps she would share with her mother.


Shaori borrowed Cal's bag of gold, and she and her sister go off to get a gift for Saerileth. If rooms needed to be shared, she would share with her sister. She knew her sister's trust issues.

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"Why not?" Aedan laughed and made his way to the inn. "For me it's only a shirt." He added and entered the crowded building. He sneered at all the nobles in the tavern. This ball was pointless and all these idiots were spending coins on something they will wear only once. How... stupid.


As he walked past the counter he could feel power coming from someone close. Aedan stopped and looked around. Someone inside this inn is a mage but he wasn't sure who it was. None of the people he saw in the common room seemed the type. But maybe he missed someone... the Fallen shrugged it off and sat at one of the tables. As further as possible from the from prying eyes.


Nawen was happy to hear that she will not have to go alone. At first though she thought that a warm meal or at least deciding who's going to share the room if they'll have to before heading to look for the gifts to Saerileth. She also made her way to the tavern.


As the drow entered the tavern she looked around. One person immediately caught her attention. "Illius!" She suddenly shouted and ran towards the sorcerer. "It is so good to see you!" She added and embraced her friend fiercely. "It is good to see you too Nawen." He replied and hugged the ranger back. So he was right. That stranger really was from the group of adventurers Nawen traveled with.

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Sefris followed Aedan inside, looking around with boredom. Beside meeting the Fallen, nothing interesting happened since she had joined the group. It was slowly starting to irritate her, but she is patient. She will follow all this masquerade and the balls and the rest of the things, not saying a word if it gets her where she wants to be.


Letting the Fallen go sit at a table, they fey'ri made her way to the bartender, discussing rooms with him. After a chat with the man, she joined Aedan at his table, setting her spear beside her.


"Well, most of the rooms are taken." she said, rummaging through her bag in search of something, "but it seems the Drow has already reserved some rooms. Alas, some will be forced to share rooms, but we're waiting for the Doomguide and the rest of the circus to arrive." after a while she gives up, placing her bag on a chair beside her.

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Rhaine followed Nawen into the inn, where the drow suddenly ran into the arms of a familiar man - Illius, the sorcerer who had helped them back in the Sword Mountains. She grinned and nodded to him, "Illius."


The Doomguide looked around. The Pride of Arabel was quite lavish, more so than any other inn they had stayed at thus far. All of the furniture was made of richly stained and finely carved wood. The floors were polished marble, reflecting the warm light of golden chandeliers. It was not unlike her temple in Waterdeep.


She noticed Aedan was sticking close to Sefris, sitting with the fey'ri at a table in the far corner. Xallistine was observing the interior of the inn with bright eyes, looking almost at home amongst the lavish decor. Rhaine smiled again. Arabel was certainly a welcome change of pace.

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Aricia sighed, and made her way from the inn, to the Clothier, although she chose a different one from the shop Caladus had recommended, this one also fine and ridiculously expensive, but they were better at working with elven bodies and measurements. She walked inside, and was greeted warmly, she first had herself measured, and put in a custom order for a dress she had envisioned for herself, and then she described her Daughters measurements perfectly, and had a beautiful light blue gown made for her. With the White, and the Blue gowns in hand, she exchanged an exorbitant fee, and ran quickly back to the inn.


If Xallistine could smile, his face would have lit up in a large grin, this place would prove perfect to perform the ritual, and the marble floor was exactly the kind of surface he was used to, and needed to draw his arcane circle upon. While not as gothic as his home, this place was lavish enough to suit his needs for now.

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Caladus walked into the Pride of Arabel, and clapped Rhaine on the shoulder.


"Quite the place, hmm? I am sure you won't mind sharing a room with me? Shaori probably will share with her sister, and Saerileth will probably share with her mother. I promise not to nick your stuff if you don't." He smiles, and goes to make arrangements for a meal, paying extra money to make it something really amazing and expensive, since it was Saerileth's birthday. He remembered her mentioning wild bloodberries from Everspring, and wondered briefly if it would be possible to obtain some for her. Shaking his head, he returns to Rhaine.


"Meals for tonight, as well as the next ten days are paid for in full. Tonight I paid extra so we can have more expensive things, as it is Saerileth's birthday. Had to pay out of my own pocket, Tyra and Shaori borrowed my endless bag of gold.."


Saerileth smiled as she walked into the inn, and marvels at the elegant furniture made of rare woods and the like. She briefly remembers her father's house, with planar woods and other things made into his furniture. She accidentally bumps into Xallistine.


"Sorry, sir. I wasn't paying attention.."


Shaori and Tyra browse several shops, until Tyra lets out a slightly gleeful squeal. Moving to her sister's side, she finds Tyra staring at a stunning necklace with a large sapphire embedded in a gold backing on a fine gold chain. The shopkeeper, a matronly woman, bustles over at the sound of the squeal.


"Do you like it deary? That has an enchantment on it, you know! It brings good luck, and helps protect you from harm! It is a unique piece, crafted by my husband before he passed. I cannot let go of that piece for anything less than 500 gold pieces."


Shaori scooped out the 500 gold pieces, marveling at how the gold in the bag just reappeared, and handed it to the woman.


"Would you like that wrapped up or are you going to wear it now?" The woman says, grabbing a small fold of silk and some ribbons.


"Wrapped, please. It's for a girl we know who just turned sixteen. It will go beautifully with her eyes." Shaori says. glancing at the other pieces, spotting a silver scepter with a rose like end.


"What is that, and how much for it?" She says, pointing. The shopkeeper looks and shrugs.


"Just a scepter, got traded to me by a Sune worshiper, said it makes you more persuasive. 100 gold and it's yours." Shaori scoops out the required gold, thinking once they find something for Caladus to wear, he could have that as well, it would make him seem.. noble. One could never be too persuasive. She retrieves the parcels, and heads to the inn, gasping at how beautiful it is.

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On his rather in depth tour of the city, Ysmillr noticed two things: There was no way he was going to be able to stay here without incident, and also that there were many things to be learned here. He had spent hours looking around at buildings, people, and a few things people shouldn't be looking at--liking the overall feel of the city. But as he lurked around with his tentacles hidden, and his hood up, he felt a great lust pulling him to every person near him, and there were many.


He finally made his way to the inn everyone had been gathering at, and notice that most of the group was here. He took a seat next to Xallistine, whom he had not properly introduced himself to yet.


Good-day Ulitharid. I don't believe I had made my way to 'speak' with you yet. I am Ysmillr, if you had not already known that.

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"Lady Rhaine." Illius replied to the Doomguide's greeting. "And well met again." He added to the rest of the group. "Came for the masquerade ball?" He asked and looked again at Rhaine. Even if she is no longer a Knight-Captain of the Crossroads Keep, her good deeds and the support of Lord Nasher himself hadn't gone anywhere. So he assumed that she was invited and with her the rest of the group.


"What are you doing here? Were you following us?" Nawen asked. To her questions Illius only answered with a laugh. "I've been invited to the ball as well." He said and showed his own invitation. He also heard that the group are probably going to share the rooms. "I can share my room with someone as well." He said. "Then we will share the room." Nawen said and smiled. She knew that others didn't know Illius like she did and they all needed rooms.


The ranger glanced through the window and saw that it was getting dark. "I think we should go if we want to buy anything." Nawen said to Rhaine. They still needed to buy something to Saerileth for her birthday and she also wanted to sell herbs she gathered on their way here.


Aedan was eying everyone in the inn. "It seems that the circus have finally arrived." He said when he noticed some of their companions entered the buildings. He also noticed how the ranger, Nawen hugged someone. "Great another one." He thought to himself and glanced back at Sefris. "I don't like the idea of going to this ball as well but that doesn't mean we're not allowed to have our kind of fun." He smirked to Sefris already imagining how he's going to annoy every noble there.

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